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Everything posted by Purudaya

  1. It's more than just the book, though - they apparently expanded quite a bit of dialogue during the endgame, including a conversation with Woedica that brings your previous interactions to a conclusion. If you open the book in a current save with most of the story content completed, it's not going to feel the same as consulting it periodically throughout your playthrough as you complete major events (it appears to light up as "new" in your inventory when new conversations become available). Given how expensive new VO is and how break-even the sales apparently were, I think it's pretty remarkable that they added this. My only beef is that the book can be consulted anywhere but the VO only works on the world map - I wish they would've found a justification to restrict its use to the ship if that bug wasn't fixable.
  2. Yeah, but those are also things I can do manually. I know it also disables mods and provides players with some kind of tracker for necessary major enemies to beat, but it just feels like something that players could've done voluntarily that didn't need to take up that empty challenge space - it doesn't ultimately add much new to the game, imo. The plaque and patch I think are a great idea, I just would've liked to try out something that changes the gameplay in a new way (in the vein of the previous challenges). Not a big gripe, the other stuff they added looks really solid so far
  3. So the last god challenge is essentially just a switch that turns on all the other challenges? That's something I can do manually - would've been nice to see a new challenge type, especially one that would be attractive to more than a handful of players. That said, I really appreciate the new narrative tweaks; I've played around with the Woedica book and it's a really nice touch. Thanks for a great game and for continuing to integrate community feedback!
  4. If you're willing to use a mod, the unity console over at the Deadfire Nexus will let you level up your companions without disabling any achievements. I don't really consider it cheating to bring a few sidekicks up to party level if you were otherwise willing to farm for it anyway.
  5. 1. Just about every area in Beast of Winter 2. Splintered Reef 3. Neketaka, particularly Queen's Berth, Periki's Overlook, and Delver's Row
  6. Obama enjoyed 8 quarters above 3%, which is why we tend to look at annual growth: 2.9% growth last year, 2.2% the year before that - same as 2015 and 2012 respectively. As for unemployment, the previous president could have made the same claim in 2016 and the current unemployment rate is continuing on a years-long linear trend (it's currently around 0.8% lower than when Trump took office). Jobs are a mixed bag as well, with Trump creating fewer in his first two years than Obama did in his last two years (and on track to go 0-4 by 2020 if projections hold). The trade deficit, meanwhile, is now the highest in U.S. history. I won't respond/debate this further since it's obviously way off-topic, but when I see pro-Trump myth-making I can't help but drop some data. Have a nice day.
  7. I still think assassin needs help, hopefully it'll get some before the final round of patching. The time and guile it takes to repeatedly set up invisibility and positioning - even assuming that you land the backstab every time - still puts you at a significant DPS disadvantage compared to any other dual-wielding rogue spamming cheap full attack abilities. It would help if "assassinate* allowed players to regain guile on kills made from stealth or something; that or give assassins a significant sneak attack bonus over other classes (and maybe increase their malus to +20% damage received to make for a true glass canon). As it stands now, there's just not a compelling enough reason to choose an assassin over other subclasses unless you're playing an assassin/evoker.
  8. Bumping for justice. As someone who's not playing Deadfire (and misses it) until this is fixed, it would be nice to see some confirmation that this bug is being resolved in the next patch.
  9. Except that interrupts did not work this way in POE1 if memory serves.And serves it does:"If the interrupted action is one that can be performed only a limited number of times (e.g., a spell), the action is not permanently lost, but it must be manually restarted after the Interrupt period has elapsed." So, yep, I think it's BS https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Combat#Interrupts.2FConcentration Again, losing a spell if shot/stabbed while casting is common to this genre of games. It's not new to PoE2, and *if memory serves* it was the implementation in PoE1 as well, regardless of what the gamepedia wiki says. Same with BG1, BG2, IWD1, IWD2, PS:T, DA:O, Tyranny, and just about any other RTwP game I can think of. I'm sorry you don't like it. It's as much of a staple in crpgs as a grenade throw being interrupted by gunfire is in an fps. Learn the rules and plan accordingly; you're the only user I've seen in these forums that has a problem with this. No, indeed it was not applied this way in POE1, taking 5 minutes to hop in game would show you that. Revised. Is PoE the only crpg you've ever played? My interest was piqued with POE1 when I was craving to replay NWN2, actually. So, how about that game? Admittedly I was a barbarian in that one. Given that NWN2 was based on D&D 3.5, yes - being interrupted while casting a spell should have cost you the use of that spell. It's been a decade since I've played, so, no clue if you're right or wrong. Certainly wrong about poe1 though. Yes, we established that, which is why I revised my post a few moments after double-checking, iirc. Same goes for Tyranny - I forgot that its system didn't rely on finite abilities the way most cprgs do. Other than that, I can't think of any crpg with finite-use abilities that doesn't cause those abilities (or at least spells) to be lost on interrupt. If you find one, let us know? Rather than building an entire playthrough around the casque and constantly going back to out of the way locations to give yourself a rash, it might just be easier to learn how to avoid being interrupted in the first place. The tips in this thread should be more than enough - you probably won't be able to make it through the game without ever losing a spell, but you can minimize it quite a bit with the right combination of positioning, protections, and tactics. Add to that the Grimoire of Vaporous Wizardry and a means to proc Brilliant and you'll find it pretty difficult to be short on casts.
  10. I've started with a potd wizard, and I'm really tempted to start over with a different class for that reason. ​ ​I do not have any complaints about the effectiveness of the wizard. It's doing fine. Merely the fun of the wizard. It's maddeningly stifling not being able to pick your own spell combinations, rather than be limited to the few you learn + what the grimoire has picked for you, minus any overlap. It's destroyed one of the primary enjoyments of the class, a tradition going all the way back to pen and paper. Long term thinking is gone too, due to the instant replenishing of spells after each combat, "action" style. Instant gratification central. ​ ​Don't get me wrong: the Deadfire world looks amazing, the art is unreasonably beautiful, the game is immersive, and the writing, humor, and voice acting are top tier. But oh man am I not happy with wizards. Probably going to restart with a different class and hope for an eventual fix or community mod. ​This would be easy to fix: the core mechanics are mostly alright. It's just the bits 'round the edge. People who don't want to edit the grimoires certainly would not have to do so. Just allow their editing as in POE1, and provide an "ironman" type game mode to turn off the infuriating Diablo auto-regeneration of health and spells, and I'm a happy Deadfire player. You don't even have to rebalance anything: I can pick an easier difficulty if potd is too hard with those restrictions. These two things are really sapping my enjoyment at the moment. Everything else seems wonderful so far. ​ I realize this was originally posted a while ago, but there are now god challenges and in game items that can make all abilities per-rest and remove automatic healing if you're really into that playstyle. Might be worth checking out.
  11. Lord Darryn's Voulge, Modwyr, all of the sabres, Rust's poignard, willbreaker, frostseeker, kitchen stove, red hand, dragon's dowry, devil of caroc breastplate, chromoprismatic quarterstaff, whale of a wand, nemnok's cloak, ajamuut's stalking cloak, pukestabber, assassin's slippers, boltcatchers, and tuotilo's palm are all great items with zero or very little downside (granted some of them are for sale and don't qualify as loot per se). For the most part, there are only a few items where the negatives outweigh the positives or are too conditional to be of much use imo. I'm more irritated at items with special abilities that only trigger on <5% of crits or something. I do wish there were more uniques, though. There are still too many weapon types with a disappointing lack of variety.
  12. Except that interrupts did not work this way in POE1 if memory serves.And serves it does:"If the interrupted action is one that can be performed only a limited number of times (e.g., a spell), the action is not permanently lost, but it must be manually restarted after the Interrupt period has elapsed." So, yep, I think it's BS https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Combat#Interrupts.2FConcentration Again, losing a spell if shot/stabbed while casting is common to this genre of games. It's not new to PoE2, and *if memory serves* it was the implementation in PoE1 as well, regardless of what the gamepedia wiki says. Same with BG1, BG2, IWD1, IWD2, PS:T, DA:O, Tyranny, and just about any other RTwP game I can think of. I'm sorry you don't like it. It's as much of a staple in crpgs as a grenade throw being interrupted by gunfire is in an fps. Learn the rules and plan accordingly; you're the only user I've seen in these forums that has a problem with this. No, indeed it was not applied this way in POE1, taking 5 minutes to hop in game would show you that. Revised. Is PoE the only crpg you've ever played? My interest was piqued with POE1 when I was craving to replay NWN2, actually. So, how about that game? Admittedly I was a barbarian in that one. Given that NWN2 was based on D&D 3.5, yes - being interrupted while casting a spell should have cost you the use of that spell.
  13. Except that interrupts did not work this way in POE1 if memory serves.And serves it does:"If the interrupted action is one that can be performed only a limited number of times (e.g., a spell), the action is not permanently lost, but it must be manually restarted after the Interrupt period has elapsed." So, yep, I think it's BS https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Combat#Interrupts.2FConcentration Again, losing a spell if shot/stabbed while casting is common to this genre of games. It's not new to PoE2, and *if memory serves* it was the implementation in PoE1 as well, regardless of what the gamepedia wiki says. Same with BG1, BG2, IWD1, IWD2, PS:T, DA:O, Tyranny, and just about any other RTwP game I can think of.I'm sorry you don't like it. It's as much of a staple in crpgs as a grenade throw being interrupted by gunfire is in an fps. Learn the rules and plan accordingly; you're the only user I've seen in these forums that has a problem with this. No, indeed it was not applied this way in POE1, taking 5 minutes to hop in game would show you that.Revised. Is PoE the only crpg you've ever played? If not, you'll find this implementation to be quite the exception.
  14. Except that interrupts did not work this way in POE1 if memory serves.And serves it does:"If the interrupted action is one that can be performed only a limited number of times (e.g., a spell), the action is not permanently lost, but it must be manually restarted after the Interrupt period has elapsed." So, yep, I think it's BS https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Combat#Interrupts.2FConcentration Again, losing a spell if shot/stabbed while casting is common to this genre of games. It's not new to PoE2; the same goes for BG1, BG2, IWD1, IWD2, PS:T, DA:O, Tyranny, and just about any other RTwP game I can think of. I'm sorry you don't like it. It's as much of a staple in crpgs as a grenade throw being interrupted by gunfire is in an fps. Learn the rules and plan accordingly; you're the only user I've seen in these forums that has a problem with this.
  15. Every crpg I've ever played (and I've played a lot) differentiates between a player cancelling an action and having an action interrupted. Losing a spell due to being interrupted while casting is absolutely not unique to PoE2. It's a common gameplay mechanic for this genre.
  16. Interrupts cancel all active abilities (even martial ones), not just spells. Keep your wizard in the back line and take passives/equip items that grant concentration, the one ability that prevents interrupts. If an enemy is disrupting your wizard, direct party members to disrupt/disable that enemy. If necessary, invest in protection spells that reduce your chance of being hit.
  17. unfortunately this got nerfed a bit - sparkcrackers used to trigger two times (for two attack rolls to try to connect) but now (as of like 4.1) only trigger once. still really fun (and probably the most powerful application of sparkcrackers) Ah, that's too bad - is the change a feature or a bug? Hard to tell sometimes with 4.1, I haven't played since AoE weapon afflictions stopped working.
  18. 4.1 introduced several new bugs, most notably breaking AoE weapon afflictions. There are also bugs present since release (quest givers and shop owners permanently disappearing in Serpent's Crown, certain enemies becoming untargetable/unkillable) that still have yet to be fully squashed. I'm starting to worry that the development focus is shifting toward turn-based mode to the detriment of the base game/RTwP.
  19. Fun side-effect of sparkcrackers: you can use them to trigger Heating Up/On The Edge on friendly party members Playing a streetfighter and tossing sparkcrackers at your feet to distract both yourself and your engaged enemy is a neat application of the mechanics and pretty fun RP-wise. I usually have a companion keep some on hand as well to give me a boost in fights where I don't want to risk low health or can't proc flanked.
  20. Seconding calls for an AoE weapon fix. I get that turn-based is new and all, but polishing it shouldn't come at the expense of core mechanics. My playthrough is currently on hold until this is fixed.
  21. It's also possible to gain survivability through offense. I played a high perception/dexterity streetfighter/helwalker for my first PotD playthrough and had a blast surrounding myself with enemies and methodically stun-locking each of them with virtually unlimited stunning surges. The character only had 6 resolve and was quite squishy, but with the incredible multiclass speed and accuracy synergies he disabled most enemies before they could land more than a couple of hits. It also helps to choose the right support characters — even an unarmed assassin could serve as an adequate blocker in a pinch if you have a priest spamming Barring Death's Door and Salvation of Time on her.
  22. Rogue has some great bleed abilities – gouging strike lasts until the afflicted enemy dies, which is great for long fights. You can also apply it in an AoE with mortars or rods (currently bugged and being worked on). Toxic strike is also quite good, as is arterial strike for ranged or melee characters that are able to push enemies or otherwise force them to move.
  23. Really enjoyed Tyranny. The combat isn't as good as Deadfire's, but it has an incredibly interesting world and companions that are better written than any of the PoE cast. There's also a lot of player agency: you can play for the favor or overthrow of Kyros (with possible benevolent and malevolent motivations for both), side with mutually exclusive factions, go it alone, etc. Being able to play in a world where evil has just conquered everything offers some really interesting RP options. If you enjoy a solid story, good lore, and are open to a unique approach to the genre, I'd highly recommend it.
  24. Seconding! Really looking forward to the fix for this
  25. The implementation is a little wonky, but I wouldn't say it's worth skipping the game (or the developer) over...
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