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Everything posted by Skazz

  1. How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?
  2. What. Civ 6 is great and I will not hear otherwise.
  3. I grew up reading Donald Duck comic books. That hardly counts.
  4. Lemonade was a popular drink and it still is. Oh wait, it's supposed to be gaming opinions. Carry on.
  5. Gentlemen, behold! My aural depression button!
  6. My favorite part of that scene has always been how at 1:56 Eric Idle has to bite his scythe to keep from laughing.
  7. ^ I... is it weird that I can't tell the difference?
  8. Speaking of Borderlands, I feel like Tales From the Borderlands absolutely nailed the soundtrack: God, I miss that series so much. Best thing Telltale has ever done imho.
  9. Fan Fire is the only reason why my noobish ass was able to kill Sectopods in XCOM 2. I'm glad to hear it's back in Chimera Squad.
  10. Ah, the good old Johnson Maneuver.
  11. I'm of the mind that restrictions and limitations force you to think out of the box and ultimately feed your creativity. When one is allowed to do almost everything, it's very easy to get locked into the most obvious things.
  12. "Every single aspect of making movies is a giant pain in the ass. And... it's never worth it." What is the source, you may ask?
  13. Wow. I've never realized it either - and my Malkavian playthroughs were by far my favorite. That's absolutely brilliant.
  14. What exactly are you painting, out of curiosity?
  15. Did they turn to ash?
  16. 2020 clearly is the year to end all years. Literally.
  17. I think I may have drunk one bottle of raspberry Pepsi Max too many. Send help.
  18. Yes. Josh is a good guy and deserves a comeback.
  19. It also excises the Judeo-Christian subtext behind the curse of vampirism (iirc), which may or may not be a good thing depending on your preferences. I liked the Caine stuff myself, but I guess it was otherwise a point of contention.
  20. Here in Poland, we use a clothes iron cord.
  21. Isn't The Lost considered to be the superior Changeling line? I never had much experience with anything beyond Vampire, really.
  22. I agree. Let's talk about Star Trek instead. EDIT:
  23. Well... EDIT: Never mind, I decided to edit the table out. I may have lost a SAN check.
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