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Everything posted by Krookie

  1. Dom Moch sounds stupid. "So, where should I be aiming for when I slice you open? Liver, heart, anything specific?"
  2. Big Fat Liar on Disney Channel. A+ material. A+.
  3. Maybe they should call him Cryboy! Har, har.
  4. Cancel the order, and go buy it from a store.
  5. There was a thread on this like, a week ago. And the week before that. And the week before that too, probably. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=42213
  6. Wow dude. Thanks. Those things are awesome. Do you have any more sweet aliens that i could see?
  7. Yeah, that's Blood Money.
  8. p0rn stars go to hell.
  9. Don't you "both" me.
  10. What, the preview? Or my reenactment?
  11. I watched the first chapter. It was interesting, but not worth the rest of the hour and whatever minutes.
  12. Well, you can pause in almost every game. But can you issue commands once paused?
  13. You're joking right? "IN 2003, WE SENT SOME HIGH-TECH ROCKET, LUNAR LANDING THING TO MARS" "...they told us it crashed" "BUT IT WAS THE ONLY WARNING WE WOULD EVER GET!" Those lines are followed by the lunar-landing thing getting demolished by a robot.
  14. Saw it again last night, this time it was in IMax. Wow. I thought it was a great movie, and it had a good cliffhanger ending too.
  15. You really don't need to space like 48 times after your post is done. My Revan was a LS Male.
  16. LOL Land of the Babes.
  17. DS Exile, LVL 7. Telos.
  18. Malachor V was destroyed at the end of the game. Lightside female Exile was made canon if you didn't know. Peragus. They are on the same side. The Lightside.
  19. Rented Hitman:Blood Money and Battle for Middle Earth 2. Both are fun, but Hitman is really hard, even on the Normal setting. Battle for Middle Earth 2 is actually quite playable on the 360, despite the lack of a mouse and keyboard. The control layout is done very well, but there is some slow down when you've got a lot of troops on screen. The cool thing is, unlike most other RTS games, when they say "huge army" they mean "huge army". Like any other game, you build a barracks and click once on the "soldier" button for one soldier, right? Wrong. Instead of clicking once per soldier, you click once for an entire battalion. That nets you somewhere around 100 troops per 5 clicks. They are 'built' pretty fast too. The resource gathering is also unique, as you don't need to harvest food/wood/all that other stuff seperatly. Instead you build a single structure to carry all that out for you. That also means less workers/builders running around, getting in the way. I think I'll keep Blood Money until I finish it, since BlockBuster got rid of late fees, and actually buy Battle for Middle Earth 2, as the replay value is probably a bit higher, and you get online play.
  20. Not many.
  21. I thought that was sort of funny.
  22. Maybe my 360 will have a purpose other then looking pretty next to my TV.
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