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Everything posted by Tigranes

  1. Looks like Obsidian, or its publishers, are moving to stricter and stricter DRM. Mandatory Steam? What kind of crapshoot is that? Sounds like FO:NV will take at least 5 minutes to load every time I run it, then.
  2. A common disease in tech support forums. Upload your save here at that exact checkpoint and we will get you through to the next checkpoint, so you won't miss a lot.
  3. Very much agreed, this is in the same vein as the Wheel of Time half-project, in terms of the business. Still, there's no reason we can't get an enjoyable game out of it if all goes well.
  4. Get higher pistol skills. I started the game with 5 pistol skill (Hard/Veteran) and I could headshot critical the guards in the very first area in one go, consisently.
  5. It happens. I agree that a real save system is preferable to checkpoints and it sucks that AP went with the latter. But if you're going to play the game, just play the game - don't worry about saves and that kind of 'meta-stuff'. If you get caught while sneaking, deal with the consequences - use tranquiliser ammo on your pistol and martial arts to take them out, disable alarms, or hide until the storm blows over. You'll still be reloading in some places, but unless you find the game very very difficult, it won't screw you over that much. I think any mechanic becomes more and more flawed and more and more frustrating the more you try to fight it.
  6. Heh. I don't mean that the concept art looks like IWD, I mean put everything together (mostly Obsid's past history and how much of a 'blank slate' they get with DS3), and I get a strong gut feeling that it will be a spiritual half-child. I'm hoping this will be sort of like BG3 (though not quite so unrelated, obviously).
  7. There is PhysX. I'm not sure where it's used. Maybe when Mike dies. Playing AP for the fourth time now, plot seems fine to me. Obviously Halbech aren't the most devious villains out there, but they make up for it with excellent contacts, networks, agents and so forth. On the ground level they stymie Mike's efforts quite effectively.
  8. Whore out for money, more money, more money.
  9. Normal ammo is dirt cheap, though.
  10. Didn't bother with ME2 so no idea, but it is significantly harder than normal. If you are exposed to an alert enemy they can take you down in a couple of seconds, especially if it's, say, a well trained agent around the corner with a shotgun. Minigames also become harder, so even if you didn't have problems with them in Normal you should put a couple points in sabotage. Obviously, chain shot makes it easier, but it's still significantly more challenging than Normal.
  11. As you say, anyone who wants to do that can just cheat, so it's all good. Subsonic ammo makes the AR basically a high-powered pistol, you can kill just about anything anywhere with it, yes.
  12. Haven't been there in a while, but I probably will again soon, as the NV hype builds. Although I maintain that NMA is not NMA without Rosh.
  13. Obsidian plus Chris Taylor the Consultant, wasn't it?
  14. Awesome stuff Wals, I don't know a thing about WH either but this is great. Requires a lot of flexibility on you though, if big decisions are decided by a dice roll - PC must have a pretty damn low INT stat. Where's the beggar been all this time? Not present?
  15. Tigranes

    More DRM issues

    IFthat: Rather than an antipiracy feature, it just plain seems like an error. In my case I had the same issues of .ini edits making me unable to load saves, but nothing about 'deactivating', I just had to reinstall. Anyway, maybe we can test sea's idea that it's the DRM being really sensitive about hardware changes (which would really suck, if true)? If you have the problem, maybe try a clean reinstall and reactivation (then deactivate the old one as I posted above), and then no .ini changes or system changes, and see if grunts are still there / come back after a while?
  16. Currently, the game seems to not like .ini changes in many cases - and sometimes in random ways. I had to reinstall after changing some noise values because it stopped me from loading games, for instance. If you've made ini changes I'd suggest rolling them back or even doing a clean reinstall, just in case. Then, once you verify it works, you can start making the ini modifications one by one. This will let you narrow it down... or, if you're lucky, it'll just work. You can change mouse sensitive in Windows in Control Panel -> Mouse. Sorry you're having trouble - I don't really have 'inside info' or anything, so best I can do is make informed guesses, too.
  17. Actually, if you're getting multiple CRC errors, don't you think you should be concerned about file integrity? Would sure explain the multiple random errors you get. Are you on boxed version or download version? I'd recommend a redownload if the latter, CRC errors are generally things you can sometimes live with but sometimes cause any kind of random issues later on.
  18. Nobody can get to that computer, no. Perhaps there used to be a jump through window interface, but it was cut or something. It's not important, really. Not sure about objectives, but it will be something else, yes.
  19. Cutscenes seem to make use of more filters and postproduction things to make it look good close-up. This might be the cause on lower-end computers. Perhaps try going through APEngine.ini adn turning off some of the more advanced effects - but keep a backup in case your changes cause graphical errors (some peopel reported that turning bloom off breaks things).
  20. Depends on what you want to do, but if you feel boss fights are too hard/frustrating, definitely go for pistols. High level chain shots can be used to 'cheese' past bosses very easily. I'd recommend Sabotage for anyone who plays on Hard - the minigame difficulty seems to increase as well, and if you're interested in picking every lock and such, you'll see quite a few of the hardest minigames (11/12-node alarms, 5 lockpicks in 10 seconds, 4/5-node hacking games with quick resets). I thought minigames were too easy in Normal, but I got caught out by a few of them, so invested in Sabotage and EMPs.
  21. "All games" meaning all games you've come across. Different controllers frequently have compatibility issues - see FIFA 2010 on PC, for instance, where you have to manually map out any controller other than, uh, the 3 or so they support. Anyway, sorry, I haven't even heard of the controller before... I assume use xbox controller is turned on but the game simply doesn't respond to anything you do on your pad? Maybe someone out there has the pad and can help.
  22. Ausir, are you an Obsidian fanboy now? What will they say about you at NMA. Sounds good, I guess it will be slowly revived over the coming months.
  23. This is actually brilliant. You could be entering a mansion of a wacky inventor, who's been working hard in the dark underground cellars on his latest invention - monster-shaped crates that could help you transport valuable cargo safely, as their fiersome visage will scare off all but the most foolish of bandits on the road. Hell, he's been working on making them as realistic as possible, so that they're on wheels and move by themselves... but he hasn't quite worked out how to make them stop. Cue levels of free-wheeling monster-crates on wheels that you can whack for loot.
  24. Judging from Anthony's Codex post (which I remember, too), at least a year. I'd guess a year and a half, or so? All depends on whether it's Onyx or not. A lot of familiar names on there, gunning for another George Ziets slam dunk...
  25. You know what? This will be good. Seriously, think about it. I thought both Dungeon Sieges were horrible crap, but that was mainly due to the complete and utter failure the story, writing, setting and characters were. And boring quests. And Obsidian is always, always awesome at these. Ironically this is the perfect franchise for Obsidian to take up. It's a fairly big franchise, it'll get good sales, and it'll get a lot of interest. I'm sure they will be able to use their Onyx engine, since the last game is from 2005 and they can't use the engine again. Because the game itself was so, SO bland and colourless in almost every department, from backstory to art style to even gameplay, this is actually like a license to create whatever game they want. To me, combined with the concept art, do you know what this sounds like? A single-character Icewind Dale in a non-D&D fantasy setting with co-op. Not bad at all.
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