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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. Dried poop cake!!1 yummy!!!
  2. sounds too eloquent for Nurbs
  3. Yep, you've discovered the motivation behind this thread... hee hee
  4. SP do you wanna quote it? ....please?
  5. there you go pixies... everyone was a nervous n00b once.
  6. Relatively speaking i have not been here that long but i found it mildly amusing that i joined this forum all bright eyed and bushy tailed: In ROTJ Yoda says: "When 900 years you reach look as good you will not" So it definitely isn't a holo recording of Yoda on dantooine. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The above is me being informative and helpful... about Star Wars I've noticed that many member's posting styles have changed as time has gone on becoming more cocky, jaded or inflammatory. How about you? What was your first post at Obsidian and how do you think you've changed?
  7. dont forget she is also a swedish pirate
  8. No i meant since from before
  9. The non skandi says: Sweden i love you for IKEA, Denmark i love you for your beer and bacon, Norway I love you for Roald Dahl, Finland... well thats where Santa lives!! But most importantly I love you all for your ladies :'(
  10. Has your sig lost weight?
  11. That can hardly be considered a purpose.
  12. You take the moth thing too far
  13. Is the prologue of the film (the rescue) meant to be a prologue to the whole Firefly/Serenity story? Or did river get taken again by the alliance in the interim between series and movie? If its the former then it conflicts with Simon's version of events in the pilot. If its the latter then it seems a pretty big thing not mention throughout the film.
  14. The real question is how legitimate is some guy on a board.
  15. Well they still seem to be hiring but Michael Chu recently left.
  16. Where the alts have developed their own distinctive style and opinions markedly different to the original is where stuff gets weird. I agree with Eldar on people adjusting bevahiour in different situations in "real life" but what Oerwinde describe is insane. Yeah sure maybe it starts of as a joke and i would probably do the same but when it is persistent it is unsettling and just looks like some personality disorder. How about a new poll? How many of y'all have missed taking your meds?
  17. ...or wear goggles. If the rev gets released around the same time as the PS3, that could screw it and screw it good. At the latest i would expect Nov 06 as that would give it a good lead into Christmas.
  18. No, no, I am not the season finale... To advance the plot further i think you should tell us all what you have done with the real Eldar.
  19. I thought as much but i wanted to spell it out.
  20. Use it as an opportunity to find out if they are into swinging.
  21. Not quite, can i have it bigger and in red please? Thanks.
  22. Thank you.
  23. dude, your sig is too big.
  24. No, it is lame. Lots of girls in bikinis though!!! )
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