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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. I have poisen ivy on my arm. Airsoft.
  2. I don't count Bond. He's a movie-guy to me. Sam Fisher FTW!
  3. http://articles.news.aol.com/news/article....S00010000000001
  4. I've never gotten a birthday thread.
  5. "Over My Head, Better Off Dead"- Sum41
  6. Finished G.R.A.W. last night. Great game. I'm returning Oblivion, I just can't get into it.
  7. I still find it funny that some of you fantasize about Bastila.
  8. Krookie


    Ky1e said. Get it?
  9. She could have gone to a river. That's probably safer then having sex with a 72 year old man.
  10. Why would we need a Jedi Acadamy forum, when we have Star Wars Universe already?
  11. I just read this same post on an Airsoft forum. Bot.
  12. The 360 version and the PC version are both very good. I like the 360's controls, the PC controls get a little confusing for me. If you're looking for a good 3rd person/ 1st person shooter, you really can't go wrong with GRAW. It's got a decent storyline too, which a lot of shooters lack.
  13. Still working on Oblivion. Ghost Recon too.
  14. They can't get a B on their report card.
  15. Are you crazy? For the first year or two that the XBox was out it's sales weren't exactly great. The only people who owned one were Halo-Freaks.
  16. I've never had problems with it doing anything like that.
  17. "The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide Is Press Coverage"- Brand New
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