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Everything posted by Xard

  1. Oh I have plenty of maliciouness in my bones but I rarely let it show and just take some random targets
  2. "I bet you're happy 4chan is back."

    Indeed I am ;)

  3. It's is FANTASTIC. Flaws are very few and minor until the final "sequence" begins. Don't get me wrong, there definetly is complete ending(s) (no cliffhanger a la NWN2, no lack of it aka K2) and that "final sequence" has many good things about it too - very final bit of game shows effect of great art direction - but it has one very, very annoying "twist" in it that, giving somewhat lackluster aftertaste. Thank god last half hour of game after that (although pretty easy for my character) very great. However, I doubt that "twist" was OE's idea... They really should get their own IP's and fast. "I have to mention the spirit meter because it was criticized in every review for being confusing, hard, and just not fun. Well, guess what? It's a pretty damn good feature and an excellent moron indicator. If you failed to understand this feature, odds are you’re a ****ing moron. Sad, but true. Let's blame the clearly failed education system and the leniency toward degenerates in your homeland. " "To put it simply, the game is a masterpiece. Sure, it has flaws and things-that-should-have-been-done-better. Overall though, it’s one of those rare games that people will remember for a long time and I definitely expect to see it on “top 10 RPGs” lists in the near future. It probably won’t get any “RPG of the Year” awards from the mainstream media as such honours are reserved for awesome games like Halo 3 and cult classics like Oblivion: Fighter’s Stronghold Expansion, so if you liked what I had to say about the game, go and buy it today. Support Obsidian's efforts to bring us something different and vote with your money." Cult classic, hah
  4. I wonder if there are any cut content related to wall e.g possibility of tearing it down.
  5. But then I miss killing Voice or having fun in the gates, gah! :sad: EE is definetly least interesting one of these 3. Meh.
  6. KotOR is fantasy, not scifi
  7. Gah, how I can kill that annoying demilich? I need to kill him in order to save Kaelyn from her destiny - but that annoying **** teleports right away after business with tomes have ended. Must Eternity's End be my first goal in order to get both books and then going "nyah nyah nyah I aint' giving these to you" to drive him mad enough to attack me?
  8. By the way, is there any perma-haste item for evil playthrough? You get totally awesome ring from Sheva just before entering Fugue Plane if you remember to visit her if you play as "good guy". However, considering I'm going to slurp Wood Man's delicious soul this time I doubt I get anything but despise from her, hah But perma-haste item would be pretty neat. I always used such boots in NWN1. Stats of mask you can craft from spirits of coven is insane. Propably looks godawfully silly too
  9. Eh, I think it was kinda cool looking and stag horns fits to spirit shaman which my character was (apart from 5 fighter levels for BAB + feats. And backstory ) edit: So, no one has seen that "Bad Streff" before?
  10. By the way, do you guys have any idea what is "Bad Strreff"
  11. First off, you would've belonged in Greatest Idiots Ever caste if you'd actually done that. ( System32 is critical part of Windows system, actually I can't remember for sure is it even possible to remove it just by pressing delete on the folder. ) I didn't think you were stupid enough. Maybe I was wrong? Secondly, relax, I pull stuff like that every now and then. However, unlike some other people, mostly I make them quite see-thgrouable ( is that even word... ) so unless you're idiot, you won't fall in my random screwing arounds ( I don't even do them often ). Plain meanier things I rarely do and only toward people that really, really irk me e.g OPG when talking about these forums. Chill out. Ps. I hate word punk. OPG throws it around A LOT
  12. Kaelyn - best "goody" character ever. I really mean it. And truly great VO. Man, I blame Kaelyn for my huge desire to get half-celestial subrace from XP2 and/or Purgatorio. Those wings are just lovely. Another thing that reminds me of PS:T is huge importance of WIS - or so it seems. I would've missed so much awesome dialogue options if I hadn't have such a high WIS
  13. By the way, did someone figure out what was that Mysterious Device for (you found it from Red Wizard's Academy)? I tried it on me, my party members, interesting/unique looking items in my inventory, soul hides, boxes, NPC's etc. etc. but just didn't find out what I should've done.
  14. Yeah, that was my first thought as well - but then, these things ain't actually canon so *shrug* Meh, WotC didn't allow any bare skin. Talking about reshaping the whole planes...
  15. :sad: Kaelyn was so great character, definetly my favorite. What a wonderful voice actress. I wonder, she sounded a bit like Handmaiden in K2. Hmm... Anyway, her fate deeply saddened me. Although I find that tragic twist in otherwise "and they lived happily ever after. The end." ending - which was very great in its own way, even with somewhat cheesy "hai guise guess where imma goin to get married, in my hometown that was just devoured by shadows and all of its people turned undead lol" part but even that didn't bother too much. Safiya romance was well done in its own way. It was very subtle but if you played in way that would ultimately bring the romance in game there were enough hints and such to make it seem logical and fitting. Too bad I didn't hear what happened to Gann (since I didn't have him with me when attacked City of Judgement). Anyway, this definetly is going to be in my favorite games list. Only expansion pack on that list I might add! Only criticism I have to give about story is that damn fact you can't bring wall down. It wouldn't matter so much if whole process were you end up being unable to do that would be more fleshed out (and what about my solar general! He just stands idle there when the great Betrayer isn't bringing the damn Wall down! Geez. "Mmkay it looks like this Crusade failed too. Oh well, let's do something else shall we") like Starwars said. I guess it's the fact we're on Kelemvor's plane. Myrkul, Bane and Bhaal did kill god when they were after their godhood, you know. Not to mention apart from few exceptions like Elminster and that Red Wizard Lich strongest characters in Realms are at best level 20. Epic characters are epic, far greater than mortal should be. Even able to bring Lord of Hell down (when out of his/her own plane e.g Cania) and definetly in some rare cases God too. I'll give more babbling/"reviewing" when I have time. What a great game. But that damn Wall... >
  16. NWN2/MOTB Just finished this awesome game that ended up on my favorite games list and about to replay with new char. However, first I'm off to replay final segment of game again to trigger more "optimal" good ending
  17. It was great, only two disappointments. 1) I wanted to see more fighting in the city, but I guess engine couldn't do that when its cumbersome as it is. Propably would've crashed PC with all the characters on screen. Or something. Still, they could've done it like the OC with those "stills" or whatever you want to call them (where Nasher gets wounded etc. ) 2) What, I COULDN'T BRING DOWN THE WALL? **** YOU KELEMVOR, **** YOU Seriously though, for character I played getting his soul back was smaller motivation than bringing down the abhorrent Wall. I've always loathed Wall in DnD cosmology, I (and char I played) find it as horrible as Kaelyn does. Yet I couldn't bring it down!! Stupid Kelemvor, I'm epic level character, damn straight I am able to bring some puny god of dead down. Even in his own plane. Umm, yeah. Definetly. Or wait, there's 4 endings, right? Is it possible? *hopeful*
  18. You know, we were stuck with ugly immortal in PS:T...
  19. Just about to storm City of Judgement **** YES!
  20. WoW ruined Warcraft Mythos. Kotor MMO would do same thing to SW (although EU has already done severe damage to it)
  21. Doesn't really matter, game is very, very easy as it is
  22. Talk with Myrkul was one hell of a kodak moment. True win
  23. It's just OC *shrug*
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