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Everything posted by peddroelm

  1. It is not overpowered at low levels since you'll lack the endurance/health to make use of it ... assuming you'd manage to keep a low level "standing" trough massive incoming damage and LoH HoT healing - it would soon run out of health an DIE .. Healing in general only really starts to pay off at higher levels when you've got big enough health/endurance pools ..
  2. related http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/78499-healing-enemies-with-carnage/ possible same root problem
  3. Where is the acknowledgement? it would be hell to track down - in one of the new threads (there were quite a few of them) reporting this type of issue ..
  4. https://forums.obsidian.net/blog/7/entry-184-patch-notes-106-in-progress/
  5. but hovering over the aura's modal button still doesn't show/draw the area of effect like it does for chanter's songs
  6. acknowledged issue - stop the bumps
  7. they acknowledged this as a know issue somewhere .. let it die
  8. try this addability player "transcendentsuffering 4" or addexperiencetolevel 10 (assuming you're trying to add it to a monk)
  9. it doesn't .. 3 seconds between tics (normal speed 3 seconds dot ticks) . You might've seen a test result where I forgot to up to normal speed (I have auto slow speed on combat set) (4.5 seconds between dot ticks on slow speed)
  10. Messed around a bit more with envenomed strike .. Surprisingly the +12 accuracy from 1 handed weapon does apply to its fortitude check .. Tried with paladin with sworn enemy and zealous focus .. They all stack .. So, best way to apply it (vs high DR high deflection high fort save boss) keep a superb , accurate weapon (dagger, , rapier ,club, spear) on weapon switch and scratch the target after debuffs .. Target must have high DR to make best use of the RAW damage type. Best classes for this sort of thing humans (fighting spirit + 7 accuracy) Paladin ( +15 accuracy sworn enemy) and melee rogue (+8 accuracy reckless assault) .. Blesca's Labor (purchase at start of act 3) works great on rogue (ruffian) .. For Paladins I usually go soldier weapon focus that lacks accurate weapons ..
  11. melee party can use stealth to get into position poor xaurips didn't knew what hit them https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=OF8pdjrg8wI#t=7776 ///////// It can be Very useful for melee party to allow you get trough bottle necks (Doors) and give enough time to move all squad in position in open terrain .. (bring all "guns" to bear) . Stealth less alternative is to "pull" the enemies from the bottlenecks towards your melee party that opens in position in the open terrain ..
  12. Whats with the attitude? I never said I am stuck, I never said I cannot progress, I already completed the Record Pacifist run with these kills included. I was quite detailed about the fact that I can kill them. I am just testing the game design and what it allows for and this particular floor seems inconsistent with the rest of the game. I did not ask for a fix, I was just curious whether this is a bug or is intentional. I really respect all your test posts and I find them very insightful, but don't know why you felt the need to respond like that. Edit: While I did ask whether they plan to fix it it was a question of curiosity about whether they consider it a problem, I am not complaining and I am not demanding a fix because I cannot play the game the way it was meant to be played, it clearly is not an issue for whatever approach you choose to take. I was confused by the inconsistency and wondered about obsidian's opinion, that is all. I regard the irregularities in your test results far more pressing and have been confused why they have not been acknowledged. What attitude did you infer from my post ? I was just only letting you know this problem you're facing might not be as apparent to other forum users or even devs. (I don't imagine a great deal of the player base does solo pacifist runs). Your problem doesn't make sense without the proper context (pacifist run) which you did not specify.. I was trying to improve your odds of getting a pertinent answer from the devs by clarifying your issue ..
  13. So kill them weaklings, problem solved ! NEXT ! Oh wait ! I DON'T want to kill them (anyone) ! (you should probably mention the context where this becomes an issue - pacifist RECORD runs (relevant to perhaps 0.01% of the player base)
  14. they've confirmed deprive the unworthy to be bugged . It should do a will resist check ..
  15. Personal rules - stay away from moon godlike and shod-in-faith-cheese boots . Savage attack - next to useless perk in POTD melee parties.. You don't need it in easy fights .. It will HURT you in tough fights (regular and special attacks have a harder time hitting especially when debuffed) Doesn't even apply to most monk special attacks anyway (torment's reach AOE, rooting pain, flagellant's path) Role: Starts frail on POTD like most classes but steadily grows in power to become a God of the battlefield (flagellant's path "breaks" the engagement system) Attributes Race: Human. Fighting Spirit matches well melee fighters.. Matches particularly well the masochistic nature of the monk class .. The 15% damage is low.. The +7 accuracy is more valuable (and applies to more special attacks) MIG 19 + 1 Con 18 (MAX will need highish endurance and more importatly TOP HEALTH) .. With enough endurance buffer healing can make you immortal - only you still die/need to rest when health runs out .. Health (not endurance since number of wounds is capped at 10) is the hard limit of damage high level Monk can output per rest cycle . DEX 15 // not proud of cutting DEX but I've run out of things to cut PER 3 // need the points INT 18 MAX - affects lots of things- HOTs (shod in faith/ regeneration potions/ Moonwell scrolls) , stun/stun2/weakness/prone (inflicted debuffs) duration, self buffs duration (clarity of agony ), Torment's reach AOE, rotting pain AOE RES 4 // need the points Abilities Torment's Reach - very potent single target damage buff. The AOE hits extra cherry Weapon Focus Knight ( engame battle axes are decent , my rogue handles ruffian ) Swift Strikes - good attack speed buff and enables lighning strikes Lesser Wounds - The 10 wound limit severily limits the maximum potency of this talent and makes it more valuable in the same time .. Will need less damage to get back to 10 wounds once you start spending them Stunning blow - massive deflection debuff (increases chance for crits), enables sneak attacks - get 2 rolls with dual wield Lighning Strikes - more lash damage types for the cromathic monk (works with flagellant's path) Turning Wheel - up to 50% fire damage lash (works with flagellant's path) Two Weapon Style - more attack speed Clarity of Agony - at this point ONLY chain petrify/paralyze can kill your monk.. This + Liberating exo from paladin should help a lot during the hard fights (Special note for enervating blows - synergises well with stunning fist and provides long term fortitude debuff BUT you won't land a lot of crits in the really tough fights where CoA shines ) Mental Fortress - cannot pick monk talents (rooting pain // enervating blows // anguish would be awesome) Flagelant's Path - Unleash the teleporting dragon! (works to reposition even "stuck" monks. Applies TW, LS & blood testament lash damages ) Untoppable - cannot pick monk talents (rooting pain // enervating blows // force of anguish would be awesome) Monks are solid competitors to rogues when engame single target damage potential is concerned - and end up with way more health (ability to eat damage per rest cycle) compared to rogue.. Where is this capability coming from ? Lash damage stacking .. 10(MAX) wounds weapon_damage_roll * (1 + sum(damage mods)) * (1 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.25 + 0.25 + 0.25 + 0.2 ) 50% torment's reach main target crush 50% turning wheel burn 25% lighning strikes shock 25% weapon lash 25% chanter fire aura burn 20% unique monk gloves RAW (currenlty bugged and lose damage to DR) Endgame weapons edge of reason + we-toki Could jump 150 damage per swing (before DRs) on a good superb battle axe crit roll .. Superb anihilation Sabres could go further .. Stacking all those lash components can almost triple weapon damage per swing (works for crits/grazes too) and is semi-sustainable once 10 wounds power up limit is reached ...
  16. I updated all possible results a google search might return later to somebody searching for the mechanics ..The test threads are filled with mountains of numbers that put off most regular users .. And they only do "peanuts damage" because they're currently bugged . If they actually did RAW damage their damage vs hard targets would be significant .. Say 10 extra damage per swing vs infinitely high DR target would be nothing to sneeze at . Name one other equipment item (non-weapon) that adds this much .. (accuracy gloves situationally and ..?)
  17. tested http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/78239-abilities-various-other-damage-related-mechanics-revealed/page-4?do=findComment&comment=1694220
  18. - BUG they seem to stop working - need re-equipping after each encounter - BUG they DON'T do RAW damage - (will often add next to 0 damage vs POTD armored targets) - they add 0.02 damage - 0.25 * target's base DR per wound . Maximum 20% lash damage .. - applies to Flagellant's path damage (similar to turning wheel & lightning strike lashes) - NEW DISCOVERY - MONKS ARE LIMITED TO MAXIMUM 10 WOUNDS (very very low value compared to what they could accumulate without limit ) .. I guess a balance decision that forces you to spend them and prevents uber Turning Wheel + Blood Testament damage from stacked constitution + heal monks and rooting pain from winning encounters vs swarm enemies without lifting a finger .. test data http://forums.obsidi...d/#entry1694220
  19. - BUG they seem to stop working - need re-equipping after each encounter - BUG they DON'T do RAW damage (will often add next to 0 damage vs POTD armored targets) - they add 0.02 damage - 0.25 * Target's base DR per wound . Maximum 20% lash damage .. - applies to Flagellant's path damage (similar to turning wheel & lightning strike lashes) - NEW DISCOVERY - MONKS ARE LIMITED TO MAXIMUM 10 WOUNDS (very very low value compared to what they could accumulate without limit ) .. I guess a balance decision that forces you to spend them and prevents uber Turning Wheel + Blood Testament damage from stacked constitution + heal monks rooting pain from winning encounters vs swarm enemies without lifting a finger .. test data http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/78239-abilities-various-other-damage-related-mechanics-revealed/?do=findComment&comment=1694220
  20. Blood Testament 20 might 16 int monk sabre 19-19 0 DR target 19 * (1 + 0.3 - 0.5) = 15.2// graze ///////////////////// (3 wounds) +0 ms |Health Damage 26.188049 //hit 24.7 slash + 1.5 RAW 19 *( 1 + 0.3) = 24.7 24.7 * (0.02)*3 = 1.482 24.7 + 24.7 * (0.02)*3 = 26.182 24.7 + 1.5 = 26.2 /////////////// (7 wounds) fighting spirit +0 ms |Health Damage 42.243500 // crit 37.1 + 5.2 RAW 19 * ( 1 + 0.3 + 0.15 + 0.5) = 37.05 37.05 * 0.02 * 7 = 5.187 37.05 + 5.187 = 42.237 37.1 + 5.187 = 42.287 37.05 + 5.2 = 42.25 // trying to figure out various rounding steps ///////////////// ///////////////// Activate Savage Attack // Fighting spirit 10 wounds 19 * (1 + 0.3 + 0.15 + 0.2 + 0.5) = 40.9 //crit NO RAW DAMAGE ?!?!? //TR hit 31.4 crush + 15.7 crush NO RAW damage - maybe the level up messed bonuses up ? Re equip gloves - fixed it ////////// SA + 7 wounds +0 ms |Health Damage 32.496521 // hit 28.5 + 4 RAW 19 * (1 + 0.3 + 0.2) = 28.5 28.5 * 0.02 * 7 = 3.99 //////////////// ///////////////// SA , fighing spirit - MONKS ARE HARDLIMITED TO MAXIMUM 10 WOUNDS EVEN WHEN THEY HAVE ENDURANCE FOR 5 times that +0 ms |Health Damage 37.626862 // 31.4 + 6.3 19 * (1 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 0.15) = 31.35 31.35 * 0.2 = 6.27 //////////////////// //////////////////// crit TR // LS // fighting spirit 8 wounds 40.9 slash + 20.4 crush + 10.2 shock + 6.5 RAW 19 * (1 + 0.3 + 0.2 + 0.15 + 0.5) = 40.85 40.85 * 0.02 * 8 = 6.536 //////////////////// //////////////////// again gloves stopped working re-equip ////////////////////// /////////////////////// vs plate armor 15 slash DR 4 wounds crit 38-15 DR + 0.0 RAW 38 * 0.02 * 4 = 3.04 38 * 0.02 * 4 - 15*0.25 = - 0.71 // BUG the RAW damage is not RAW ENOUGH /////////// The gloves seem to stop working after each encounter //////////// ///////////// 10 wounds crit vs 4 slash DR 4 base DR 40.9 -4 + 7.2 RAW 40.85 * 0.02 * 10 = 8.17 40.85 * 0.02 * 10 - 4 * 0.25 = 7.17 // YUP is not RAW //////////////////////// ///////////////////////// 7 wounds Flagellant's Path 14 Crush DR 7 base DR 3.5 Slash DR (equipped dual sabre) 33.9 crush - 14 (crush DR) + 3 RAW 33.9 * 0.02 * 7 - 7 * 0.25 = 2.99 ///////////// 9 wounds sabre vs same Dank spore 40.9 - 3.5 (slash DR) + 4.8 RAW 40.85 * 0.02 * 8 - 3.5 * 0.25 = 5.661 40.85 * 0.02 * 8 - 7 * 0.25 = 4.78 //////////////////// //////////////////////// Conclusion (blood testament unique Monk Gloves) - BUG they seem to stop working - need re-equipping after each encounter - BUG they DON'T do RAW damage (will often add next to 0 damage vs POTD armored targets) - they add 0.02 damage (weapon type) - 0.25 * target's base DR per wound . Maximum 20% lash damage .. - applies to Flagellant's path damage (similar to turning wheel & lightning strike lashes) - NEW DISCOVERY - MONKS ARE LIMITED TO MAXIMUM 10 WOUNDS (very very low value compared to what they could accumulate without limit ) .. I guess a balance decision that forces you to spend them and prevents uber Turning Wheel + Blood Testament damage from stacked constitution + heal monks rooting pain from winning encounters vs swarm enemies without lifting a finger ..
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