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Everything posted by Skazz

  1. Surely that'd be more appropriate? Eh? Eh?
  2. Truth be told, I've never given Brian Eno a shot, but that sounds promising. I'll check the album out, thanks!
  3. And then he got featured in a horrible Star Trek two-parter.
  4. I'm sad that this isn't a thing. Even sadder.
  5. Low is the superior 1977 Bowie album. Fight me.
  6. What's wrong with SaveAFox? I mean, Finnegan has a cute laugh.
  7. Majesty Gold. EDIT: Wait a minute—
  8. Majesty Gold HD.
  9. No Station to Station by Bowie?
  10. I needed this. Thank you.
  11. I misread that as "taking crap". The post still made sense.
  12. I miss NWN2 dearly.
  13. Thank you. I had no idea.
  14. What exactly am I looking at?
  15. I do not mean to pry, but... is everything all right?
  16. EDIT: Nothing to see here.
  17. Oh, well. I'm horrible at using the internets.
  18. I don't like reggae. I love it.
  19. I like Minsc.
  20. We're happy you made it.
  21. Hunky Dory's on the list, so all is, well, hunky-dory.
  22. I've always suspected you've never played Majesty Gold HD!
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