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Everything posted by Xard

  1. Does Kaji get better during campaign? He is only character in my party with rogue skills and I've encountered doors etc. he can't open. And they seem to be undestroyable too. Not even meteor storms destroy them! Gah! For example
  2. Nothing screams min/max when numbers float up on the screen. The downside is, do you really want to play through the story without unlocking every NPCs backstory through the influence system? That's why I reload. I only played about 20 minutes of MotB before putting it down. I own a PS3 and even with its low game count there are currently more compelling titles I can play on my couch. I need a good reason to upgrade my video card and MotB isn't it yet. MotB is best game in years. You lose. Yeah, definetly one of my most intelligent posts 1) Under ambitious? Eeerr? "The current trend to release short games isn't helping your quality much" errrrr? Project planning has definetly been problem, especially with NWN2. But so far from looks of MotB it looks like OE has finally delivered "full" title. 2) NO NO NO. Even with its flaws influence system is ten times better than e.g Bioware's "you'll hear more about me when I gain new level" system aka K1 and Jade Empire. Besides it's more realistic ( although far from perfect on this regard ) system. Why should people who hate you share their stories with you and follow you around? 3) Eh? 4) MotB has great art direction as well as soundtrack. No whining about it.
  3. IIRC KOTORS WON'T WORK unless you take one of the cores off WIN
  4. Hahahah TA sucks at latin!
  5. Qara looks a bit like Scully there
  6. What's so funny about it meta?
  7. ET:QW shouldn't even be compared to the BF games, but to Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. I thought W:ET was a lot better than BF1942. True. Basically ET:QW is Enemy Territory 2, but UI is very similar to BF2 and since that is propably most popular team based online shooter around it's against what I should compare QW. Hurlshot, you'll love playing as strogg Infiltrator awesome sniper and bunch of weird goodies. Especially flying third eye camera is great. Find some good hiding place near enemy spawn (preferably one you aren't easily vulnerable ie. some cliff that is practically unaccessible minus strogg's Icarus jetpack ). Then you just fly with the camera near bunch of enemies and blow it up. At least one kill is guaranteed. Repeat until bored QW is in every way superior to BF's. Best online shooter I've played in long time.
  8. well i guess their mute lol
  9. It could be that you just don't like that type of game. Or maybe anything you don't like is terrible, my apologies. BF1942, BF2, and BF2142 are three of the best games I've ever played. BF2 has worst hitboxes EVER. Check out some youtube video's for proof. I never liked BF2/2142, but 1942 is one of my all time favorite games. I recommend Quake Wars Hurlshot. It's very similar to BF2. Heck, it could be called "Battlefield: Quake Wars" but it is in all possible ways improvement over Battlefields. Besids, Lapland map is awesome
  10. "Best science fiction story since Star Wars, and best story in a video game, ever" Mmkay
  11. And why is that? Original concept, not dumbdowning for consoles, fine graphics and best writers of Bio are working on it. Of course, it can end up suckage, but so far it is very promising. ME has incredibly unoriginal art direction, plain dull combat, stupid dialogue system (unless you like EXTREME COLLAR GRABBINGS) and when developer says it's easy to confuse it with FPS... UTTER FAIL And no, alien lesbian sex scene does not save it!
  12. Ugh, like insane amounts of variables with all the classes, prestige classes, spells, races etc. wouldn't already create enough bugs. And no mystic Theurge plz. I'm way more interested in quality storytelling, interesting battles, great art direction (MotB's beat NWN2 OC's easily) etc. instead of MOAR MOAR MOAR STUFF. Of course, more stuff is always welcome but resources are limited and adding 15 different new prc's isn't something I would use them if I have to make choices. Wasn't it said somewhere that NWN2 "vanilla" tried to bite too much cake - having all the same things NWN1 did (minus epic levels & things related tot hem) but also having way more complex toolset, better singleplayer campaign, subraces AND pile of PrC's which didn't come in NWN1 until SoU
  13. Oh yes, Quake Wars is truly great game. Best online shooter since BF 1942.
  14. I want second expansion pack (as far as I played MotB it had potential being best RPG released in many, many years) but preferably without epic levels. Level scale 4-15 would be ideal for me. Epic levels are broken. I don't know anything about Chult...
  15. just what the **** is going on here THIS TIME

  16. SRSLY WTF Congratz anyway!
  18. I only stalk Avellone. His myspace had link to that.
  19. Stop this faggotry you two! This thread is about Global Warming, NOT LOGIC Make own topic for it, geez. Or just continue in previous one, whatever it was.( You did kill it quite effectively back then... ) I just wasted 20 something minutes reading bunch of posts that didn't have anything to do with topic's subject. Besides, my lulz-o-meter didn't move one inch. Tsk.
  20. ME must be most "meh" game by Bioware ever =/ OH HI IMMA JACK BAUER IN SPACE
  21. And remembering EA's plans on making RPG... Makes sense.
  22. Yeah, EA is not only publisher. But why did they have to take Bioware
  23. Thanks guys Too bad I can't play MotB until next wednesday though. Oh well... And what about that chest? Does it have anything of worth?
  24. click
  25. That first link also included link to this Read it. edit: Didn't specifically mean GD, he just hapened to post just before me Personally I think climate change is fundamentally caused by natural cycle of sun/universe/yadda yadda but our deeds are exaggarating it. And that exaggaration is the threat in here.
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