Ooh... I must get that book. Although from wiki he really didn't discard Descartes' theory, just proved that it can't be proved empirically.
Good, neurobiological atheistic standpoint, can't argue with that. However, that also requires that you don't have spirit/soul/ or anything like that. Which existence (of course) is douptable and outside of natural sciences.
Damasio approaches subject from scientifical view.
Not that I'm Descartian (or whatever the word is) but I think "Cogito ergo sum" is in someways truth.
I believe in soul, but in not very simplistic ways. This interesting little article is part of my foundation and view on subjet called "soul". Not only, not even nearly, but one of those.
If term wouldn't be so lame, I would say that T.S Elliot wrote what is ultimate truth, no matter how brightly artificial light of science shines.
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.