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Everything posted by Xard

  1. It was you Accept! I know it! You thought my personal photo was offensive which led to its deletion >=(

  2. Xard

    Philosophy 101

    Ooh... I must get that book. Although from wiki he really didn't discard Descartes' theory, just proved that it can't be proved empirically. Good, neurobiological atheistic standpoint, can't argue with that. However, that also requires that you don't have spirit/soul/ or anything like that. Which existence (of course) is douptable and outside of natural sciences. Damasio approaches subject from scientifical view. Not that I'm Descartian (or whatever the word is) but I think "Cogito ergo sum" is in someways truth. I believe in soul, but in not very simplistic ways. This interesting little article is part of my foundation and view on subjet called "soul". Not only, not even nearly, but one of those. If term wouldn't be so lame, I would say that T.S Elliot wrote what is ultimate truth, no matter how brightly artificial light of science shines. We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time.
  3. I doubt that helps at all against properly made ghettoblaster
  4. ME dialog is just plain stupid. Or should I say extremely stupid
  5. Must love flintlocks edit: I've been only in tutorial and I'm very interested in how psionic powers work. I have no idea. Do I need much INT or WIS or...?
  6. Yeah, graphical quality varies greatly. It's hard to believe these pics are from same game (not that I care about graphicses much that is)
  7. Xard


    Hah, I was just about to make topic for Dark Waters I think I'll wait some time though, I've heard it was quite buggy.
  8. Couldn't disagree more about lightsaber combat but oh well... *shrug*
  9. Besides, remembering space it would take it wouldn't really be useful If it was possible that is
  10. Hahaha All my Fallout screenshots keeps getting screwed up. They're all black except some white frames :sad:
  11. NWN2 Fallout 1 Fallout 2 C&C 3
  12. And if the guns were not so easily attained cases like this would be much more rare
  13. We don't need no education We dont need no thought control No dark sarcasm in the classroom Teachers leave those kids alone Hey! Teachers! Leave those kids alone! All in all it's just another brick in the wall. All in all you're just another brick in the wall.
  14. O_o

    Architect, you've dropped the ball :D

  15. Now now, let's not be elitists Fallouts are godlike Fenghuang, first one too. And I don't have "fanboy points" like many others have. Oh, and some weeks ago was the very first time when I played F1. I'm in The Hub currently (other gaming makes progressing bit slow).
  16. It can't. A) It's supposed to be new IP B) It's published by Sega, not Atari
  17. Yeah, I too enjoyed some sort of "low level" and exploration feeling. But worst times of game happened during Act I too (orc caves and warehouse as examples)
  18. Act I was fine, but later ones were better.
  19. I too am afraid it being to restricted and narrow. However, it's not certain. Besides, more focused can be good thing too. Acts II and III were much better than Act I. It's storytelling and other aspects were more focused, for instance battles were harder and better designed etc. Act I was fumbling
  20. No wai! Seriously though: Of course they have had. Text based games had characters wearing robes, geez. However, fact Bao couldn't use robes was related to his hand and memory limits of Xbox.
  21. New gen = yes Old gen = no Such thing as Bao-Dur not being able to wear robes in K2 were because of memory limits of Xbox
  22. WTF, you guys spammed my Comment section? Agh! I should check this more often :p

    ManU had beatiful victory :)

  23. Since some of you geezers propably don't check out other sections of forum, I represent you this Taken from here
  24. btw, adding random "lols" in text doesn't make you look more intelligent
  25. So you've never really been in forums before? Reading text from computer screen is much different than reading book. I mean, which one you would rather read:
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