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Everything posted by Mirandel

  1. There are many variation of motion sickness and different degree for each. For example, for me FPS (FP in general) is no go. And there are even TP cameras mods that make me sick. I also can not travel by car/bus as a passenger - but I do feel Ok if driving myself. See? It can well mix (and make your life miserable). Some people say they managed to adapt or even cure themselves by gradually increasing playtime... It might be even true, but I suspect after second attempt to "extend the game time" I would simply condition myself to vomit at the near sight of game logo. The point is, there are many gamers in need of TPV just to be able to play the game.
  2. I suspect you are talking about MEA. That was exactly the case - total mess with ideas, changing direction and leaving leaders. So big hats who were busy with Anthem had to delegate someone to sort it out in a hurry. The result - less than stellar MEA. But Anthem was supposed to be the biggest, hottest game Bioware made with 6 years of production, everyone in all the studios involved (people were pulled out of every studio there is), Casey Hudson returning to command that all. It was called Bob Dylan of the games - the best of the best. And - such a disappointment
  3. I wonder... Does Nate White consider his response "classy, charming, cool, credible, compassionate, witty, warm, wise, subtle, sensitive, full of self-awareness, humble, honourable and graceful? After all, he is British and should esteem all those qualities. Well can be, though, that he meant such qualities has to be demonstrated by anyone else but British people and they only reserve the right for esteeming them. From afar.
  4. Now even 8 party members?! You have outdone yourself! Thank you so much for creating this!
  5. What are the mods that enhance or add to romance? Do you have the links? Are worth? Here is the link: https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/51 I know there is a Rekke romance there too somewhere. The mod is, obviously, fan-made. So, writing is a matter of taste here. Just try and see for yourself.
  6. Say what you want, but I think Tekēhu romance is very well written and very faithful to character. Aloth (with all my love to character from PoE1) has a secondary role in PoE2, with much less impact and significance. His romance (without mod, which make it playable) feels even less significant (not to mention delayed as much as possible) which is a shame. Non of the romance in game is the central plot piece, but Tekēhu is well developed and felt true to the story.
  7. I used to play it on a 2013 MacBook Pro, and although the cooling fans sounded like a jet readying for takeoff, it worked generally fine with the right graphics settings. Looking at the recommended specs for Deadfire, it's probably among the oldest Macs that meet the absolute minimum requirements. It certainly wasn't the best experience, but it honestly felt like it wasn't much worse than the stutters and frame drops as I remember from the Baldur's Gate days. For how long can laptop survive under such pressure? Several hours of overheating every day - would not it kill processor/anything around it?
  8. Wait, what? Was not Win 7 supposed to be supported until 2026?
  9. I trust Obsidian to make a good game with or without romances. They make good games, period. And the idea that flirting with an NPC as part of a romance portion of a game has anything to do with "feeling better" is about as accurate as the idea that combat, exploration, inventory management, or quest completion have anything to do with "feeling better". Yes, you're right... but i am surprised to see that the main concern of the members of this forum since the announcement of the game is ... "romances" (this is the subject that I always see go back and with the most views). Still, is this the fundamental point of the title? I do not think so. I find this request / expectation exessive and ultimately useless. That's all. Can it be because the rest is expected and obvious? It's an RPG - people expect the story and expect it to be good by definition, it's a shooter, so there are certain mechanics that expected and quality of them is expected as well. There are a lot of games now-days, you need to add something extra to stand out from the crowd. Romances is a feature common enough to be recognized and wanted yet, not so ubiquitous to be absolutely expected.
  10. Very informative and understandable. I do not ask for changes to existing game. My plea is for the future, to remind that there are people who love Obsidian games but physically unable to play FPS. TP view is not a caprice of spoiled customers but a necessity, and now, when MS is here, may be that enormous amount of work can be done in the future games?
  11. And yet it has to be programmed in separately, meaning, more work (and testing!). Had to mention too, that "companion AI" for me means a possibility of scripting on user side. But even without it, somehow it's a separate feature. Would not call my choice "better". I might argue about realism and immersion, but you are right - in game (any game yet) it's still such a subjective things, it's like arguing about tastes. However, time management IS on the side of RTwP. I'd say that is pretty much objective. Which dictates a very different encounters arrangements in a game and leads to the difference in game structure. TB (to me) feels like traveling from one huge puzzle to another, rather than a fluent free walk through the location. Too many "solid points". It's nothing but a feeling, but also influences my preferences.
  12. My only wish the group making OW would be honest and do not come up with coward excuses about "content dilution", which is as much corporate bull**** as infamous EA with their "sense of accomplishments". Why not honestly say "romances are trouble not worth the resources spent on them"? There is a game company - Spiders, which makes games... not to everyone's liking, let's put it like that. Some people (well, a lot) will call them "bad", for me - it's sort of acquainted taste and I do like the company for it's honesty. When they were asked why there is no female protagonist in their last game (The Technomancer), they said openly and directly: it cost twice as much to make VO for the game with two protagonists and we could not afford the second voice set. What's stopping Obsidian from admission "romances are too troublesome"? Because, let's face it, they are. Disclaimer: I love romances in the games. If the game has a romance in it, it means I will most likely at least try that game (if I can physically play it, OW as a FPS is not playable to me). Yet, with all my love to the feature, I am not blind to the problems its implementation brings to the development. Romance means emotions, hence, a lot of passionate public opinions. Romance means taste, hence - you can not possible give everyone what they want. There will be tons of accusations, starting from obvious mandatory copy/paste "all fem options are ugly feminists / males are the most boring kind of humans / gay romances are scarce and after-thought" and ending with detailed unfavorable analysis of every moment of each romance. Writing style of a romance will be the most criticized part of the plot. Romanced characters immediately become very limited in development both background-wise and story-wise: you make the companion "playersexual" - it looses the background (no previous relationship can be mentioned, no tastes can be expressed), you specify sexuality - you will never hear the end of it (why this and not that?!). If character is set for betrayal - for a romanced betrayer you will get all sort very expressionate "why-s" and "how-s" (rightfully so, btw ). Same with death, leaving, or any independent move, so, you better avoid it. And unlike game-mechanics you can not later balance or fix it, what's done is done. So, with romances you will get some ecstatic grateful group of enthusiasts, but voices of those left unsatisfied can very well be be louder. Including romances is all risk with questionable profit (moral or material). Is there someone who does not understand it? Then why not say it? I would still argue that these days people want more from their stories and romances are as good of a promotion feature as high level graphics, but it is still a risk. Honest admission of that simple facts would look better than a corporate political correctness talk.
  13. I don't really understand why you'd think this. Turn-based games frequently have an overload of strategic decisions to make every action, and an AI script for such a game has to sort through all of those options, exactly as it would for a real-time game. Are Chess computers not AI? Obviously plenty of turn-based games have extremely rudimentary AI (Fire Emblem I am looking at you), but that's not a requirement by any means. Sorry, had to specify "companion AI". I guess you can add it (?) but what would be the point? Speaking as someone who's done a bit of fencing and a bit of grappling, RTwP hardly seems any less abstract to me. It still involves a lot of standing around doing nothing while waiting for your next action to come up. A lot of gamers who prefer real-time combat find the RTwP format just as immersion-breaking as you do turn-based for exactly the reasons you've stated - but clearly immersion doesn't come from realism for them either, because I've never seen a game implement real-time combat in a way that wasn't on some level surreal. What matters for the purposes of immersion isn't realism, but engagement with mechanics in such a way that abstractions become indistinguishable from the reality they're meant to allude to. There is a difference: in RTwP you are only waiting for special attacks (well, depends of the system). And as early as BG1, game was able at least simulate continuous attack with animation. In TB character simply does not move a muscle out of turn. So, immersion-wise - RTwP beats TB. Speed-wise - it's not even a comparison
  14. The game places you in that position. You can decide about the fate of the Huana, God or no. Not choosing is just an abandonment of responsibility and an instigation of the rule of chaos. The game only present you a situation. What your character is doing in that situation - is up to your character (in a good game. And PoE 2 IS good). Should I come across a "red button" starting a nuclear war in real life, I would not try to push it, just because I've got an opportunity. Not so impressive as rotting piles of bodies beneath Neketaka. Catacombs and graveyards were, at least in part, old. And the tree? How many kith were there? And it was a desperate situation caused by crisis-induced madness of a local nobleman. Not an expected product of a deliberately implemented social system. Also, why the roparu most likely turn to crime? Because they aren't very inclined to eat gooy, fun snacks from a pile of refuse provided for them by the higher castes. Do you really think this is justice and is this an alluring circumstance for you that promises the brighter future? I think not. I think it demonstrates that the Huana stick to rigid, morderous traditions. Even inspector Javert sentenced Valjean (for stealing because of starvation) to hard labor and not straight to his death, off as another corpse on one of many piles beneath the city. And Paris has an impressive system of canals, as Victor Hugo would tell you. Many corpses would fit there. And again, totally ignoring the stage of the society here. Having one mad ruler allowed to kill so many people (really? you are comparing numbers?! How many is OK for you to have killed on a regular basis?) - is a shame for Deerwoodians. Being that socially evolved, yet killing, experimenting on people, tolerating murders and so on - inexcusable. Huana only began their journey. And already you are able to explain to them necessity of changes. They are changing their ways (and faster with your help) instead of flat refusing. That is far from "rigid". No other nation is even thinking about changes. But I am preaching to a deaf ear if you compare dramatic background of a "dead city" in the game to the catacombs of a real city with a writer as a solid source of information. and so we come full circle, eh? "am thinking folks is reflexive sympathetic towards real world indigenous peoples" thanks. HA! Good Fun! How come "the only one we see at home" equals "you are sympathetic to the real world indigenous peoples"? What I meant is, dead bodies count and horrors of other societies in their homes are not so obvious to paint them all white. Though their behavior in Deadfire does not make them look good.
  15. And what makes you think that the nation is worthy of surviving? The fact that my Watcher is no God to decide which nation should live and which should die? Are you sure you played POE1? Because catacombs, graveyards, castles and even streets were very impressive dead-bodies-wise. Remember that lovely tree in Gilded Vale? All nations - without exception - had in the past a stage with horrible mistreating of the citizens. Huana is in transition to the better society right now, if other nations will not destroy them. I can only wish them luck and help with what I can. Btw, those "piles of bodies" ARE the criminals (by Huana laws) and - logically - result of bandits rule over Gullet (we can thank Principi for that). "TS" is "Topic Starter", in our case - Pus-in-Boots. And list of his disgust of Huana is a disgust of someone from a very modern world where all kind of benefits to the poor is a norm. Never said they deserve any praise, but they do deserve a chance. If anything, all other factions already very clear with direction of their development, while Huana can turn any way. Huana is the only nation we can see "at home" - the rest are foreigners here (including Watcher). And what can be said for sure, at least Huana do not prey on other nations, while other three are eating them and each other. They are all "bad", if you so sure you have right to judge, but I do not see how Huana are the worst.
  16. What a wonderful and precise term - "comfort game"! Love it! On subject - do hope we can still get RTwP style games. For me TB is a huge "minus" to any game - immersion breaker, yes, but most importantly way too slow. Might work for 1vs1, but with several enemies and a party it's maddening! When every encounter - no matter how small! - becomes an endless battle it does not feel like a game anymore, it's a chore. Not to mention giving up to consoles - now-days it does feel as a greed and cutting corners (you do not have to care about AI with TB). I do not skip games because of TB, but would much prefer any game with RTwP.
  17. No more than TS is judgemental from the position of a first world citizen. Huana are far from cute-heroic-mistreated-but-sage-wise nation, but expecting them to be a paragon of a modern SJW and condemn for failing to be the one is equally naive. It's a developing society that just now actually beginning to form a united nation out of numerous tribes. They are learning right now from other nations, old traditions clutch with new visions, and it takes time to sort out which to keep and which to get rid of. As often happens other political players interfere with development since no one needs an another competitor. Pirates sell them to slavery, Valians steel their adra, artifacts and anything not nailed down and guarder, and Rautai are trying to take their lands and skills, turning into lower class rautai. My Watcher does not support anyone, but only because she is not their assassin for hire. If not for the last quest I would support Huana if only to give the nation a chance to survive.
  18. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  19. In my PT it looked like the faction with the least reputation with you will attack you. Fail quests for VTC, keep reputation with them at lowest, and you should be fine.
  20. Would anyone say that the game is in a stable enough state that I can now play it without running into progression stopping bugs every few hours? It should be fine up to the 5th chapter. I'm on my 2nd PT and some of the bugs I've encounter on the 1st PT have been fixed. Some were added, though. On an unrelated note, why there are rolls in non-combat skill checks? Unless it's the Iron Man mode, nothing stops the player from reloading until they succeed. I suspect they simply made rolling one system - for everything. If you remove it from non-combat skills, it will be removed for combat as well. Budget, you understand.
  21. Was not it Patchfinder: Bugmaker? But anyway, could you please add the link to the original topic. It contained some useful information.
  22. am thinking this were the intent and the point o' the faction choice. were no clear villains and unimpeachable heroes. obsidian wanted the faction choice to be a selection 'tween relative evils. HA! Good Fun! This has been the standard trope for all factions in PC RPGs for the better part of a decade or more. What I'd say is that while I might have been okay with one faction or another, I don't like ultimatums. Therefore I rejected all of them. The RDC especially when they tried to force me to be an assassin for them and then subsequently kill me when I refused. Redecorating Atsura's office was especially fun. Did not they all wanted you to kill someone? Principi I did not even count as a choice - bandits are bandits. Huana - technically - do have the rights on Ukaiso, and the idea of nation forming out of separated groups is attractive, but political murder as a tool with a Watcher as a murderer ... Sorry, my Watcher is no assassin. And Valians and Rautai are both too disgusting in their "gold vs steel" games (and murderous as well). If not for the last quest there could be a choice, but with it - no, I do not see my Watcher choosing anyone ever.
  23. Hmmm... Which part of the picture is considered wrong and represent the lack of knowledge on developers side? https://www.facebook.com/NationalHamburgerFestival/
  24. I would be fine with just the ability to choose skin color for my godlikes...
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