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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. Rented The Outfit for 360. Terrible game. Absolutly terrible. It doesn't even look as half as good as it should. The voice acting is terrible too.
  2. I thought it was just going to be like, bad.
  3. She'll be in RP won't she?
  4. I use Norton too, but I'm pretty sure it came with my computer.
  5. If its got bacon in it, I'll buy it.
  6. You know, for a second I thought I was going to be linked to another Star Wars fanfilm. An Israeli Star Wars Fanfilm.
  7. Congratz. Now get to work.
  8. I'm only 14, so it was really Super Mario 3 for SNES.
  9. I don't remember you. Welcome back.
  10. Did anyone else hear the striking resemblense to Anakin when he said "I HATE you!" Both of them had that b!tchy tone!
  11. Eh, traded in Oblivion. Got Madden '06. It could be better.
  12. I liked Spiderman2.
  13. That songs weird. Good. But definetly wierd. My Friends Over You- New Found Glory
  14. The Exorcism of John Jacob (JINGLE HEIMER SCHMIDT?!!?)
  15. Wasn't Xmen: Legends ported to the PSP?
  16. ...Mario Sunshine. Woo-hoo!
  17. Come to think of it, I snuck into the theater to see Phantom Menace.
  18. Cirlce of Life: William Hung
  19. I like EBX. I'm pretty sure it's just a fancy name for EBgames, but I've never had a problem with them. I've purchased 5 used games from them, all of which have worked perfectly. Not to mention the Gamecube I also bought from them, what is it now, 5 years ago? And that things still running, as we speak as a matter of fact. Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door.
  20. What about Super Smash Brothers? Or Paper Mario? Or Viewtiful Joe? Or Money Balls? Super Monkey Balls?
  21. You're so witty. I'm chewing on a pen.
  22. On Cabbage Night last year me and a couple friends super glued everyone's mail boxes shut. I'm unaware how they got them open.
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