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Everything posted by Skazz

  1. So Gtfed1 is Dak'kon and/or the city of Sigil?
  2. Isn't he LordCrimson by marriage? I don't get it, but then again, I feel like this is one of those things that I will never get properly.
  3. ...am I the only one who keeps misreading "Gfted" as "Gtfed"? Say it ain't so.
  4. ^ What game is this?
  5. Today, I've done... well. It's hard to pinpoint, really. I guess it's because of the whole lockdown thing, but days really seem to blend together for me now.
  6. Recorded 2 October 1999, uploaded 16 March 2020 on the official channel? Nice.
  7. Enlighten me: what will happen if he does? I do not wish death upon him, I'm just curious what exactly this would mean for the UK.
  8. Congratulations! The tempering is notoriously tricky to pull off, doubly so without prior knowledge and/or a guide, so I'm not surprised. You mentioned the Alpine Dragon, but out of curiosity, did you defeat ?
  9. Deus Ex was a documentary all along.
  10. Space Marines say hi.
  11. Oh, that's good to know then. I was kind of worried about the pets in question. Thank you.
  12. So... I have been feeling this urge to watch Brooklyn 99. Maybe it's the subliminal Facebook advertising, I dunno. Anyhow, for some reason, I'm also kind of wary. I can't really put my finger on why. Is it any good? Can anyone recommend?
  13. ^ When the virus hit Poland, there was a mass hysteria with people swarming vet offices in order to euthanize their pets. They were afraid that there was a chance of contracting the virus from their dogs and cats. I really, really hope that this news will not cause a repeat of that.
  14. Ew.
  15. sorophx, right?
  16. Catholic Space Nazis and their pee-pees.
  17. Okay, the LED thing is actually amazing. Very creative. Hats off to you, sir. People like you make the hobby awesome.
  18. Is... is one of those goblins wearing a Wario hat? Nice one! Also, I love how you converted the WHFB River Troll models. Sweet team!
  19. I don't have a horse in this race. I know it's not canon, but at the end of the day, it's your army. If it's fun for you, then that's all that should matter, really. I don't think there's a canon reason behind gene-seed being male-only besides "that's how the Emperor designed it", no. I could be wrong though. I know Malcador muses in the books that perhaps certain Primarchs should have been created as women, but that's about it.
  20. Try converting a female Space Marine army and watch your Friendship Meters go from 100 to 0 in the blink of an eye.
  21. Exactly, I wholeheartedly agree. That's precisely why I avoid working from home if I can.
  22. I found that, while irksome, the growing level difference in no-kill runs can be managed by abusing the Blood Shield (iirc, not sure if that was the exact name) power. Each level invested allows you to absorb one enemy hit regardless of damage or stat differences, which is a godsend when enemies start two-shotting your character. With proper point use, you can set up an easily renewable safety buffer to fight back and make mistakes which imho significantly flattens the difficulty curve of the game.
  23. I mean, I'm not panicking, and I haven't been crushed by despair yet. Still, when you consider the estimates that (off the top of my head, not sure about the accuracy, could be misremembered internet stuff) 50 to 70% of the human population may eventually contract some form of the virus, it isn't exactly uplifting news. But yeah, you're right. Gotta keep moving somehow, if only because I wouldn't want to sadden my old boy.
  24. You know, I'm unironically starting to feel that this will be the year that I die. Oh, well. I guess I've had a mediocre run anyway.
  25. Frankly? I fear that the government here in Poland may want to try to pull off a very similar magic trick. I feel like this is paving the way for other countries to follow.
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