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Everything posted by Skazz

  1. Wait until you get to You'll start to miss Prague. Also, have you been to the sewers? There's some stuff to do there, too.
  2. Thank you! Guess I'll be diving into one hell of a rabbit hole after work today.
  3. I'm kind of sad to see the resource-regenerating upgrade for The Bride Caught their Ruse go. I mean, I know why it's out, and it's probably better for the game's health in the long run, but 1) it came online so late either way 2) it made playing a Loremaster really fun, and befitting the class name Still, I'm not complaining, I'm just unhappy to see an enjoyable synergy get squashed.
  4. I feel like the Unity Console mod has spared Obsidian a lot of rioting from the fanbase. What a brilliant, brilliant tool.
  5. Isn't Rome in Italy? I guess I worded that poorly. What I meant more is: was ancient Rome fabled for coffee in some way?
  6. Fallout 76.
  7. Sure, I get that. And that’s fine. All I’m trying to say is that it’s completely incomprehensible to a random passerby like me.
  8. ^ I think that's only in KotOR 2 with the perk you get from Handmaiden, but I could be wrong.
  9. ^ You grognards aren't making this any easier, you know. This is like watching a Monty Python sketch where every guy has been replaced by Eric Idle.
  10. That means nothing to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I feel like every forum profile should come with a business card or something. EDIT: Also, quick googling only leads me to this:
  11. Is this your first playthrough? I don't know how much I can spoil safely about the second class. There's one extremely counter-intuitive "pro tip" for building characters in KotOR 1: in general, it's a bad idea to overlevel the main character on Taris (for most people, that'd be going above level 5 or 6 or so) because the second class is superior to the first one in all respects *and* you have a level cap of 20 to struggle against. But if that's your first run, feel free to ignore this tip and play however you like.
  12. There's a 99% chance that you'll drop guns once you leave Taris and get your second class, so don't worry about guns on your main character too much. Wisdom is mostly useful for Jedi characters, and even then it's largely a Consular stat because it's responsible for Force powers getting through saves. IIRC, it doesn't do anything spectacular on mundane classes, so you can safely ignore it there. I don't remember any recommended values for Persuasion, though.
  13. Excuse a dumb question, for my rookie status is showing: who is Eldar?
  14. This is probably going to be a point of contention, but do we really need more companions? Or more sidekicks even? Right now, pretty much every companion (aside from PoE 1 guys) has some geopolitical grounding in the Archipelago's faction war, and adding someone really out-of-context and exotic would only make this unnecessarily murky. Doubly so since we know that Deadfire's DLCs won't be White March-style "and now for something completely different" expansions, but incremental additions to the base game. I know it's a natural desire to want more of a good thing, but I feel like there is a certain tipping point at which a ship stops being a ship and becomes a clown car full of unnecessary dudes who both are and aren't the crew and seem to exist only to make the player happy. Atton from KotOR 2 once complained about his co-companions treating the Ebon Hawk like a pleasure yacht, and while I imagine some people would really be into that kind of thing, I really can't see myself enjoying that in Deadfire. If anything, I'd love to see them add more depth to the existing characters. They barely get any story space to breathe as is. Otherwise, ehhh.
  15. If this is an alt... then who is the main? dun duuuun duuuuuuuuun Don't you know there are only like 5 actual people who post here! In the end, we're all alts of Gromnir. Scratch that, we're all manifestations of Ravel.
  16. I guess it is, I guess it is. Wait a minute. This guy sounds familiar... Are we at the "head white like wool" stage already?
  17. If this is an alt... then who is the main? dun duuuun duuuuuuuuun
  18. He's in Tennessee. Never heard anything about death zones. Also, while the Australia answer is likely sarcasm, there aren't any coyotes in Australia. I want to backpedal and say it was on purpose, but... nah. I had a brain fart and mistook a coyote for a dingo. My bad. In my defense, I come from a country where the most dangerous thing in the wild is a bald guy in a tracksuit.
  19. Where are you from, GD? I keep reading about farms and coyotes and death zones, so I'd guess Australia?
  20. I'm curious. Why would naming NPCs after forum members be a controversial thing?
  21. Pretty much. Which I like a lot until something really odd will happen (like Xoti clapping and laughing when burying her Eothas' priests buddies) I feel terrible for laughing at this, but the mental image is priceless.
  22. Same thing happened to me. Tekehu casts a spell and then bam - everyone's sick either way.
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