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Everything posted by Skazz

  1. I volunteer to play the captain's log.
  2. Star Trek!
  3. Were dogs involved?
  4. As it should be.
  5. Random question: just how recognizable is Bruce Campbell? I've always thought that stuff like Evil Dead was a part of a certain generation's nerd DNA - and I say that as a guy who probably hasn't seen and read as much as he should. Was it? Is it? Am I just getting old and making assumptions? On a related note: is that what people who reference, say, Abbott and Costello feel like?
  6. This is going to end well.
  7. I read your "Location" bit under the post count and now I feel immensely sad.
  8. I like season four a lot. It's late enough so that the likes of "Conspiracy" do not feel like a fluke anymore and yet early enough to be still far, far away from the horrors of "Sub Rosa". Except that one episode where Geordi turns into a glowing space chameleon thing. What the hell.
  9. I've been rewatching this cool new show called Star Trek: The Next Generation. Don't judge me.
  10. I gave up on 4 pretty fast after launch, but I am glad to be vindicated in my belief that The Sims 3 is the far superior entry.
  11. Bearthquakes.
  12. Thank you! I'll try the one-thing-at-a-time approach.
  13. No, I don't think it's nonsense at all. I got burned way too many times for parsing stuff like a critical ass instead of actually being receptive to the experiences of others - and believe me, when you're me, or someone who in any shape or form approximates me, you really need all the advice you can get. Thank you for taking the time to write your post. I know I'm just a random stranger bawling my eyes out on the internet, but I do appreciate it. Well, if we're being entirely honest here... the results of that bolded part have been mixed so far.
  14. ...so Agile is Star Trek Star Wars?
  15. EDIT: Nothing to see here. Move along.
  16. Wait a minute. This doesn't sound like Majesty.
  17. I don't work in IT and I'll readily admit that I know next to nothing about what the "Agile" buzzword entails. Is there anything wrong with it? I mean, what you wrote sounds like a reasonable approach, no?
  18. Mostly household chores and weekly assignments for my postgraduate studies. And um... hobbies in general (not work, I know). As silly as it sounds, I can never seem to find the time to read all the books I've prepared for myself, paint minis, etc... even though objectively I'm not hurting for free time. Both sound like good ideas. I'm definitely guilty of getting overwhelmed by the accumulation of neglected to-dos. Thank you. I don't think I am anywhere close to that level of discipline; on the contrary, LadyCrimson's post made me realize that its severe lack may have been feeding into the entire issue. Even though I have some pretty standard working hours, I still feel like it all blends together with my downtime into one boring mush, and as a result, I can't ever rest. It's a trivial complaint, perhaps, but it sure feels like I'm getting pointlessly tired for reasons I can't even pinpoint, as if every hour somehow turns into two, evaporating somewhere. Amazing superpower, isn't it? Getting tired from doing nothing. In any case, thank you for your positive words. I'm happy that you managed to crawl out of your own pit and, for the most part, beat back whatever demons have been holding you back. I wish you all the best and hope you'll stay on that good path - you've crushed your nihilism, and that's no small feat.
  19. I've come to the conclusion that there's something fundamentally wrong with how I handle my free time. I'm not even sure where it goes. I can't explain it; I mean, I know people who have far more on their plate than I do and still manage to come out on top and do great at that whole "responsible and well-organized adult life" thing. Yet here I am, wasting hours and sacrificing my energy to some inexplicable void in my daily schedule. Worst of all, not too long ago, there was a period when I had a a handful of completely free weeks and I still felt like I didn't have enough time to do things properly (ridiculous, I know). And no matter how early I opt to begin my shift, all the extra hours after work that are seemingly saved just seem to turn into a shapeless blur. I would welcome any and all tips on the matter. There's way too much job-unrelated work to be done to just leave it be.
  20. Yeah, there are are some other scenarios where this may become problematic, especially when you're facing larger groups of heroes (off the top of my head: Urban Renewal in the expansion). Fortunately, in those cases, a well-placed guardhouse near a critical vendor should work like a charm - they tend to scare away lower leveled enemy heroes.
  21. Majesty and Amiga in one picture? Is this Skazz heaven?
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