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Everything posted by Muad'Dib

  1. I based my information on the unofficial SW encyclopedia which takes its info from the books, novels, comics, etc. There is a big possibility I am wrong, I have not read the Tales of the Jedi comics, I do believe there was a series of comics named Knights of the Old Republic also? Or am I wrong about that as well I do know that Ragnos was the Dark Lord of the Sith some 5,000 years before EP1, I know that his death led to the power struggle between Ludo Kressh and Naga Sadow and I know his spirit named Exar Kun Lord of the Sith during the Great Sith War. I also know that the Sith were destroyed in the battle of Ruusan some 1K years before Ep.1, where Darth Bane was the only one to escape, he found Exar Kun's holocron on Dxun and established the One Master/Apprentice guideline for the Sith. Even in Ep1 they mention the Sith had been around 1K years earlier when Qui-Gon describes his attack in Tatooine. But that's only what I've found, wether that goes against the Tales of the Jedi or not I don't know. But it is my understanding the Sith Empire still existed to a point until Darth Bane's lifetime when they were finally finished off by infighting and the Jedi some 3K years after Kun which was the original topic, whether the Sith existed after Kun or not.
  2. From all the research I've managed to find there have been 2 Sith Empires. The first one was the Empire with the actual Sith race, of which I've found very little information out of. At some point Jedi discovered Korriban, found the ancient Sith teachings and brought them back for study. Slowly they would begin to fall to the Dark Side and were banished from the Jedi Order when they refused to stop studying these teachings. These outcasts then returned to Korriban and interbred with native Sith (though this always confused me a bit since suppsedly the Sith were extinct so how they did this I have no clue). Anyways, the second Sith Empire was the one formed by Marka Ragnos when he united all of the Sith clans under his leadership 5,000 years before Episode 1. This saw the civil war between Naga Sadow and Ludo Kressh and was the same Empire Exar Kun led in the Great Sith War. The Sith Empire of KotOR isn't exactly the same one from the EU comics and novels, though it's supposed to be, at least in part having united with Revan's forces when he returned from the Mandalorian Wars. The events of KotOR and the EU are not the same, the game draws heavy inspiration from these events but don't follow everything to the letter the way it was originally established. For example the Marka Ragnos of KotOR 1 was not the same Marka Ragnos of the EU that united the Sith clans. But for argument's sake let's say it is exactly the same Empire as it's supposed to be; the Sith Empire did survive after Kun, Kun died some 4,000 years before Episode 1, the Sith Empire was supposedly destroyed 1,000 years before Episode 1 when the last surviving Sith Lord, Darth Bane, went into hiding revising the Sith Code with the One Master/Disciple tenet.
  3. Well for me, should Bastila even show up I would like not just to either have her live on, kill her by my hand, or have her killed by someone else but like all npc characters I'd like the option that the choices I make can develop any one of these possibilities. I like the idea that I can play through and have Bastila or any other character die because of the path I chose, but at the smae time in another time I play through the result is different because my decisions were different. Frankly I believe this would be the best alternative to Bastila and whoever else you want to include for I feel this diversity in how the game progresses and who lives and dies can be different playing through several times. Something like Juhani except the concept extended.
  4. He, he, he, that's a bit scary Maria On the last known Jedi must be just past the intro sequence since the first person you meet is Kreia and she's a Jedi, so really the whole no other Jedi thing is a bit of puzzle for me. I agree with GhostofAnakin that from the character's perspective the death of Bastila would be completely irrelevant. The storyline concerns is precisely how I perceive she might show as an npc or in the least in a cameo. As I read in the questions to the devs and the articles of various magazines and previews, your alignment, sex and the events you input into how KotOR 1 ended all affect exactly who your party is made up of; say you killed Jolee and Juhani at the top of the temple in the unknown planet and put that into KotOR 2's storyline, thus neither would show up in KotOR 2, but if you were LS and didn't kill them, maybe one or both appear either as npcs or cameos in KotOR 2. So really Bastila showing up ingame is just a metter of telling the game she was alive at the end of KotOR 1. And she doesn't have to have been romantically tied to Revan at all, as I recall I could refuse pursuing the relationship at any time (I did in DS ending though took her for apprentice) so her connection to the new PC in KotOR 2 can also be modified in the same way as her appearance in the storyline. The fact about her strength can pretty much function i the same manner as Baldur's Gate worked, the PC ended up being pretty powerful at the end of BG1 and he/she remained the central character in BG2. Fact is no matter how strong you are, there is someone else always stronger. And Bastila doesn't even have to appear from the very beginning anyways, depending on how long the game is and what kind of relationship you can develop with her she could appear mid-way through or (in case of romance) in the second world, Taris sure took a long time in the original and meeting Bastila in the equivalent time it takes to fully finish all the quests and reach Dantooine is a fair amount of time where a lot happens. Still, I hope the devs in Obsidian do like the Bioware devs did with KotOR and put up small character bios so we can know who shows up ingame.
  5. I sincerely hope that Bastila isn't dead or back in the DS. I came to like Bastila very much in spite her constant lectures and I loved using those really cheap Han Solo pick up lines that tormented her like poor Leia. I must admit that I will be very disappointed when confirmation comes that Bastila is not one of my LS npcs and I can continue to explore the character (and bug the hell out of her too just like when I was Revan), especially since I like her appearance much more than that white haired girl, who I hope is just an artist rendition Kreia because it seems a bit of an overkill having two white haired female LS Jedis in the group. I would have really liked it better if the npc list had been a mixed combination of characters from KotOR 1 and the new ones and having the rest of the original npcs appear in their cameos, while I can understand taking out Mission, Zaalbar and HK-47 (Who should be with Revan following him though I know supposedly HK comes out in KotOR 2 or another droid like him), Carth, Juhani (who I never felt was much of an importnat character), even Canderous (who was an awesome character) I'd still wish to have Bastila and Jolee in my party, though I know Kreia takes over the Jolee mentor bit. In spite of it being a new storyline, somehow it doesn't feel like a true continuation of the original with a new party, especially considering Sith Lords' timeline. After all, you didn't see a brand new cast in ESB or RotJ from ANH. But I still hold out a little bit of luck to see some of these old friends as companions again in my new adventure. Oh well time will only tell...
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