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Everything posted by Skazz

  1. Truth be told, I'm kind of sad that this thread got re-railed. Sob.
  2. This is probably not funny without the context, but eh.
  3. what did I just read
  4. I shaved my hair completely once to be like Picard. I thought I could pull it off. I couldn't. The pics shall forever haunt me.
  5. "I Wonder What's Inside Your Butthole" is the song of the summer "For all its despairing, apocalyptic faults, 2020's been a pretty good year for music—we’ve heard killer albums from Fiona Apple, Pearl Jam, and Kesha, not to mention all the good tunes we’ve chronicled in A-Sides. That said, 2020's musical legacy might belong not to the hitmakers, but to their children. First, the 4-year old daughter of English songwriter Tom Rosenthal gutted us with a tune about doomed, lovestruck dinosaurs, and now Jolee, the daughter of Lisa Rieffel, a member of L.A.’s H. Kink, is here with a song that, while much lighter in tone, is every bit as imaginative. It’s called “I Wonder What’s Inside Your Butthole,” and it is perfect."
  6. ^ Are dorfs available in the computer version of Mordheim? I have to admit I have never played it.
  7. Incidentally... ^ Torque's (Snake lady's) voice actress on Twitter.
  8. Manhood Divided
  9. I've somehow never realized that BG&E 2 isn't out yet. I think I may be becoming some combination of old, bloated, and senile.
  10. I'm aware of Chimera Squad, but as you said, it's kind of limited in the police aspect.
  11. Does any of the games on the list (SWAT excluded, since I've played some of those) involve - for the lack of a better word - managing stuff? Or are they mostly single-playthrough narrative games? I mean, from what little I saw of TitP on Steam, it seemed to me like an interactive novel more than anything else. I'd love to have some layer of tycoonish stuff to do.
  12. I'm looking for a recommendation. I'm three seasons into Brooklyn 99 and I have developed this urge play some kind of game focusing on running a police precinct and/or day-by-day work of policemen. Does anything like that exist?
  13. I'm confused now.
  14. First a V:tMB replay and now this? MY MAN
  15. So he isn't Avery Brooks?
  16. Funny you would say that. I modeled my boss after Statham:
  17. Jason Statham confirmed for a movie "loosely based on" the Saints Row franchise, pre-production slated for 2022.
  18. You're a good man and I love what you're doing
  19. Edit: I feel I've done this before. Huh.
  20. Deathwatch would fit the bill. It's literally the 40k's version of XCOM.
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