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Everything posted by Xard

  1. Also, it's funny how this topic makes me sound like (well, little bit) atheistic and "science believer" ( a lot ). Couldn't be much farther from the truth
  2. That was directed to Sand, you posted while I was writing that post (surfing wiki can be time consuming, especially if you're doing other random stuff at the same time) (reason why I edited that quote on top of my post)
  3. But he definitely thinks he is. Just... let's not get there since I don't share your view of malicious, egoistic God who just wants to **** up everything. Universe is huge. In scale of it even most impropable things are likely going to happen somewhere. Considering emotions and personalities and their relation to evolution, you don't happen to know about branch of psychology called evolution psychology? Personality is largerly formed by inherent genetic traits and enviromental factors ( To cover my bases I put largerly there, since defining "persona" has been and is very, very difficult even with modern knowledge. Although it is questionable does that information matter anything, but I'm slipping away from more scientifical approach here). "In Paul D. MacLean's classic Triune brain model, emotions are defined as the responses of the Mammalian cortex. Emotion competes with even more instinctive responses from the Reptilian cortex and the more logical, reasoning neocortex. However, current research on the neural circuitry of emotion suggests that emotion is an essential part of human decision-making and planning, and that the famous distinction made by Descartes between reason and emotion is not as clear as it seems. What are emotions? We often talk about brains as information-processing systems, but any account of the brain that lacks an account of emotions, motivations, fears, and hopes is incomplete. Emotions are measurable physical responses to salient stimuli: the increased heartbeat and perspiration that accompany fear, the freezing response of a rat in the presence of a cat, or the extra muscle tension that accompanies anger. Feelings, on the other hand, are the subjective experiences that sometimes accompany these processes: the sensations of happiness, envy, sadness, and so on. Emotions seem to employ largely unconscious machinery—for example, brain areas involved in emotion will respond to angry faces that are briefly presented and then rapidly masked, even when subjects are unaware of having seen the face. Across cultures the expression of basic emotions is remarkably similar, and as Darwin observed, it is also similar across all mammals. There are even strong similarities in physiological responses among humans, reptiles, and birds when showing fear, anger, or parental love. Modern views propose that emotions are brain states that quickly assign value to outcomes and provide a simple plan of action. Thus, emotion can be viewed as a type of computation, a rapid, automatic summary that initiates appropriate actions. When a bear is galloping toward you, the rising fear directs your brain to do the right things (determining an escape route) instead of all the other things it could be doing (rounding out your grocery list). When it comes to perception, you can spot an object more quickly if it is, say, a spider rather than a roll of tape. In the realm of memory, emotional events are laid down differently by a parallel memory system involving a brain area called the amygdala." That's from wiki in case of you couldn't already guess it. Ugh. Sorry to inform you, but there's no proof people have anything that could be called as spirit or soul. I propose you get yourself familiar with terms like neurobiology, neuropsychology and such. Nice fallacious logic right there. You should read this topic again, hell, even first page should be enough. Also, evolution has been witnessed. Numerous times. Example DN also dealt with idea that we're perfect, in no way we are. We have many useless, even harmful things in our physiology that can only explained with evolution
  4. GNR are fine :)

  5. Huh, Chris doesn't like me? But I LOVE him :'(

  6. Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse Out of the corner of my eye I turned to look but it was gone I cannot put my finger on it now The child is grown, The dream is gone. but I have become comfortably numb Song of my life, if I really had to select one.
  7. Win Aww, I can't hate LA anymore <3<3<3
  8. "OPG's probably a member of that."

    That's offending, I AM /b/tard!

  9. Xard

    Now this is cute. Eldar's alt doesn't KNOW he is alt, aww... ^__^

  10. Wait wait wait, what I have to do with anything?

  11. TA, you couldn't have more politically uncorrect group than putting that many /b/tards in the same room :D

  12. hmh, I think I'm off to /b/ now
  13. But Xbots are teh suckage
  14. Don't worry, I'm sure someone will make Rule 34 true yet again
  15. for some reason I think I just spelt teh internets there but nvm lol

  16. Also, 4chan's Otakon 2007's intro was true lulz

  17. O lawd is dat sum Yotsuba as your av?

  18. Am I only one or does Kelverin's avatar just scream "y halo thar buttsecks"
  19. Xard


    Without that kind of scene it'll be Thor movie in name only!
  20. World is full with great guitar solos, but Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb's coda/end solo/whachya ever callit is absolutely best one. Ever. Gilmour is fantastic songwriter. Stairway to Heaven is great too, although "a bit" overrated. I don't appreciate at all (for example) speed metal's OMG GUYZ LOOK HOW FAST I CAN PLAY LOLZ YEAAHH guitarwork. Being fast doesn't correlate = goodness I've used to say that Gilmour says more with one note than Dragonforce with entire solo, heh. Still, there are many great ones. But Comfortably Numb is luv.
  21. Stop teasing me with numbers :sad:
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