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Everything posted by Muad'Dib
I haven't played DS here just yet, still waiting for the patch before starting my second game, but I don't recall that many instances where I may feel guilty over being a bad guy. In K1 though, that freaking Ithorian in Taris that was being ridiculed by the kids, I felt sooo bad for him I had a very hard time doing the DS choice there. Felt bad for a while after that. As for Vrook, hell I wanted to saber him as a Lightsider! Back from K1, I'd hoped he'd changed a bit now in K2, but no, still wanted to impale him into a gamorrean axe. Have to see how my DS game will go in K2, I look forward to it. After that I'll play LS again.
Finished, and just wondering...
Muad'Dib replied to Grimlock's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
There are a total of 5 party members that you can train as Jedi; 3 males and two females. Atton and Bao-Dur are two of the males. As for your second question, there may still be some that haven't finished the game so that would better be answered in the spoilers forum. You don't learn where Revan is exactly, but you do know why he/she went there and what supposdly is to follow. Malachor V's connection is also story related so it would be a spoiler. -
KOTOR2: Hottest Female Character
Muad'Dib replied to Topaz Quasar's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Either Visas or Mira. I never saw what Visas looks like under the veil and Mira gets no romance option, so I'm not sure. Guess I'd take Visas just because she was voiced by Kelly Hu and she is gorgeous and because I can't pick feisty Bastila again. So Visas wins by default. -
What Did You Think Of The 4 Jedi Masters?
Muad'Dib replied to Bastilla_Skywalker's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I agree with you Ace, except for what happens to the Masters, somehow in LS it just felt wrong to me. Just a gimmick used so that the PC would have to chase Traya. The Masters attitude at the end just went against everything I experienced from them during the course of the game. There is a difference between being a potential threat and an imminent threat, the Exile was a potential threat. And judging the Masters extensive discourses on how they were wrong about casting the PC out instead of understand what happened to him/her and why, their sudden change in way of thinking didn't feel right to me at all, it detracted heavily from everything they talked about prior to that for me, and my liking for the game suffered from this. This was the point in the game where I stopped liking where the story was going and reevaluated my feelings about the game as a whole. -
Female Romance option SUCKS!
Muad'Dib replied to Woodsprite4's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I played my forst game as a female PC, I never tried this before so I can't compare to say the Carth romance of K1 nor the female romances here. I think this part of the game was disappointing also at least when compared to the Bastila romance of K1 which I loved. Here nothing actually happened with Atton who I "chose" over Disciple, except him being belittled by Kreia for how he felt. He never said a thing to my PC about his feelings, if it hadn't been because of his small chats with Mira and Bao-Dur I wouldn't have known his character felt anything for the PC at all. After I do my DS games, I'll play LS again and see the romances with Handmaiden and Visas. I don't particularly like Handmaiden and heard her "romance" is pretty bad like the female romances but since I don't really like her that much it doesn't matter. Hopefully Visas will be a little better but from what I've read I'm not expecting much. -
On some aspects I liked K1 better, on others I liked K2 better. As I was playing K2 I felt I was enjoying the journey and story more than K1, but after returning to the Masters in Dantooine and almost everything that happened after that I found I wasn't enjoying everything as much any longer. The masters on Dantooine really disappointed me as I mentioned in the thread about them, I liked Telos Academy though I wish I'd seen the alternate Atris it would have been more fitting but at least I lied how that was played out, fighting through Citadel station was ok, it picked up a little in the cutscenes of the Sith fleet and boarding the Ravager. The Ravager itself was decent though the Nihilus confrontation really disappointed me. The Republic fleet arriving gave me hope, but once the Ravager was destroyed the fighting just stopped, they never showed what happened with the rest of the Sith fleet or the Republic. Talking to Carth was cool, then Malachor V was very disappointing. When I finished K1, I had loved the journey and had a sense of accomplishment as the story came full circle. After I finished K2 I had loved most of the journey but the end left me almost depressed and feeling empty like I had done all of that for nothing. Overall I liked K1 over K2, as much as I did like K2, the impression of it at the end just wasn't uplifting or fulfilling, just empty, at least for me. Will have to see how 3 goes.
What Did You Think Of The 4 Jedi Masters?
Muad'Dib replied to Bastilla_Skywalker's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
To be honest I was a little disappointed in the Masters, at least at the end. Obviously some were extremely arrogant (Particularly Vrook keeping up with character from K1 and of course Atris). Kavar and Zez-Kai on the other hand I found complex, particularly because of what they say about you, Revan, and the decisions of the Council. But it was good that the Masters didn't all think the same way or even those that thought alike believed what they did for the same reasons. But... For these reasons I found that during the search for the Masters I really liked where they were going with them but the resolution with the Masters in Dantooine just made me feel everything had been pointless, kinda like the ending. My two cents. -
I don't think so, as I understand it the Force is within all living thngs, but not all living things develop the ability to "use" the Force if you will. Just because a Wookie can't use the Force doesn't mean the Force isn't a part of it, remember that the Force is more of an analogy towards the essence of life, basically it is life. The Force is not the abilities the Jedi posses, they are in a sense more evolved thus can use and see other aspects of life others can't. There are plenty of races that can't use the Force in the way the Jedi can, I don't believe it makes a contradiction to the statement that the Force is within everything. Just my opinion though.
It is Atris, originally she took the moniker of Darth Traya and she looked like this when you fight her in the Telos Academy. The XBox Prima guide still has pictures of the fight for some reason.
I'm not sure if it was Kreia, have to play again and hopefully I can find the reference. I'll do the same with K1 at some point, I believe the HK conversation is when he discovers he is an assassination droid when the PC discovers he/she is Revan, I might be wrong there also, I heard it somewhere in K1 though. I'll look, if I can find it I'll make a note when and who says it.
According to the pictures in the XBox guide: And Akari had mentioned during development that the third Sith Lord would resemble the wicked queen from Snow White, for whatever reason they decided to remove this appearance from the final cut. And I like this Traya's look much more than the actual one.
Ok, technically this is a spoiler, though since it wasn't used I don't know if it classifies as a spoiler still but just in case: That's who that is. Don't read if you haven't finished the game.
Well Murda, I very specifically remember the line that says Revan has gone to the Unknown Regions but he (I made him a he in my first game) will return, I'm pretty sure it was Kreia who said it when we talk about Revan but it might have been Mandalore, not sure, but everything points to Kreia. In my next playthrough I'll try to keep an eye out for the line and will PM you with it if I find it, might be a while though, I'm waiting for the patch to release before I start a new game. This is just like in K1 where I remember HK telling me that Revan had built 50 assassination droids and no more, and no one recalls this conversation nor do they believe HK says it. It does explain how HK is surprised about the knock offs and how he doesn't know where the new ones are being developed. I'll keep you posted Murda.
Well it really depends what you mean Sun_Tzu, Are you referring to an RPG set in the established EU era of the New Republic (Like KotOR is supposed to be around the established era of Exar Kun, etc) this means any time period from Thrawn to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. Or do you mean just an RPG set after Return of the Jedi, in any timeframe? If you are talking about inside the established timeframe of the EU I say no, especially if it's during the Yuuzhan Vong timeline, I wouldn't be interested in playing that. However if you mean something like 4,000 years after Return of the Jedi, then I think there could be possibilities for an interesting storyline there. But that would still all depend what it would be about, how much post-RotJ EU stuff influences it and whether like KotOR they change things from the EU to better fit the storyline or they decide to just leave it exactly the same. So my vote is a depends, if it's removed from the EU timeframe then maybe if it's set during then I'm not interested.
Like it has been said I really doubt the patch will add anything to the game, I'm fairly confident it will only deal in solving bugs. Someone mentioned some games before, but I've never seen a patch that adds additional content or restores deleted ones. If anything they'd make an expansion to restore the eliminated stuff or add new ones, but an expansion won't happen. I guess bug fixes will have to do.
Did You Agree With The Influence On The Crew?
Muad'Dib replied to Bastilla_Skywalker's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
The influence system was a good idea, however it's a bit confusing to know exactly how to influence them as you don't exactly know which acts affect influence and which don't. Plus there isn't any indication how much influence you have over the current character and I have still yet to see the influence affecting performance of members in the party, it was said that if you lost enough influence, the party member would leave forever, hasn't happened to me yet though. The influence was a bit more to my liking than level up and get more info from K1, however I really miss the character subquests from K1, that helped bring out more about the characters also because their subquests were tied to their backgrounds. I think a mixtue of both systems would have been really good. I like the influence idea, though maybe I would have preferred more of a trust system than influence, instead of getting others to do my bidding as if my puppets they agree more with my pov and what I do because they trust me more. Particularly resolving or embarking on their sidequests would affect this trust. I'd like to see something like that. -
Hmm so I need to get the specific moments that gives DS points that gain influence with them yet get LS points everywhere else to maintain my alignment? I guess I'll give it a shot, sometimes it's a bit hard to define what actions give influence and which actions give LS/DS points only. Thanks for the help. Yeah it's a shame lots of stuff had to be cut out.
The posters on the official SW forums
Muad'Dib replied to Matt7895's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Oh I remember what you mean now, what Lucas says about Boba on the track is that had he known how popular Boba was going to be he would have given him a better death, not that he would have resurrected him. He would have just killed him more spectacularly than simply being knocked into the Sarlacc by clumsy Han, frankly I laugh every time I see that. CrashT yeah I know Unifying Force which is why when I mentioned the Vong I said they are either outside of the Force or on another level of it. Regardless I don't like their concept and the other reasons I mentioned, just not my taste. I'm glad you liked it though, not trying to ruin it for you, just saying why I didn't find that series appealing. -
Now I remember that it was mentioned that characters would be able to be influenced towards either side, depending on your influence with them some would follow while others would become more distant...supposedly even some would leave the party if too much influence was lost. I've seen being able to corrupt characters that are LS; Mira, Atton, Disciple, Bao-Dur, etc. But has anyone been able to turn DS characters towards the LS?? Playing as LS, I was never able to turn HK or Mandalore towards the LS, no matter if I had influence with them or not, they remained pretty much in the same place. So has anyone been able to turn those to LS? Or is the influence only one sided towards Dark? Because that would be very disappointing. And has anyone experienced the npc leaving your party because they disagree with your actions like it was stated they would?
Well ChaosRose, you might get that to some degree at least. In one conversation I had recently in K2 someone (Kreia maybe) says that Revan will return. The extent of his/her return is what we'll have to see.
The posters on the official SW forums
Muad'Dib replied to Matt7895's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Thanks Kissamies, I'm glad you really like the EU, especially that you found something worthy where I couldn't like the NJO. I know that Boba is a character that's well liked so he was resurrected, but I don't like the character that much though as I find him excessively overrated, I find strange Lucas would say that though unless he had some radical change of heart, maybe that was in Empire of Dreams which I haven't watched yet. I always saw Boba the same way he did, a simple means to an end, he's the bounty hunter that brings Han to Jabba, nothing more. Jango however had much more interesting role than Boba had in all 3 movies combined, at least imo. The NJO I didn't like because of what some people precisely really liked, the Vong. I dislike them completely as a concept, from being "outside" of the Force or rather on another level of it, to their saber resistant abilities to their seemingly unstoppableness (Is that even a word?), the whole Vong being so powerful then 11th hour miracle defeating them was a little too much Ewok vs Imperials for me again, I just don't buy it. On the duels I didn't specifically mean about tecnique or the style, obviously Ray Park is a top notch martial artist and his agressive display of Maul was very energetic where Christopher Lee is supposed to be a more graceful duelist, that wasn't the problem for me. The only real problem I had with the Ep2 duels was that they were way too short. Obi-Wan's confrontation with Dooku was a joke, he fell about as fast as I beat Nihilus, Anakin lasted just a little longer but half that was wasted in a closeup of Dooku and Anakin's faces, then of course Yoda who was the better of the 3 duels, but they were just too short and barely enough to get me into them unlike the duel in Ep1 or Luke's confrontation with Vader in ESB. Shadows of the Empire was great though, the whole Vader/Luke/Xizor looking at the skies scene was very profound. The only gripe I had against the book was they underused Dash, especially since Shadows was supposed to be his story. Everything else about it was great. Zahn was really good with the original Thrawn, very well made villain. Poor KJA, I hope he does better Dune than SW, it'd be a shame if he doesn't do justice to both series that I love. -
Please change the Ebon Hawk in Kotor 3
Muad'Dib replied to Bokishi's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Yeah I've seen the debris of the back part of the Ravager class ship in the arrival at Malachor V scene, what I mean is that I have no clue as to where that class came from or what it is supposed to be since other than Nihilus, no one seems to use the Ravager class ship at all, neither Sith nor Republic, so where all the ships of that class destroyed at the Mandalorian Wars? Did the Republic just not build any more of them nor the Leviathan class ships? Especially since both would seem far ahead technology wise than the Republic Cruisers and Frigates they always seem to use. Edit: Oh and on the Ebon Hawk topic itself, I believe they might keep the Hawk at least one more time depending on two things: a) What K3 is about (Does it continue the story begun in 1 and 2), b) Who the PC is. I think the odds are better for a new ship in a fourth installment provided they make it unrelated completely from the previous 3 games (If K3 continues the story that is). New era, new PC, new story arc, I'd say probably a new ship as well. But for K3, they might keep it around as it is the Millenium Falcon of this trilogy, again if K3 is made so that the first 3 games are a linked Trilogy -
Please change the Ebon Hawk in Kotor 3
Muad'Dib replied to Bokishi's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Actually Fish the Leviathan was not created by the Star Forge, it was Saul Karath's Flagship during the Mandalorian Wars, the design of the Leviathan itself is a bit more unclear though. I don't necessarily think the Leviathan was the only one of its class in service for the Republic yet the Republic never is seen using one in service themselves. So either the Leviathan was a one of a kind Flagship in the Mandalorian Wars or hypothetically both the returning Sith under Revan and the Republic have the same class of ship but for one reason or another the Republic didn't use them (I know that they weren't used so as to not confuse who were good and bad ingame but the storyline's reason was never explained). The Star Forge did however make a lot of ships for the Sith of the same class as the Leviathan as Malak indicates. I haven't a clue about the class of ship the Ravager was, as none were seen in K1 and no other of the same class appeared in K2 other than the Ravager itself. -
What kotor1 character do you want to see in kotor3
Muad'Dib replied to Bokishi's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
That Selkath merchant outside of Ahto City! Can't wait to see him lay the smackdown on a Sith Lord. Aside from him from K1: Revan and Bastila of course. Jolee, I miss that old fogey lecturing me. I liked Carth as a non-party npc admiral, it'd be cool to see him again there. If they can pull off what they did with T3 giving him personality, I wouldn't mind seeing Zaalbar as a non-party npc, only if they can give him personality like T3 in K2 though. From K2: Atton, that guy cracks me up, definately has the Han Solo thing down, would like him as my pilot again. Mira would be pretty cool to see, if possible Bao-Dur as I quite don't know what happened to him. Of course HK and T3 and I wouldn't mind seeing Mandalore as a non-party npc. Visas as a non-party npc would also be nice. -
The posters on the official SW forums
Muad'Dib replied to Matt7895's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Darth Abomination, I have to disagree with you about the LotR movies not being any good, I loved he movies and the book. Both had their own strengths and weaknesses. 1) Very true, but Legolas was hardly a character with much depth to begin with. 2) I disagree 3) Glad they did. 4) Don't know what you mean, his character was reduced from the book if that's what you were talking about. 5) I liked the changes in TT movie, especially the elves at Helm's Deep the book made elves seem like pansies running away. 6) Thank God, worse chapter in the book for me, absolutely hated it. 7) They did in the extended edition. I liked that, Arwen barely apeared in the books to begin with. 9) Very true, also Frodo took about 70 years before leaving the Shire for Bree with the whole selling Bag End and moving subplot, but I don't think it was critical to the story. All in all I was very pleased with the movies, and I have much appreciation for them as that as much as the book for what it provided. As for the actual topic, well the EU isn't exactly a topic all SW fans agree on. Personally I don't like the vast majority of it including but not limited to: 1) Villains are cloned way too much; Palpatine, Luuke, Joruus C'Baoth (SP?) to name a few. 2) Boba Fett's resurrection. 3) Anything NJO 4) Treating the Force as if it is something that can be taken away from, injected into or transferred to people. (I don't mind these things in games since I don't consider them more than that). 5) Repulsor lifts moving planets That's just some stuff I dislike, I do however like some things in the EU: 1) Heir to the Empire 2) Shadows of the Empire 3) Mara Jade 4) Solo children 5) Tales of the Jedi (Mostly) The EU is an acquired taste, especially since so many authors with so many different styles and general ideas constantly shift where the EU is taken. There is some very creative stuff within the EU and even the worst book or comic has something good in it just like even the best one has something bad. But I hardly think that disliking the EU makes anyone less of a SW fan. As for the prequels, like the EU they have their good stuff and bad stuff. Generally I've liked the prequels, Ep2 was definately an improvement over Ep1 (Excluding Duel of the Fates which was far above the Dooku duel) and can't wait for Ep3. But even the OT has plenty of holes in subplots and character development, contradictions, and Ewoks. As you might have guessed I'm not a RotJ fan, I like somethings about it but as a movie (And more importantly the final chapter of SW) it leaves me vastly disappointed. It's all a matter of taste really. Sorry for the long post.