I just created my tiefling rogue/wizard with Volo's hero creation.
Original character I was going to play this expansion pack was Aasimar fighter(9)/bard(1)/RDD(10), but it became "little bit" overpowered and munchkiny (big thanks for crazy stat boots caused by RDD levels) . I mean, sure, expansion pack might be hard every now and then, but that character was ridiculous killing machine while testing it. Stats were crazy and equipped with Cloud Giant's Strenght belt (+8 ) and +5 Greatsword (and other approriate equipment for level 20 character) he became ultimate tank character. Way. Too. Overpowered. I doubt taking away gold, weapon and few other equipment in the beginning would even remotely hinder him. :sad:
My wizard (few rogue levels are for roleplaying reasons) is killing machine too, but at least he is relatively vulnerable and whose equipment isn't that much over the top.
Also, I love new cameras brought by 1.10 patch. And performance boost is huge!