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Everything posted by Xard

  1. Good luck!
  2. Dude, they've been there for what, 2 years for now?
  3. By the way, I didn't get Storm giant's strenght beltzor from Okku - but I did get his spirit essence. Must I craft it from that or what? And if answer is yes, how I do that?
  4. For me: story = great storytelling (although a bit too cinematic and linear for me) = good setting = interesting but too shallow (or maybe I should say setting had/has great potential but execution was lackluster) gameplay = repetitive
  5. Uhh, having issue =/= emo
  6. Apart from hair (and even that ain't exactly emo hairstyle) there's nothing emo about Gann Oh yes, those vampires are pain in the ass - they bring your casters down with their quivering palm attacks in very first rounds if you ain't careful, then they bring down Okku with sheer numbers (that neither doesn't take too long...) and then you're all alone
  7. Hah, I KNEW Gann and Kaelyn were the ones that were heavily written by Avellone. Yay for me! From some older codex interview.
  8. Where did you get that nonsense? Do you mean Floodgate? Entirely different company, makes now mobile games I think....hehe. The Austin team is actually composed of some high-talent (so they say) staff that worked on Ultima Online and other Online games.... Austin seems to be a lively place for MMO talent, so it actually made sense to setup a studio there. Someone said it here long time ago.
  9. Also, isn't BIO's MMORPG team same as SoU team by large? hahaha
  10. Actually that leadership part is part of that Kaelyn ending I already posted. Something like she was too idealistic or too braze in her defiance of gods and that ultimately drove many of her followers away... I might take screencap later Yay! But now I'm in dilemma - who should I kick out of the party, Safiya, Gann or Kaelyn. I don't want to kick Kaelyn out because if I have her and OoM in party I get plenty of bluff checks for fooling poor Kaelyn and if I succeed in them I gain plenty of influence with both of them (and I only have 12 influence with Kaelyn right now) Safiya on other hand is great wizard and has more spells than my PC, natural considering I have 4 as fighter and 1 as rogue in addition to my wizard/EK levels. With Gann I have 53 influence but the main reason I'd rather have him with me is that he is only sorceress type character in my party and if I learned something from my last playthrough as Spirit Shaman it is that they are powerful. And great healers as well Currently I have Safiya out of my party. I guess I shall change her/Gann/Kaelyn, depending on place where I am going to. In Academy I'll naturally take Safiya, in Sunken City Gann etc. Is there many chances to gain influence with Kaelyn in Sunken City? If not, I shall kick her out of the party for that time. Now I'm heading in Ashenwood. Who should I not take with me? Thoughts? OoM shall be always with me, it's just too cool ^__^
  11. It's just I'm not at all interested in playing anything related to CIA & spy action, I already have MGS's and Splinter Cells for that. No problem with "realistic" setting, idea of playing CIA agent or something just doesn't interest me.
  12. And yet we see of what worth Bio's word is - "we shall stick with our own IP'S now"
  13. oh **** that none of you understood

  14. Juice Leskien - Siniristilippumme Her her
  15. And after WoW MMORPG has been the "magic word" of the industry
  16. Never underestimate power of the Dark Side
  17. I still wish CIA-game rumor is just that - a rumor
  18. M-A-L-A-K M-A-L-A-K M-A-L-A-K M-A-L-A-K M-A-L-A-K M-A-L-A-K M-A-L-A-K
  19. All the love for humanity in this thread humors me Also, fixed my glasses
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