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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. don't their toes get cold? What if they stub their toes or someone steps on them?
  2. that ninja needs to lose weight, what was up with his sneakers?
  3. Duct tape man should be punished for wearing tight lycra. I believe he is the most likely to have a dungeon in his home.
  4. They are there, in stealth mode.
  5. Jodo died and was reincarnated as Launch's sig, this is true.
  6. And now to make things even better: http://www.pcpro.co.uk/shopper/news/79474/...at-viruses.html
  7. All old colouring looks like that though innit? before digital painting when the pics looked dirty.
  8. *Hollywood unzips trousers*
  9. This kind of restrictive and invasive DRM will come as standard with Blu Ray. The future is bright.
  10. if its an AV clip, how about transcribing it?
  11. Is V by alan moore? The last comic of his to hit the the cinema was League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.That explains the geek fear.
  12. Here's another site http://www.fanfiction.net/
  13. I COVER before nobody.
  14. pre packaged rebel.
  15. If the alt is innocuous then it is perfectly acceptable, right?
  16. To be honest you don't sound like the most astute critic of The Simpsons, i am guessing most of the funny went right over your developing head. In its heyday it was the best cartoon and one of the best comedies on the air. Alas, it is the case no longer, since about 2001 thee has been a sharp decline in writing and quality.
  17. Authority has cheekily run an IP trace (or maybe IPs are shown as standard).
  18. A medical term for a runny nose is rhinarrhea.
  19. When enterprise got cancelled a bucnch of nerds managed to stump up a few mill to keep in an effort to keep it going - anything like that happening for serenity?
  20. Let it go man, let it go. Just keep the dream alive in our hearts.
  21. Blank i was answering the post directly above mine. Take your own advice, ok?
  22. you should work on your timing
  23. Ahh, i missed this thread. Good to see it back. The daily cost of water for the average household in the UK is 68p - what it would cost to buy a 2-litre bottle of Evian in a supermarket.
  24. Yes, the joke wasn't any good so i think you should go on a time out as punishment.
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