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Everything posted by Xard

  1. I have 1.10 Guess I'll have to wait for possible patch
  2. In what a happy, black and white world you live in.
  3. Last time I was in Sweden first thing I saw was two very old, balding and wrinkled guys in black leather jackets walking hand in hand on street.
  4. Any good ones? The Adam Miller one started well, but I haven't even finished NWN2 yet so I didn't play much. My current favorites are C1: The Hidden Shrine of Tomoachan and Pool of Radiance Remastered. Hidden Shrine a pnp remake, but with some great new twists and an added story to go along with the dungeon crawl. The author did a great job making a Mayan/Maztica setting for the module. Pool of Radiance is 2/3rds finished. It starts a bit slow but I really love how the module progresses. It really breathes new life into the first D&D video game ever made and its a great remake. Can't wait for the final chapter. I'm currently trying the top 3 highest rated modules, Tragidor, Dark Waters and Nestlehaven so I haven't formed an opinion of them yet. Tomoachan won't work for me :sad: It goes into "unpacking module" phase and stucks in it, nothing happens.
  5. I think normal BAB is for better, it makes it somewhat reasonable to play as fighter in epic levels My local store didn't have MotB yet so I'm playing OC with my human rogue/wizard which I plan to use in MotB too. Just reached Highcliff. edit: Pope, check out NWN2 blog entries
  6. Happy birthday! Here have watermelon
  7. *suddenly, challenger appears*
  8. Best graduation speech evarr "Think each part of life as delicious cake - you must eat it before someone else does" I GUARANTEE IT
  9. ME WANTS IT NOW I just created my tiefling rogue/wizard with Volo's hero creation. Original character I was going to play this expansion pack was Aasimar fighter(9)/bard(1)/RDD(10), but it became "little bit" overpowered and munchkiny (big thanks for crazy stat boots caused by RDD levels) . I mean, sure, expansion pack might be hard every now and then, but that character was ridiculous killing machine while testing it. Stats were crazy and equipped with Cloud Giant's Strenght belt (+8 ) and +5 Greatsword (and other approriate equipment for level 20 character) he became ultimate tank character. Way. Too. Overpowered. I doubt taking away gold, weapon and few other equipment in the beginning would even remotely hinder him. :sad: My wizard (few rogue levels are for roleplaying reasons) is killing machine too, but at least he is relatively vulnerable and whose equipment isn't that much over the top. Also, I love new cameras brought by 1.10 patch. And performance boost is huge!
  10. Umm... which one should I download?
  11. Wait wait wait, it's released today?
  12. I'm going to send him some water melons.
  13. Aww, first time ever when game by american company is first released in Europe and you guys are all so butthurt! So cute
  14. From NWVault
  15. thanks to stupid word filter

  16. damn, that link propably doesn't work

  17. Nah, I didn't post anything like that. Sadly :( That would've been way kewler way to get one week posting ban. :p Accept just reminded me about ****ting **** nipples with that post so... :D


  18. and then, suddenly, in calm silence, i lol'd
  19. Developers thought localization would take longer than it actually did and thus game - theoretically - could be released both in Europe and US at 28th. However, it's because of your laws or something you won't get it earlier. Can't remember exactly why but... Haha!
  20. you mean those sh*tting d*ck nipples? Yeah, you're propably right...

  21. Huge kudos for TA, I would've never seen this interview without this topic Very, very interesting, especially point about team not being able for playing first game for first three months of development cycle ( now THAT'S a waste of time! ), last K3 was slightly uplifting and it's ALWAYS interesting to hear Avellone to speak.
  22. Happy birthday!
  23. I could use some soft and white walls. Everything would be so much more easier and funnier if I was completely crazy
  24. Haa, my ban has ended!

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