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Everything posted by ProgenitorHK47

  1. 1. When they cut M4-78 they also cut Master Vash, she was going to explain that if one of the bonded fall to the darkside the bond may fade and eventually break. 2. It wasn't nearly as damaged as in the prolouge, the only damage I've seen was that the left wing was slightly bent. 3. HK-47 blows up G0-T0 with the aid of the HK-51s 4. Orginally, as Darth Nihilus attacked Telos, HK would go to the planet's surface and infiltrate the cut HK factory, destroying the HK-50s and becoming the leader of the 51s. 5. Not really, Kreia could have named herself after the Trayus academy, and the only simulatrity is the Tray, the two words are pronounced differently.
  2. Well, personally I have a theory that either Kreia or Atris was supposed to join you when you go to Malachor, as Atris' model uses the same pattern as the other party members, and she already has a portait. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How could kreia reasonably join you? perhaps atris, but its probably the whole business about how she could not be exposed to the darkside again or else shed turn back to it (assuming that you let her live) However, kreia had already been taken out of the roster at the enclave in dantooine, it wouldnt have made sense <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Atris could attack Kreia during there little confrontation, an head to Malachor to take the title of Darth Traya, though you'd still need a boss for that scene.
  3. Well, personally I have a theory that either Kreia or Atris was supposed to join you when you go to Malachor, as Atris' model uses the same pattern as the other party members, and she already has a portait.
  4. Yeah, and theoreticly Juhani and Jolee with the LS ending in K1. As said before the are probably hundreds of individual force-sensitives in the galaxy, and know that Nihilus is dead they can all come out and be snooty once more! HURRAY!
  5. Atris was the one who called the Jedi to Katarr, she was the one who got the bright 'let's lure out the Sith!' idea. I'm betting that the Jedi Masters assumed she was on Katarr when Darth Nihilus struck.
  6. And to a lesser extent Atton and Mira, because they don't seem to be conventional Jedi or Sith.
  7. Star Wars is a western/samurai/fantasy movie set in space, not a SCIENCE fiction. If it were SF then we would have that ****ty Parsecs line, or lasers that are visible in a vacuum, or sound in a vacuum.
  8. Who does happen if you have a perfectly neutral score after beating Traya anyway?
  9. Well pick an boss who you want to be more conflcting with, Atris or Sion. Sion works better with a female Exile, and Atris with a male.
  10. It is the sublevel, that's why the broken HK-50 was nearby and how they seemed to know about how to work the computer. And G0-T0 was going to be blown up on Malachor by a joint effort of HK-47 and the HK-51s.
  11. Yeah, the Mandolorians are like the Norse in that aspect.
  12. No. The Unknown Regions are the areas beyond the Outer-Rim territories, Korriban was one of them until the exiled Jedi and the republic explorers discovered it.
  13. I think she was just refering to the whole Darth Traya thing, as Kreia wore that title again.
  14. I choose neither. Both the Jedi and Sith have their heads shoved up their own asses. I'd go with a smaller sect or be freelance.
  15. Nihilus would leave no survivors, and Kreia did not want to kill the galaxy, she just wanted the force dead.
  16. No, just because George Lucas wanted to color code everything, like we couldn't figure out what side someone was on by paying attention.
  17. *Sighs contently.* That is such a beutiful Lightsaber of evil, along with the stylized Exar Kun lightsabers.
  18. In a cut content Disciple, if he was in the team, is supposed to confess that he almost fell to the dark side, and shows you a pair of holocrons in the Enclave.
  19. [quoteJ The Goto vs. Remote sequnce - what happened there? If you go lightside HK-47 and the HK-51 blast the crap out of G0-T0 Your companions confront Kreia in the Traya Core and fail, branches from there to the Atton's torture and death scenes, Atton attack Disciple, and Brianna attacking Visas. *Shrugs* Mabye he was back with T3 repairing the Ebon Hawk. Blame this on M4-78's cut. Master Vash was supposed to explain that force bonds can break when one of the two fall to the dark side.
  20. Both if you set Revan to be male, only Carth if set to female, Which makes HK's line before the mockeries a slaughter of proper grammar.
  21. 1. Plot 2. Atton's lines regardign female exile on Peragus. 3. Korriban. 4. Norris or Baran Do Sage. 5. If color Silver, if upgrade, ___ Crystal 6. Female. 7. Giving Kreia a TPM style cremation 8. Kreia vrs Visas, Atton, Disciple/Brianna, Mira. 9. *Shrugs* 8 I guess. 10. Improved voice-acting, Atton's death scene VO is just bland to me. 11. Kreia, her composite of Jedi and Sith teachings. 12. Ability to kill Carth.
  22. It's spelled with an E, Dejarik. Just replay the exchange between Atton and Kriea to see how it is spelled.
  23. He may have had an intended role later on, but this idea was just scrapped.
  24. And because they didn't have enough time to redo Master Vash's VO, they just had her be killed on Korriban.
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