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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. Acorn Electron for ever!!!!
  2. Its too exclusive, i'll release information when I am ready.
  3. of course i'm bitter, Launch doesn't smile for me and you called me a forty something!!!
  4. Meh, why bother? there's no harm in them looking at a few pics of naked chicks. I would just make sure they befoul their own keyboard and mouse.
  5. No, building a barn gives manly satisfaction.. building a computer gives nerdy satisfaction.
  6. How can that be? maddox is teh best page in teh universe!
  7. *solemnly nods head* zingdeed.
  8. I know of the ways... who published the comics?
  9. Yup she sure lieks Bao Diesel Its a shame her pics of mira and handmaiden arent there "
  10. No offence but that is the worst casting ever.
  11. Ugh not PC World!! they will gouge you for what could be done by a monkey! If you are serious about upgrading, read up on the subject, there are plenty of magazines out there. Ask a friend in the know. Decide on what you want and then do it yourself. If you want to upgrade purely for gaming and nothing else and the cost is too high... hold out for a console.
  12. Nope, you took care of that yourself
  13. You are a fool.
  14. comic books!!!!??? gah!! What would they do in sequels that would explain Book? Time travel? Or would Mal wake up to find him in the shower and realise his death was just a dream.
  15. You''ll be hearing from my solicitor.
  16. What is PWOT?
  17. What about Haven and Book leaving the crew? Where can i find that explanation? The little montage where they look like they are meeting up with old friends... who the hell were they? I watched the film first and it seemed clear that the film was a reboot so as not to alienate non firefly fans but even so there were little eggs for the fans to enjoy. There is also stuff which raises questions either way.
  18. Nearly spent? i guess people arent as enthusiastic as i had initially hoped with regards to posting their first possibly embarrasing post. I suppose i could trawl through them and put them up for others to laugh atbut it sounds liek to much work... bye bye thread.
  19. Barring all the cross platform releases, can any of you provide any qualitative and objective arguments as to why a particular console is the best?
  20. Yeah ok, but like which version of events is canon?
  21. Why are they listing the puzzle games separately? It doesn't make it more appealing.
  22. ...any excuse.
  23. OMG delete this thread now!!!
  24. Keep digging.
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