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Everything posted by Xard

  1. Juhani doesnt sound much like a masculine name. Then again, the Fins arent well known due to their masculinity ' Uhh, we're ten times more masculine than men of your country Mister who comes from country of fats.
  2. Yeah, books are ok (Prisoner of Azkaban is actually great ), movies range from suxor to average (haven't seen the newest one) but Radcliffe just drives me crazy with his stupid nose and stupid laugh and stupid... well, [insert random thing of him here]

  3. Me too. These american wussies can't appreciate great art, pfft
  4. Click click clikety click click! edit: wtf this stupid page is all ****ed up, first double post and then double uploads, direct image link won't work etc. Still, those are awesome
  5. Xard

    Delete this

    *delete this plz*
  6. Just give them bad directions and they'll eventually crash near some little town in New Mexico
  7. Accept is gay for Danel Radcliffe? :o

  8. Hereby I shall declare by holy contempt for Daniel Radcliffe. As long as Omelette keeps DR as her avatar my divine wrath shall go on!

  9. CMX - " " pellolla m
  10. Wow, best pick up lines ever

  11. But how did you get youngerr 20-something years? o_o

  12. Yeah, it was one of those genuine WTF moments.
  13. They weren't green, gray yes the x files suck X-Files is (well, was 'till sixth season) best, stfu
  14. Enoch wins the thread
  15. Fantasy genre dying out?
  16. Well, there's no doubt about high risk of getting issues. I hope those sons just somehow can survive through years they live with their crazy mother, but somehow I doubt so. After all, their father used to beat them. What else there was left for them than their own momma? No one. And under such conditions mother's power and influence is huge. I don't know about other two (are they just acting for their mother or are they already be twisted by their mother) but I say "Brandon" is rebelling against his mother and her views. There's nothing weird in teenagers watching porn, but doind so everytime when he gets the chance is mark of rebellion, not ****ed up mind. That's what I believe anyway
  17. *still laughing after ages* Good idea. If anyone from **** Obsidian is reading this then May I suggest a name change? Why not use it in all game names. This alone would surely guarantee commercial success! I too find radical feminism mental. HOw could one not? But at the same time I don't find it as daft as, say, animal extremism. Women really HAVE been denied the same rights and freedoms as men in human history. More importantly there is a lot of persecution and violence against women all over the developing world. In parts of Africa and Asia rape is not even seen as rape by many men. But these salon radicals don't do anything about that, oh no. They think they've got cojones if they swagger about Brighton beach and be terse at ice-cream salesmen. I also draw the line at ANY doctrine that tells me someone is better than I am by an accident of birth. I agree that there's nothing bad in mere feminism, but this... holy ****. And I kagree with Gorgon here
  18. Okay
  19. That's one cute monkey
  20. **** you guys you spam my holy hate away every night, pfft! >:(

  21. One of the nicest guys I know is is one of the Laestadianists. He is nice to everyone and good company, even though we all around him are going to burn in Hell, heh
  22. Xard


    That must be one of the most overused "afroamerican lines" ever
  23. Xard


    Man, I can so imagine some gansta rapping that! When i was in pre school/ i got in real big trouble / cuz i built tower of blocks / yo/ and some other guy knocked it down/ then i grabbed a block andthrewitrightathiseye (yo) /'n that was nothing to get in trouble about / yo *with eerily similar tune to Prince of Bel-Air*
  24. That's what mods are made of, yeah!
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