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Everything posted by trashmyego

  1. I'd install the 1.03 patch since you've got nothing to lose currently. Have you tried uninstalling the game, deleting the files and downloading them again for a fresh install? Could be that something was corrupted during the first download or install.
  2. This. There are only two buttons I need to use on the fly and they're Pause and Sneak. So if you can use a mouse well enough and have one with a programmable button or two, you're good to go.
  3. Or you could take one of your games where you already have an inn accessible. Actually, whichever play through you have gotten the farthest level wise. And go to an inn, and start creating characters of each class and build that you might be interested in trying? If it's taking you this long to figure out which main you want to play because they aren't 'meshing' well, why are you starting over from the beginning when you have access to character creation within the game itself? Figure out what you think might work best for you and then start over from there. If you still are unhappy and have to do it again, maybe this game isn't for you?
  4. They're working on the expansion already and will be releasing the first 'half' by the end of the year according to their own expectations. I doubt if an overhauled GOTY release is a priority for them.
  5. Yeah I understand that, I just require a controller to play because of my physical disability and would love to play this game. Hopefully the Steam controller will bridge a lot of ground for you then. I have my hopes up. The tracking pads really seem like they'll work as a viable substitute for the mouse. From the videos I've seen, it plays Civilization 5 like a charm and if that's viable most anything should be.
  6. Maybe when the Steam controller comes out. The tracking pads on that would make that the only plausible route to support without demanding a huge effort from Obsidian. Otherwise, I hope they don't waste resources on that unless they're aiming for a console release. And even then, I hope it's not until after the expansion(s) is released.
  7. It's actually your fault and your computer's fault. You bought a game who's release system requirements are above what you have to offer. You're running an OS that hasn't been suited for gaming for a couple years now. They wanted to provide you this ability and are still trying to work on it for 32 bit uses, but I would have personally waited to purchase the game until I had confirmation. You easily could have gotten a refund if you backed or otherwise purchased the game, and more than likely still can if you push.
  8. It's a bug that's been around since launch. Thought it was fixed in the 1.03 patch, but I guess not completely.
  9. It's going to be locked from now on sadly. Well, until they fix it with a patch. It can happen to any ability it seems. They haven't really responded to this issue in any way, so I don't know if it's on their priority list or not. The only time I've seen a developer comment on a thread reporting this issue is from the backer beta in September
  10. It can happen with any ability it seems.
  11. Seems to be able to happen to any ability, I had one lock on me launch day. Haven't seen a thread where the developer responded to this issue since the backer beta, so who knows if it'll ever get fixed.
  12. Well they said at the beginning of the year they already had people working on maps for the expansion with general development discussion/planning having been going on for a while. So this sounds feasible.
  13. They're not especially powerful, but they're not useless. They're nearly ensured damage of some form. At least I've yet to have one that went off do nothing like a spell or ability can.
  14. What's with the ugliness on this forum? Every singular instance that pops up becomes pitchforks and torches against the 'progressive' or 'SJW' crowd. Is this the gut reaction now, when you have nothing to add to the discussion? Build up an effigy you're burning down at every point you possibly can relate it? I still don't understand this us and them fall back that's now embedded throughout all of gaming. I use to always think it was just youth, but its prevalence here really shows us that that's as not the case. There's so much fear being pumped into these labels you'd rather throw around than engage a dialogue. And I get it, dialogues generally don't go well from that side so it's probably discouraging. But you're creating your own big bad here, because all your fears of censorship and freedom of content and the dulling of art... they're all unfounded. There has been nothing but an explosion in artistic freedom, content and extremes growing hand in hand with the progressive movements you fear so much. All that's changed is that hate and bigotry are finally being displayed in clear light for everyone to see and recognize.
  15. Bump* Would really like some kind of developer response, been dealing with this since release and haven't seen any.
  16. He doesn't already have an item equipped that increases Deflection does he? You can only have a single bonus through items for each individual stat.
  17. You only indirectly receive experience from enemies through unlocking information about them in your bestiary. You wont fall behind. There's an excess of side-quest experience anyway, your biggest problem will be over leveling.
  18. Grimoires are how Wizards hold their active spells. When you defeat a wizard, you can check and if there are spells you do not currently know (there'll be a '+' sign) and you can pay to learn them. Each Grimoire allows for four spells of each level to be actively used while equipped. Using a second or third Grimoire with different sets of spells can allow you trade them out either before or during combat to have access much like swapping weapons. There will be a recovery wait if you do switch them out.
  19. This has been an issue since the patch. There are a few videos of it. I think they did a hotfix sometime earlier tonight for it and the inability to interact with locks, but I guess it wasn't a complete success.
  20. Bump* *Going to keep doing this until we get any kind of response on this.
  21. They can vary. There are a few extremely large ones. A couple dungeon maps are quite enormous. The city and outdoors maps are all pretty even and though they're not as large as the IE games overall they're far more densely populated and utilized.
  22. All my bugged encounter abilities are still broken as well. Don't think I've seen a Developer respond to this issue since the game went live. The only post I found that dealt with the issue was from back during the Backer Beta where they said it was a 'known issue'. I'm starting to wonder how much good that actually does.
  23. You're well below the minimum system requirements with the 1.4 GHz processor. And without a video card you're going to run into memory issues with only 4 GB.
  24. Still have encounter abilities that are permanently locked as 'Already activated.' Makes me sad that the patch didn't fix this since it's an issue that showed up in during the Backer Beta.
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