You obviously don't know what you're talking about, but since you're a kid i'll let you off the hook.
"Since you're a kid i'll let you off the hook"
Shut the hell up. I do know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the fact that I don't like games that have more then 2 sequels.
Just because you are a 40 year old loser browsing the Obsidian forums under the name Lale Kikkeli, which is probably your KotOR name, doesn't mean that I am any less knowalgable then you are. If Wizardry 8 doesn't have 7 sequels, then I was mistaken, but that doesn't give you the right to tell me what I know, and don't know.
I'm sure you mean prequels. And you obviously havent played the game, which is why your opinion is just stupid. But whatever, you live you learn.
No, I mean if the 1st Wizardry had 7 sequals.