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Everything posted by lunattic
Just wanted to give a quick show of support here from an observer. Those stealth runs look awesome, and seeing the overall builds/creativity employed to tackle this insane challenge is very entertaining. Good luck to all those actively working on it! If I didn't have a baby to take care of, I'd have joined in myself.
I think a better way to do this is to find a characteristic all your targeted party members respond well to. Eder, xoti, takehu, serafen and maia all appreciate humor/clever options. Pallegrina, maya and aloth appreciate duty options. Some conflicts almost cannot be avoided, since sometimes party members automatically respond to what is happening, which can change their relationship to others.This is outside of your control other than removing people who have conflicted views from the party entirely. Examples of this last one are xoti vs pallegrina (religion vs anti religion), maia vs takehu (progressive/pro rauatai vs traditional huana), and eder vs leaden key aloth.
How is the availability of explosives? That sounds pretty cool actually! Classes that get explosives as starting skills seem to be only fighter and druid (?). There is one background, scientist, that grants an additional +1 explosives. I believe that is exclusive to the white that wends area. Regarding availability of explosives, there are a total of 6 cinder bombs on the starting island, 3 from near the beach where you startt and 3 can be bought from the rogue vendor at the tavern in port Mahe. You can also steal these 3 from his chest. I assume these restock over time but haven't tested. There are also a few sparkcrackers and stun bombs available. I only needed 2 cinder bombs on the starting island, one for the goracci street fight and one for the fight near Aloth. Both made the fights MUCH easier, AOE interrupt + long blind + large amount of damage over time is brutal.
I wouldn't mind it so much if I could counter arcane dampener as well. However, once cast, NOTHING seems to work against it. It automatically sticks to everyone, moves with them, and cannot be dispelled. It is also seemingly impossible to reflect. It is by far the most frustrating spell in the game to have against you. Having it wok against drugs (realistically, why on earth would it do that?) is just an additional kick in the groin.
I had a good time with an island Aumaua shieldbearers/troubadour tank using explosives/grenades. I made the character using blessing of Berath bonusses but should be viable either way. The through the waves racial is bad but the best boots in the game for tanks are sold by the vendor at port Mahe anyway and grant might resistance. I used the +2 dex/+2 explosives gloves on him since he specialises in explosives as an active skill. Idea: he uses max might (22) to get ancient memory to 2hp/sec at level 7 (we need over +50% bonus, so 36% from might and 15% from PL 3). We give him int 20 with item bonusses so his phrases have 100% uptime and good reach. He tanks everything using a heavy shield and the dagger modal while being passively healed by swift winds of death, the upgraded paladin aura and ancient memory. When an ally drops low he has decent dex and high int to grant the strongest heal in the game to that character, making them immortal for 10-ish seconds and healing them for a good bit. Additionally, he summons additional 'off tanks' when needed in the form of skeletons, which with upgrade respawn when they die, and ogres later. I am considering taking the tier 7 resource restored invocation as with brisk recitation, you can actually use that fairly quickly to make a pseudo-brilliant effect. His downside is that he doesn't do much damage outside of explosives. But given all the rogue buffs in 1.1, I'm just using swashbuckler Eder and Scout Maya and throw the explosives to inflict blindness and automatically trigger their sneak attack/deathblow abilities.
Good idea. You can also do : Base - Cleave stance Number of attacks = number max of engagement (Foes can be hurt even when there is no physical "engagement" (the link between two characters) but max possible number of engagements is the key) +No self-triggering +Primary attack. And here, engagement become Gold. : p People NEED to stack a capacity of engagement to increase the effect ! If you want to be strong with cleave stance. Engagement +2 = 2 attacks max arround. A good way to put forward a mechanic a little bit... under used in the actual system. EDIT+ : Engagement is not only defensive, because the next level, each ennemy nearby give -5% of recovery. So the "theme" is respected !^^ I like the idea of cleave stance being tied to max engagement, but I don't see why cleave stance not 'being automatic' would be a good thing. Do you mean you manually have to activate the cleave each time the fighter kills something? That would be extremely tedious in micromanagement. I'd just remove the ability for bonus cleave attacks to proc more cleave attacks (removing 'proccing of itself') instead, unless that's what you really mean.
I'd like to add here that the Gorecci street fight ended up being really easy for me once I used an explosive on the group to the right. I did the fight on both level 4 and level 5 (requires starting at 4 from blessings of berath or doing the main quest in the ruins first, which also gets you aloth). I had a MC Shieldbearer/Troubadour tank with dagger and large shield modal slightly to the center of the room with Eder as swashbuckler dual wield and priest Xoti with a crossbow to the right (just the three of them). That setup worked for me, but I'm pretty sure any MC with Eder as tank instead will also work. Just make sure you pick large shield proficiency for him and buy him one, and invest in the explosives skill. Start fight stealthing to the platform to the north with the mage. Engage by throwing incendiary (blinding) grenade on the platform with your tank. Make sure your tank is using a greatshield for the pull with the 'the wall' modal so the rifle wielding rogues cannot one shot the tank, second wind if needed. Have Xoti use a ranged weapon to attack the blinded mage on the platform. Then run in with your stealthed DPS of choice and start killing targets one by one while your tank engages the enemy fighter on the stairs and the two enemies very slowly wading towards you from the left. Since I was a chanter, I could also summon three skeletons on top of the blinded mage, but again, any ranged dps capacity will kill her as well. For me, skeleton summon + swift winds of death + a few auto attacks from crossbow Xoti was enough. I ended the fight having only used 1 grenade, no other consumables and never dropped any character below 60% hp. Overall, I like the difficulty increases as I now actually have to think about how to play it. I'm less happy with how my original main character, a beckoner, got completely destroyed by the nerfs. I'd appreciate some way to retrain a subclass, since troubadour now just seems better, even at summoning, than the actual summoner. Fixing the retraining bug was very high on my wishlist, so thanks for that
I haven't added to the wiki yet, but I'm keeping a word document of every unique item I come across: the stats, where to find it and what the upgrades are. It's not complete yet since I started doing this roughly 30% into my playthrough and thus am missing quite a bit, but I'm trying to keep it as complete as i can. If someone wants to start entering what i have into the wiki then I could share the file as I have it now.
The Firethrower's Gloves are looted from a chest in the fortress of the "Fire Giants" in the Ashen Maw: it is in the area where you can meet their faction leader. At the start of that area you can take a left, central and right way: the chest is found in the right way. I don't remember all the specific names but I tried to be as specific as possible. The cloak is looted in one of the three vases in the treasure of the "Magma dragon" in the Lair of the Ancients in Ashen Maw. The second item I have no clue which one it is. You get it from furrante as a quest reward for doing a quest involving the death guard below Berath's temple. It might be possible to get it by killing him too.
That shield is a large shield that gives deflection based on Athletics skill and damage reduction based on Metaphysics skill. In the family feud quest you can also get an armor that gives deflection based on you Intimidate skill and on an island I found a cloak that gives Fortitude/Reflex/Will based on you History skill. Really? How do you get the intimidate armor then? Is it a reward for solving it a different way than the peaceful ending?
Hey everyone, My current party is around level 14 now and has almost cleared the southern half of the world map. I currently run into the issue that I severely lack gems to upgrade my stuff further. Specifically, pyrite/emerald/mother of pearls. Does anyone know If I can buy this somewhere? Kind regards!
"Tier 1/Pretty Godlike) Chanter. Nothing *in particular* screams godlike, I know. Doesn't have many martial passives to back up it's weapon DPS, it's offensive invocations are generally not that amazing, etc. Still, it's utility is really strong just because it brings so many little things to your party. Summons, especially as Beckoner, feel satisfying enough. They're not that strong on their own but you summon a lot of them at a time with the double summoning thing, and some of them have abilities they use the instant they spawn, like the dragon, which makes them effectively an AOE damage spell like fireball with bonus bodies afterwards. They have an AOE Paralyze (gives 50% hit to crit conversation) and the reload/recovery chant for buffing martial allies. They have chants that can effectively make your party immortal by providing healing, defensive buffs, or HealEffectiveness%, which combos really well with people who have passive sources of healing like fighters, paladins, priests, etc. Oh and the Brilliant passive they get in Tier 7 is basically infinite resources for your whole party if you need them. They're not that strong on their own but they're worth more than a single character when you aggregate all they bring to the table for the whole party. All subclasses are pretty good within their niche. Skald didn't feel as reliable as I thought it would be, Beckoner is fun if you want a summoner, Troubadour gets a lot of invocations at the expense of some chant utility. " First, great writeup Secondly, I'd have to say chanters would be tier 0 too based on the mentioned AoE brilliant buff that lasts forever, gives quick and insightfull as well and grants infinite resources. Combine with a paladin and a priest and voila, you are immortal. If your party is unkillable (I built my party to outlast the enemy and be able to take whatever they threw at me), then you always win. Chanters can also do whatever you want; they have a good electricity nuke with the level 1 upgrade (I lacked lightning damage vs construct which made that painfull without one) and have perfect chants for whatever situation comes up if you spec for it.
Regarding point one, I personally tried to explain this away by having the watcher (who is also soul drained) and all returning companions be mostly inactive for the entirety of the five year timeskip, so that they'd lose their peak conditioning. This works less well for Aloth and Pallegrina, but then again you get those slightly/much later at higher levels. From a design point of view, having everyone start at the max level would make almost the entirely of the game a walk in the park and thus a very boring experience. Or if you tried to design the game around level 20 being the starting level and do intend to have every enemy still being a credible threat, you'd then also have to explain why every random monster and enemy there is also level 20 and technically capable of beating archmages like llengreth and stuff, which logically makes no sense. If you're playing on classic difficulty and have experience in all other previous similar games, why didn't you pick a higher difficulty? Shouldn't you expect that you'd be so experienced it would be too easy? But to be fair, even POTD is fairly easy unless you do content underlevelled.
Hey everyone, I'm on my first playthrough and intend to see as much of the content as possible. I remember from the developer Q and A that it should be possible to do a fair bit of questing for all factions before you're forced to choose. Now, I'm at port Dunnage and Furrante has asked me to do a job for him, but only if i'm 'fully committed'. This job involves a slaver operation somewhere on crookspur Island. While spoiling as little as possible, could someone perhaps tell me if this is really the cutoff point and if doing this quest locks out all other faction quests? Or is it so that the point where you have to pick your faction is a super dramatic, incredibly obvious point in the main story where all options are in a single dialogue option menu and I wouldn't have to worry about choices before advancing the main story past a certain point? Kind regards, Lunattic
Hey everyone, I recently noticed that retraining the watcher causes you to lose all skill trainings you've purchased from the skill trainers (whom I assume are the NPC's created by the backers based on their names and portraits). This both makes no sense to me and is very inconvenient/ a trap considering how expensive it is to accumulate those. Is this working as intended? Kind regards!
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Hey everyone, For the community/reference's sake I decided to post a list here with the items available at the unique item vendor , accessable by spending 5 points of berath's blessing at the start of a new game. He is located to the west of the reading post at Port Mahe (starting town). (List: (item name, item type, cost in copper pand, ability description (slightly shortened for my sanity) The magnificent escape: cloak, 1275. +20 defense vs engament, 1 x/encounter when bloodied or below use rogue level 1 dash ability (small teleport, 3 second +50 deflection) Amazing potion belt: belt, 2650, +2 alchemy, every encounter summon 3 random potions in empty quick slot items, usuable that encounter. Firethrower's gloves: gloves, 3125, +2 dexterity, +2 explosives skill, +1 arcana, +2 all evocation power levels. Trollhide belt, belt, 775, regen 1 hp/6sec. Girdle of mortal protection, belt, 1775, +2 constitution, 20% of incoming crits converted to hits., Cloak of greater protection: cloak, 775, +10 to all non-deflection defenses. Cloak of greater deflection: cloak, 775, +7 deflection. Boots of the stone: boots, 2275, +1 might, +2 resolve, resistance to might afflictions. Boots of speed: boots, 2650 : +25 defense vs disengament attacks, +25% stride. Gauntlets of discipline: gloves, 1675, +2 max discipline (fighter classes/MC only) Gauntlets of ogre might: gloves, 1375: +2 might. Healing hands: gloves, 875, 1x/encounter heal one ally for 8 hp every 3 seconds for 5 seconds. (yeah, it seems really bad). Ring of unshackling: 275, grants suppress affliction (level 1 priest spell) 1x/rest. Ring of overseeing: 400, +10% area of effect. Necklace of fireballs: neck slot, 8 charges of fireball. Amulet of greater health: 1075, grants +25 maximum health. --------- That's the entire list. Some clear winners in the firethrower gloves, gauntlets of ogre might, girdle of mortal protection and the two types of cloaks of protection imho. However, just about everything here with the exception of the lay on hands item seems good. The prices are indeed very good for the power of the items. As a small tip, if you partake in the deadfire scavanger hunt and enter the codes, you start with 10 x captains banquet. You could sell these for a total of 2000 gold and you should be able to buy at least 2 good items by selling what you have. (Or have Berath's blessing points to spare to get more starting gold and just keep those)
First impression on full ability tree
lunattic replied to dunehunter's topic in Backer Beta Discussion
I'm planning Crusader for my first game and I agree with you, it looks awesome. Also, even though I won't reach the Paladin self rez, I think I can still get the Fighter self rez Unbreakable at PL 7, correct? Although that may come pretty late in the game. I just can't decide on the subclass I want. Originally I was thinking full on tank... Unbroken & Shield breaker with sword & shield but maybe I could let a companion be the tank and I can be more dual wield / melee dps?? Good catch, I forgot that one So you already have a self ress at level 7, even. In this hybrid I'd go for dual wielding. You have so much armor and healing from both talent trees that I don't see you needing a shield, and you can always pick kind wayfares to add *2* party aoe heals to each flames of devotion you use (it's a full attack, so both the attack and heal trigger twice). Shields also lower your accuracy, and with the fighter stance adding both +3 enemies engaged and -5% damage taken per engaged enemy on top of everything else I really don't see why you'd ever want to use a shield. I can see you tanking just as well as Eder while also having more damage than him, if he's a shield using pure fighter. And having both melees isn't a bad idea depending on the rest of the party makeup. I'm planning to use Eder + me + aloth + xoti + the ranger companion so i'm lacking a second melee. I think you have convinced me. I was also thinking the fighter stance that adds +3 engagement should be fine when needed, no need for the + engagement from the sub classes on top of that. Maybe dual wielding hatchets would be almost as good as having a shield anyway? Kind Wayfarer sounds good but I may not take a Fighter subclass. Devoted sounds great but on my first play through I want to be free to use whatever cool weapon I find next. In fact your party looks similar to what I had in mind (great minds think alike). I'm thinking my Crusader, then Eder (maybe fighter/rogue), Aloth (pure wizard), Xoti (is monk/priest enough healing or do I need full priest). For the last spot I will probably rotate people in and out, maybe a Witch (barbarian/cipher) or druid. Thanks I'm probably also not taking a fighter subclass as it's probably indeed better to be able to equip and use anything without a penalty. Or switch to other damage types when needed. Devoted is something probably better used on second playthroughs when you know where everything is. Eder as a swashbuckler is an interesting idea I might go with too. He can perhaps dual wield hatchets or hatchet + dagger with dagger modal (adds +10 melee deflection at the cost of -25% damage with the dagger, which for a dual wielding tank seems really good), and then abuse reposte and some of the rogue cc abilites. -
First impression on full ability tree
lunattic replied to dunehunter's topic in Backer Beta Discussion
I'm planning Crusader for my first game and I agree with you, it looks awesome. Also, even though I won't reach the Paladin self rez, I think I can still get the Fighter self rez Unbreakable at PL 7, correct? Although that may come pretty late in the game. I just can't decide on the subclass I want. Originally I was thinking full on tank... Unbroken & Shield breaker with sword & shield but maybe I could let a companion be the tank and I can be more dual wield / melee dps?? Good catch, I forgot that one So you already have a self ress at level 7, even. In this hybrid I'd go for dual wielding. You have so much armor and healing from both talent trees that I don't see you needing a shield, and you can always pick kind wayfares to add *2* party aoe heals to each flames of devotion you use (it's a full attack, so both the attack and heal trigger twice). Shields also lower your accuracy, and with the fighter stance adding both +3 enemies engaged and -5% damage taken per engaged enemy on top of everything else I really don't see why you'd ever want to use a shield. I can see you tanking just as well as Eder while also having more damage than him, if he's a shield using pure fighter. And having both melees isn't a bad idea depending on the rest of the party makeup. I'm planning to use Eder + me + aloth + xoti + the ranger companion so i'm lacking a second melee. -
First impression on full ability tree
lunattic replied to dunehunter's topic in Backer Beta Discussion
Er, both the Kind Wayfarer and Bleak Walker bonusses are REALLY good. I could dps-tank a dual wielding kind wayfaring paladin through a 1-ish vs 6 on POTD difficulty in the beta, with only very minimal support from the priest. That heal on a dual wielding char is really powerful, since it triggers twice for the entire party for a really good amount, AND doesn't cost you action time. Bleak walker also adds another damage type in addition to the damage bonus,m so you have another shot at targetting the lowest armor of the target. I agree that the other order bonusses are pretty weak, though. Big nerf of Paladin with flame of devotion. Honnestly, I understand the nerf of damage 25 % against 30 % (was ...50 %) But accuracy is the mark of paladin. 10 accuracy do a really minor difference now. MORE, why personnal bonus (upgrade) is 10 % against 20 % with shared ? It is a nonsense : p Personnal = 20 % Shared = 15 % Far more logical : p Cost of abilities, a lot with 6 sec of cast etc. I think, you can do more with a multiclass in this game. Flames of devotion really needed that nerf, to be honest. It was on line in power with barbaric blow and other 2 or even 3 resource abilities for only *1* zeal. Even as it now is, it is still pretty good. It really doesn't need +20 accuracy over +10 to be powerful. However, I agree that the shared flames buff is now better than the lingering flame upgrade. After seeing the full talent trees, I do agree that for most classes you can probably achieve more as a multiclass (when built smartly). -
First impression on full ability tree
lunattic replied to dunehunter's topic in Backer Beta Discussion
You mean summon TWO Dragons right? Yeah, the Beckoner gets two of them, but they are half-size pipsqueaks!! That just doesn't cut it. But it's two of them We can name them Bimmy and Jimmy! (I wonder if anyone else still understands that reference. Sigh, I'm getting too old...)