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Everything posted by Skazz

  1. Unsolicited persona(l) opinion: Persona 5 > Persona 3 > Persona 4
  2. Gorgeous Gary Golden when
  3. Do you accept European asylum seekers? Additionally, is it legal to pet the vice president?
  4. Cheers. I see it's the "Don't mention the war" episode, aka the one that somehow seems to be the most remembered episode among Poles. Also, um, this may be a bad time to make such confessions, but I like Fawlty Towers.
  5. Wait, which one? And why?
  6. This hits too close to home. Sigh.
  7. Did X give them to you?
  8. Metal Fatigue. I loved that RTS - the ability to endlessly customize gundams combots and then see them duke it out was a dream come true to my kid self.
  9. Absolutely adorable Thank you, GD!
  10. You ain't nothing but a hound dog! EDIT: Also, I can't help but feel like "camshaft" is one of those inherently funny words. Damn it, brain.
  11. I went for a walk and saw a dog.
  12. Oh dear, I've gone cross-eyed
  13. I had the opportunity to meet Serial Cleaner devs once (they're Polish). They're pretty great guys - I'm glad that you liked their game.
  14. As in, crawling on your belly?
  15. I can't tell if this is a test result joke or not.
  16. Eat all the man-things, yes-yes.
  17. Mortal Kombat 11. I punch stuff and I enjoy it.
  18. This. So much this. However long we have with our dogs is brief and never enough. But to her, it made all the difference. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss GD.
  19. My dad had a similar accident a few years ago, so I can only imagine how scary this must have been. I'm glad you're still in one piece. Get better soon!
  20. Wait, there's a Mayhem 10 already? Oh damn. I stopped playing when M3 was the highest.
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