you'll maybe have to get a hooker if you ever want to have sex.
Uh, were you trying to like get everyone to say stuff like:
Because right now you sound retarded. I bet you're older then me, and still haven't had any kind of intercourse, with anything human atleast. I'm 14 by the way, and just because I have a job and can buy myself things that I wish to buy that gives you no reason to mock my decision. What the hell does me buying a console and a new airsoft gun have to do with me having sex? Are you saying that this happend to you?
If you want to be an ass, we can talk about the correct way to insult someone. For instance, if I said something like:
"What did you do last night?"
You might respond with something like:
"Your mother."
In which case I wouldn't find amusing because my mother is very ill. Now, if you would like to continue this conversation you are more then welcome to either reply to this message, PM me, or IM via AIM at ky1e said.
Oh and by the way, I happen to have a girlfriend, and while I have not had sex yet, at least I have kissed a girl before.
EDIT: I didn't even relize what kind of name you had. Lare Kikkeli, is it? If that is your real name I am truly sorry. If it isn't, I am still truly sorry.