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Everything posted by Skazz

  1. Delayed, you say? Hm, maybe it's time to do yet another playthrough of VTMB
  2. Rule #1 in Majesty: When in doubt, spam Paladins. Unless the scenario prohibits them. Then don't.
  3. Do you accept late-late wishes? If so, happy birthday! (I haven't been actively browsing the forum recently. I'm sorry.)
  4. I like where this thread is going. Carry on.
  5. Majesty Gold HD. But only for a little bit, I swear!
  6. So, like, 18?
  7. Correct me if I'm wrong: are you asking how to forget games?
  8. I don't remember when was the last time I was excited about a new game. But now I am.
  9. I feel like the only thing rogues are good for is the Extort button in the guild. And the fact that they're essentially a cheaper, faster path to a Palace upgrade. Other than that, well... leave my gold alone leave my gold alone leave my gold alone my ambition has paid off leave my gold alone Also: Fervus is love, Fervus is life.
  10. I'm not playing anything right now.
  11. I love this idea!
  12. Is this a trick question? yes
  13. Watching this made me suspect one of my former co-workers might have been a fox. Big if true.
  14. Just to clarify: I have nothing against Poles, Polish games, Polish developers, or the Polish studio behind Succubus itself. This is just my personal observation, but I could swear that there is this odd undercurrent to Polish games, one of being edgy/irreverent/anti-PC just for the sake of lulz and/or sticking it to The Man (whoever that particular Man might be). That doesn't automatically make a game better, and neither does shock value.
  15. But... meatballs in Ikea are Swedish, aren't they? Is my life a lie?
  16. I like paella.
  17. Aaaaand it's Polish. Because of course it is.
  18. DDO is still alive? I genuinely thought it was long gone, like, say, Warhammer Online. Huh. On that note, I miss Warhammer Online. It had the dwarfiest dwarves to ever dwarf.
  19. Oh, I know this all too well. Only in my case it's more of a "why play anything now when I'll be dead in 40 years".
  20. I've always known that Azdeus is a man of culture.
  21. So... did you? How did that end?
  22. This made me think: did Stephen Hawking ever curse with his synthesizer?
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