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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. Maybe that's because we aren't evil.
  2. Personally, I don't want to play a story that's in the same time frame as the books/movies. Why would I want to play a "less-then-epic" storyline, when I know awesome battles like Helms Deep, Minas Tirith, and all that stuff. It'd be like if the next Call of Duty had you playing as one of the women who wrote the letters to the families of dead soliders. It's just not the same. Give us a new time period that has never been experimented with before. Do what BioWare did with KotOR.
  3. I'm guessing they'll sort that out by release date.
  4. I don't think a good RPG can be done about LOTR that doesn't focus on the Fellowship itself. The Third Age came out for Xbox a while back, and was basically the same exact thing as Fellowship, except with different names.
  5. How about Mark Messier for the role? http://images.tsn.ca/images/stories/200509...ssier_30596.jpg
  6. "I-I've got all this pictures! Oh God, oh God..."
  7. Some song my sister has blasting. It's like: "In a world, made of steel, made-of-STONE!"
  8. All gravy = "What the crap? I'm covered in gravy!" It could go either way man. Clarify yourself next time.
  9. Great, now the hippies have vans and robots.
  10. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0465494/ Vin Deisel I think Jason Statham would have been perfect for the part. http://media.teamxbox.com/dailyposts/vindiesel-hitman.jpg C'mon. I mean, c'mon.
  11. Is it a Japanese game?
  12. Now, is that a good or bad thing?
  13. Is it like...anime?
  14. I don't think LA would allow one of them to be playable character.
  15. Y-yes master. All the Jujubes belong to GoA. All the Jujubes belong to GoA...
  16. Yeah, I'd actually really, really like to see that happen. Oh and maybe they could declare U.S as the victor!
  17. I thought it was a bit to long too. I'm going to Block Buster in a little while, and I'm thinking of trying out with Battle for Middle Earth 2, or Hitman. Or both.
  18. ...He's not.
  19. "teh noob song": teh_pwnerer
  20. Next time read the posts prior to mine. I was explaining that it is easier to be provoked into hitting someone in a sport where there is more contact. I was trying to say that it would be more understandable to headbutt somone in the chest plate if you had been getting bruised and battered all game. And the reason that soccer players only wear shin pads is that if they didn't, people would have broken shins every game. This is why hockey players wear equipment to protect their entire bodies, because there is a chance that they could break any given bone at almost any given time on the ice. Wearing less protection doesn't make soccer/football any more 'tough' then any other sport.
  21. The other thing is, there isn't a whole lot of contact in soccer/football. Don't get me wrong, it's a physical sport, but a getting slide tackled isn't like getting hit in american football, rugby, or hockey. As a player of both soccer and hockey, I get much more angry if I get leveled into the boards then I do if I get tripped in a soccer game. Hockey: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8...10&q=hockey+hit Soccer/Football: Honostly, I couldn't even find a video of someone getting hit hard in a football match.
  22. I'm going to see PoTC again tonight, this time with my dad. We'll be heading over to the mall to see it, so I might pick up something for my 360.
  23. I haven't played it in over 4 months, and I've never played through darkside either. I've on the Harbinger, but I can only play in hour increments or I get bored. God damn Peragus...
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