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Lyric Suite

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Everything posted by Lyric Suite

  1. It's good where it's at, dead and buried. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Do all moderators have such bad taste around here? Ho, and yes, Fantasy sucks, and so does Star Wars.
  2. I distress, it's what happens in those 50 hours that matters, and Morrowind was just filled with so many of those cutsy time sinks...
  3. I see. So no game ever is going to feature unlimited draw line aside for those made by Crytek? Is that what i'm being told here? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, that isn't what is being said... Just that a company must research of gather such technology. Now technically you can make the draw distance as I have said as big as you like, as big as your memory will allow infact, the problem comes when you render it, there are alot of common algorithms for altering meshes so that they're progressive. You also have spatial partitioning etc... it's a complicated field and without knowing how either engine fundimentally works i cannot answer the question fully for you. crytek may have developed an in house coding trick which allows them to have say double the draw distance without loss of performance, if that was the case from a business perspective would you sell technology that puts you apart from the crowd? You'd be an idiot if you did... So until someone else from another company figures it out(likely) or someone from crytek who coded it shares the secret(unlikely) then to an extent it will be property of that company. Ususally things like this stay very private for a short while and become common practice later on X amount of years after release. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sigh, that's reasonable i guess. Hopefully it's going to become an industry standard soon, as drawing distance is one of the things that i hate the most in games...
  4. I see. So no game ever is going to feature unlimited draw line aside for those made by Crytek? Is that what i'm being told here?
  5. Whoa, that does sounds pretty good. First time i hear of it...
  6. Can anybody explain to me what is deal? It seems that no matter where you look popular music is the only thing you'll ever find. Indeed, as far back as i can remember, i have never met or even heard of anybody who was ever interested in classical music, be it in school or any where else. The internet is my only hope and even then a lot of classical music fans you can find are just pousers of the Tori Amos kind, New Age lunatics, or sometimes people who are into both popular music as well as western music but only see the latter through the standards set by the first. Jazz is just as dead, but i'm European, perhaps Americans have it better on that front. It's a matter of fact, popular culture has a whole has pretty much replaced the entire history of western art spanning back to ancient greece, but of all things music seems to have it the worst. Aside for the few decent sites devoted to western music (where the majority of the people are not of my age group and are not easy to relate to), talking about music with others makes me feel like i'm some sort of wierd alien.
  7. I think this is the longest i've been without playing a decent RPG, and i think i'm starting to get actual withdrawals. I have several games on my to play list (FEAR, Galactic Civ II, Rome Total War), but i just can't seem to muster enough energy to play any of them, i'm craving RPGs so badly i just don't care for other type of games, arrrrrggggg. How long until NWN2 again? I'm actually thinking about getting Oblivion, even though i know i'm going to hate the game... :'(
  8. Perfect, this means i can get a real answer then? (w00t) For startets, why doesn't B. hire more/better artists writers? That's something i never understood. Surely they have the dough by now...
  9. Maybe it is? Who knows? Ever looked at the actual code? I can accept the fact it may actually be very difficoult to pull this off, but it just seems they haven't even tried...
  10. Fine, but what's stopping developers from copying whatever technique Crytek used to eliminate this problem in Far Cry?
  11. I though they had solved drawing distance problems with Far Cry. Why is it taking so long for other developers to catch up?
  12. Isn't Black Metal the northen european version of Goth/Emo faggotry?
  13. Lyric Suite


    Damn it, i wanted to play the maze game...
  14. Sock him in the jaw and face the consequences... <_<
  15. Blacks are responsible...
  16. Most people who take those jobs are doing exactly that, or did you just assume all the teenagers working there are just drop outs? They are not complaining about getting paid squad, they are complaining about being threated like asses.
  17. I played all of them, and to boot, i played them on release, starting from Dune2.
  18. He said it wasn't bad, same thing to me...
  19. Just because YOU like it doesn't mean it's good game design.
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