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Everything posted by Xard

  1. By then everyone will already have a 360, and M$ wins again! They lost the last round
  2. This is so gay even though balls ain't touching
  3. I are serious cat. This are serious question.

  4. Why the **** there's most awesome Drama going on when I'm off? D'oh!
  5. The computer Version would be the one for "noobz", You have it on computer so you can fix mistakes and problems. If you'll notice MOST of the problems happen on the computer which is why there are so many fixes, funny how the problems dont occur on xbox. Most of the questions and requests for help are because of game tampering and problems with the COMPUTER version. So which version would be for "noobz" ( meaning inexperienced and idiotic) The people who play on comp and complain about the problems or those on xbox who rarely end up asking how to fix things. That's what you get for rushed translation from xbox to PC Small, narrow areas, Bao Dur can't wear robes etc. are only because of stupid limitations of Xbox. Also, PC gamers can mod games into whatever they want, they can make their own fixes. Besides, console games have nothing against depth of old PC classics (kotors aren't them)
  6. Xard


    Well, the original Monkey King Son Goku... and stuff
  7. We all know Volo hates Kotors but I really want to know what makes ME much better than kotors
  8. Xard


    Goku from DB?
  9. Xard


    Actually I've only small samples of any HP fanfiction since I tend to despise fanfics in general (yikes, I guess that makes me like Robin Hobb). Even those carefully treaded journey's were enough to confirm my beliefs on their pure malice and plain wrongness Geez, Hagrid x Neville exists?
  10. Xard


    And all the Harry/Malcolm fanfics Oh wait....
  11. If CoD would let me play as german I would **** edit: lol **** has only three letters not four
  12. Harry Potter likes eggs? :brows:

  13. Xard


    lol u aussies r such barbarians Harry Potter's are decent. But Rowling really should cut amount of the adverbs. And other stuff.
  14. Of course, other options are that Bioware's "Next Generation RPG" (they already broke their oath with Sonic, BAH) and that LA would do it all by themselves which is plain scary
  15. There already is one. Now what were those Obz's current project? Aliens Project Georgia (new IP and Sega) ?????? I don't think that NWN2's expansion pack should count as third. It even isn't even named in style of "main projects" aka Project NX1 (Neverwinte Expansion 1 I guess). Since Aliens and PG are multiplatform games that third one SHOULD be "pure pc" one. Aliens = PC and consoles, PG = Consoles, X = PC However, I haven't heard that PG would be console only, so it is possible Obsidian doesn't always follow their "rules". Now, what I'm trying to say is that there is small possibilty Obz might be working on K3. Very small, but still. LA "won't leave KotOR franchise behind" OE wants to do K3 Particular part of this newest rumor. Now, mostly that rumor is just typical "bla bla bla my friend of friend who works in industry knows bla bla comes to xbox bla for this christmas bla BUY THIS MAGAZINE TO KNOW MORE". However: Now, whole fact they didn't deny its existence doesn't mean anything, thanks to NDA. However, I guess that latter part could be called as sort of a slip. Why there would be more information coming up about something that does not exist?
  16. Which is why I could never be beta tester I don't want this project being published unfinished and I have great respect for these guys. Geez, I have said this hundreds times over the years. Just because I nowadays may not be all the time "oh my god I think I get orgasm only by seeing new bug fixes oooh" it doesn't mean I'm not fan of this. However even fan should be capable to express his/her dissatisfaction. Because for me "we're getting near end" doesn't mean yet another year of waiting.
  17. I have my kinks for banning BAN ME dustin get PC version, X bot version is for noobz
  18. NO U WRONG MOAR K'S!!!!!1111!1!11!
  19. **** this. Llyr you jerk, I believed you! :sad: Still no MGS4 for Xbox =/
  20. Stfu u racists kenders are kewlz
  21. Aint' LA *really mean*? Feargus has been doing negotiations since 2004 :sad:
  22. No one lives forever is best shooter evar
  23. You should be interested in Assasin's Creed
  24. Finland and finnish stuff are actually scarily common in anime. NGE is insta-awesome even for this: That's cover of artbook "Groundwork of Evangelion 3". Notice text on Shinji's shirt. Oh, and this too: Ah what the hell, I might just as well give direct link. Besides we must not forget Lauri Levingstone either amirite? edit: Oh, and this is just stupid No wonder I don't like Helsinki very much. Silly sword that one
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