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Everything posted by xzar_monty

  1. Same here. I have now had two playthroughs, and I had it in both of them, and in both, only Aloth and my main character suffered from it.
  2. I know the feeling, with some other games. I find it really hard to figure out how these bugs happen. But this was probably due to the fact that during that battle, one of my characters got stuck in an endless loop (there's another nasty bug for you!). It said nothing but "X abandons casting Y", over and over again, and I mean really over and over: nothing but this could be seen in my combat log, endlessly, and the character could not even be moved.
  3. So with the corona and all, I've been replaying the game. But I think I'll stop now, quite possibly for good, with Obsidian. My latest auto-save is the one before the endgame for the Forgotten Sanctum, after that I've only got the quicksave which is now ruined. You see, I tried to sail to Ukaizo on the Floating Hangman. So I stood on my deck, took the sword, said the oath, battled Lucia Rivan and... I did not get the sequence that says "With the last of the undead slain, the Floating Hangman is now yours". I'm standing there on the deck of the Floating Hangman, and there's nothing I can do. When I click back to the world map, I'm on the Defiant. So that's that, I suppose. Obsidian really manages to create these bugs that bug the heck out of you.
  4. Camping supplies were also 2 on Hard, or whatever it was between Normal and PotD.
  5. Ok, in that case I'm almost certain it was the classic animation bug even with AI completely turned off, because no potions were lost.
  6. Yesterday I was in a fight where I turned off auto-attack and potions still weren't drunk (on at least three occasions), but I am unsure as to whether it was a bug or a real combat-related interruption. Is potion drinking something that can be interrupted if a character is hit in the middle of it?
  7. Seems to me that to ensure potion drinking, you have to untick "Auto-attack as a default option", otherwise your characters may well not drink, despite the animation being shown. I just had a fight where I had to untick this and then tick it again, because if it is unticked and one of your characters happens to be in a melee, you will have to manually direct him/her to make every single swing, the character does absolutely nothing without being explicitly told to do so, even if a melee is already ongoing.
  8. That was definitely a necromantic comment, although the school doesn't exist in Deadfire!
  9. I believe @Elric Galad pretty much nailed the Ranger question and the way it must be handled. Very good indeed.
  10. So, things being what they are, I went back to the game... and there's this astonishing bug in the game, after all these years. I did some searching on the net, and apparently it's a legitimate concern. It goes like this: during combat, when you direct one of your characters to drink a potion, you will see the drinking animation, but the potion is not consumed. I just lost my group to this: I tried drinking healing potions, but all I ended up doing was wasting time and getting hit more. The animation is there, but no potion is drunk, and the amount of potions in my inventory does not go down by one. Frankly, this looks absurd.
  11. Fair enough. Given how good the game is, for the most part, some of the bugs and quest oversights(*) are quite frankly astonishing. But all in all, I was very happy, and Deadfire was certainly worth my money. (*) Impossible to make reasonable choices, impossible to show various documents around without losing them at the same time.
  12. Yes, I noticed this one, too. I'm not entirely sure if it's a bug or a feature, but either way it's strange.
  13. I'm not sure what the definitions are (in terms of percentages and slash/pierce, and so on), but in my view it's only good that skeletons are 100% immune to bows, for rather obvious reasons. Keeping crush weapons as backup is highly recommended, and I do it, too.
  14. I have only ever enchanted exactly ONE weapon/armor to the max. (Some of them of course start at legendary, so there's maybe only two things to do.) So @fced, I'm fairly certain it is not possible to upgrade all your favorite weapons to legendary, unless of course your selection of favorites is very very small. My sense is that the game is designed that way, i.e. you have to make considered choices. I think that's a good thing.
  15. Interestingly, this is something that I also frequently witnessed. The animation was there, but the potion was not consumed. To me, it seemed like a bug, but that's all I know.
  16. @asnjas: It appears you're still ignoring the essence of stealth, and your entire argument falls flat because of that. There is no unfairness in the stealth check.
  17. One example of a group-wide athletics check is in the Undercroft, where you cross the water along that rope. Everybody has to succeed.
  18. It's not unfair. If one of you makes noise, you're all screwed. Your analogies don't work: if someone sucks at alchemy and gives you poor information, that's irrelevant, because the expert in the group can tell you how things really are, and the novice can be ignored. It's precisely the same logic as with the "straight and narrow" path in Baldur's Gate 2, in the Hell trials: it makes no difference if all the other choices you make are good, you only have to make one evil choice and you're evil. This is also entirely logical. If someone you know is ok in ten different scenarios and only betrays you once, do you regard him as trustworthy or untrustworthy? The skills are not the same. They are not comparable in the sense you describe.
  19. If your group is trying to be stealthy and one of you makes noise, you fail, whereas if you need to know something, it's enough for one of you to know it. It's not unfair, it's entirely logical. Think about it for a moment. Also, failing some of the checks is fine.
  20. My group is still playing 3.5 and has no desire to change, and although there are some occasional discussions to be had, it's nowhere near as bad as that.
  21. Conclusion: it's a game designed by lawyers.
  22. Yo. It is not logical or reasonable in any sense of either term to think that the only two alternatives are hating something and praising it to high heaven. Surely this is obvious. Right?
  23. If you fly a pirate flag, other ships are more likely to be hostile to you, but since you're going to plunder them anyway, that shouldn't matter too much. As for the story itself, I'm not sure, but I'm almost certain there are no consequences: Obsidian wouldn't make you unable to finish the game.
  24. That's about it, yes. A good Star Trek rpg would be nice. The chances of any Star Trek rpg being good... That's another thing, but they're not good.
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