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Everything posted by Blarghagh

  1. I really thought Carth was a really good and interesting character. The only thing I didn't like was him running away in Darkside, because it was completely out of character. Troughout the entire game he's like, *the* hero and then he pulls something like that. Bad writing on Obsidian's part, I imagine. I can't wait for any of the planets. They seem a whole lot more interesting than the KotOR's. The only really interesting planet there was Taris, and even then, only for the first time through.
  2. Although the replay value more than made up for it, I was still expecting a longer game. Probably because I spent more than 200 hours on a single Baldur's Gate II game right before I bought KotOR.
  3. Darth Nihilus appearance reminds me a whole lot of that rejected Sith Witch idea for AOTC(or was it TPM? I forget), but less gheisha and more mysterious.
  4. So do I and I'm a 16 year old computer nerd. What's your point? Definately Obi-Wan. The original master. Who kicked Anakin's ass once, and ethereally kicked his ass later, and killed Darth Maul too. If there was a topic about Sith Masters, it'd probably be a tie between Darth Vader and Yuthara Ban.
  5. Let's note that the events in KotOR took place 5 years before KotOR II. A lot can happen in five years. It makes plenty of sense that your character knows of Revan and his fate. I mean, he either became *the* hero of the Republic or *the* dark lord of the Sith. I can imagine that Revan was the talk of the entire galaxy for a pretty long time. Your character has probably heard of the events. I think it's safe to say that the conversation go something like this: Atton Rand: Do you know what Revan did? PC: 1: He/She came close to taking over the galaxy. 2: He/She saved the republic from Darth Malak. Atton Rand: Not on his own, though. What do you know of his companions? PC 1: bla bla bla this character etc. It's improbable that the PC knows about specific characters but not impossible. Besides, there's only a few characters you need to know about. In Darkside, Jolee, Juhani, Mission and Zaalbar die anyway as far as I know, so there's no need to mention them. You only need to know if female Revan killed Carth or not. In Lightside, the biggest problems are whether or not you picked up HK and Juhani, and if you killed Bastila or not, and as far as I know, the devs are assuming you took HK, because so far he's hinted to be playing a huge part in the story, and Juhani was only a minor character you could kill in every possible gameplay style, so it's safe to assume she doesn't factor in here at all. Canderous and TM don't need to be mentioned because they survive anyway. So it comes down on this: Dark Side If she killed the war hero Carth Onasi. The PC will probably know this as they both fought in the Mandalorian Wars(quite possibly side-to-side because Telos is made to be such a big deal in TSL which easily leaves room for that), and in all possibility will have heard of what happened to it's heroes. Lightside If he/she redeemed the Jedi Bastila Shan or killed her, which he will probably have heard of because Bastila was a big deal both to the Republic and the Sith. I mean, she *was* the key to the whole Republic war effort, according to Carth. Sorry for the long post. If I hadn't eaten them, everyone who read the whole of it would have gotten a sour candy ball.
  6. Still, reading too much into it often makes you like something better(or worse). It makes you feel like there's more depth to it. A friend of mine, who is a filmmaker, once said 'the more meanings people take from it, the better it is.'
  7. I never bothered with it because I don't like card games. Especially one that played like Yu-Gi-Oh! or some other crap like that. What was with that collecting side decks? Blech.
  8. I like the Sith Marauder and the Jedi Weapons Master, but I've always taken a liking to the more physical characters anyway.
  9. I doubt it. Canderous was probably just used because it sounded cool. It was used before, in Baldur's Gate. One of the 'training room characters' was named Canderous.
  10. Lame things? Well, first of all, I agree with everyone who said that Yuthara Ban couldn't join you. The game forcing you to do mini-games. Underwater/Space walking. Why was it so slow? Lightside Revan Robes which were damn ugly compared to the Darkside. The utterly boring characters Zaalbar and T3. The overwhelming amount of angst that was Juhani. And, of course, Carth running away when you play darkside even though throughout the whole game he's a huge hero. This left you with no true 'hero' to kill. Just sidekicks and other villains. In darkside, you didn't play a villain, you played as a backstabbing gangster. Having to go on a mission from the Jedi Council even if you play darkside. Malak being a carictature instead of a character. I expected more from a villain made by Bioware. Jon Irenicus was a better villain, in my opinion. Sith all being losers instead of badass warriors. How you don't really see that there's a war going on in the galaxy. The shortness of the romances. How the Star Forge was basically another Death Star. Can't we think of an original danger to the whole galaxy? Having only one possible solution for a lot of quests. The Rakatan. But that's just because they personally annoyed me. The lack of different models and textures for buildings. This made a lot of parts very boring. How damn easy it was. There were also a lot of good things, though. Cool sidequests, humour, some really cool environments to balance out the bad one's(Taris, The Leviathan), HK, etc.
  11. I voted 'PC owner: Read all posts. I gotta see what I'm missing!' but now I realize I should have voted 'PC owner: Read most posts. No spoilers cuz I want surprises.' I still hate my cousin for spoiling that I was Revan. Bastard.
  12. Bastila, simply because of all the hilarious things you could say to her. *snickers* 'Kinrath Pup'...
  13. Are you sure? As far as I understand it is, and has always been based on a Rapier. Which are far cooler than Katana's anyway. And I'm pretty sure movie Grievous will have four arms.
  14. Uhh, no. If I understand correctly, you will get A lightsaber at pretty much the start, but this is not YOUR personal lightsaber.
  15. I agree. I found this odd, considering the amount of important Jedi in the movies with beards. Obi-Wan, Qui-Gonn, etc.
  16. Snatch was Brad Pitt's last good movie. It was made after Fight Club and Se7en. That being said, Troy was crappy. The only thing I liked was Brian Cox' performance. He's such a wonderfal villain actor. Did you know he played Hannibal Lecter once before Anthony Hopkins?
  17. ...why? First off, there's plenty of happy music. The Flaming Lips have a huge amount of songs that are utterly blissfull. Second, what does that mean? Hmm? We all know blooming dandelions are all fine and dandy, but what does that tell the listener? The way I see it, when someone's listening to your music, you have the stage, so why not use it to teach something to that person? Metallica's song 'One' is utterly depressing, but it gets the point across: War is bad. What's the point of blooming dandelions? Okay, they bloom. Hmm.
  18. *slices Sith Lord's arms off with lightsabre* 'It's just a flesh wound.' ... 'We found a sith. May we burn her?'
  19. Like my father always says, 'Exceptions prove the rule.'
  20. You call that screaming out obsceneties? Obviously you don't listen to death metal. I'd post some lyrics, but that would get me banned. Just search for, for example, Cannibal Corpse. Let's note that I don't listen to this total and utter crap, but I know because a lot of my friends do. Anyway, I listen to whatever catches my ear. This reaches from Modest Mouse to The Beatles to Nirvana to Rammstein to Pearl Jam to Hammerfall to Taking Back Sunday to The Red Hot Chilipeppers. If I like listening to it, I'll listen to it. It's mostly grunge, nu-metal and I lost my girlfri- I mean emo, though. On a side note, rap is crap. I don't know how anyone could listen to it. But I suppose a lot of people say that about my music.
  21. I prefer http://www.gooie.com/
  22. Which one I would WANT to see? Well, HK, but it's already been said that he's returning so voting him would be rather useless, in which case I vote Sarevo-I mean Jolee for his funny stories.
  23. A panda walks into a bar and asks the bartender for some bamboo. After munching on his delicious meal, the panda reveals a pistol that was previously concealed beneath his fur and pulls the trigger, killing a nearby patron. As the panda walks out of the bar, the bartender calls after him: "Hey! What was THAT all about!?" The panda looks back at him: "I'm a panda! Look it up in the dictionary!" The confused bartender pulls out a dictionary and reads the description under 'panda': 'Eats shoots and leaves'.
  24. That's it? 'I'm right and you are wrong'? Is that where I don't know what I'm talking about? Please just do us all a favour and become a hermit. You know, live alone and all that. Oh wait, you probably already do, sorry. I will get worked up about it. I'll defend my views at any given time, if it matters or not. That's what a radical does, remember? Besides, that's not the freaking definition, that's the word history. Please get your facts straight.
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