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Everything posted by Voss

  1. Honestly, they're easily explained by being nuclear magical mutants with a really dumb name.
  2. It is entirely on equally footing (for the one game that had it) with the backstabbing murderer who could cast haste and... that other kit no one took. I wasn't even aware that the former was an archetype. Though the hide and stab guy actually had a lot more traction since it was on one of the better companions in the game who could also use one of the better weapons in the game. But still... 1 of 20-odd kits for 1 of 5 games is pretty much the exact opposite of highlighting something. You could build an equally good archer (with none of the disadvantages) with Khalid, Mazzy or a random fighter in IWD.
  3. Except, you know, the Archer kit. Yes, you could be a ranged character as ranger. Good for you. Also as a fighter or rogue, or even bard. Highlight has a meaning, and it isn't just 'can exist, if you'd like to exercise one of a couple dozen options.' Also... only in one game.
  4. lol But, on a serious note, the class concept for the Ranger is simply a warrior specialized at ranged fighting, which uses a pet to run distractions, which is a fun and interesting playstyle. Either way, the game is not worse for having more classes, even if some classes are esoteric. I'm going to disagree with you entirely. The class concept for the ranger has changed randomly over time (from, basically an Aragorn and Jack the Giant Slayer mashup, to ridiculous maniac waving two scimitars around, to dude with a second body that occasionally bites people instead of the actual dude swinging a sword). And sometimes uses a bow, and every so often remembers there is a nature theme clumsily attached, so has is contractually obligated to utter Captain Planet dialogue. The pet mechanic is, at various points during all this, non-existant , woefully overpowered or woefully underpowered to the point of being entirely sad. At no point was it fun or interesting, and 'non-existant' was definitely the most common case. And definitely worth pointing out that the computer games PoE is intentionally aping do *not* highlight rangers as a ranged class or having a combat pet. And yes, wasting time on terrible classes (not esoteric ones, since all are straight up out of D&D even if the bard and psion use different mechanics) does hurt the game. The time and effort could have gone to something worthwhile instead. Also, I was entirely serious. Additionally... time immemorial doesn't mean what you think it means. I was there for the first cRPGs. The ranger usually wasn't,
  5. Trivializing the content? No. Responding appropriately to the game world and understanding system mastery is part of the RPG experience. As for how I'd fix the armor problem, I'd do two things (Note: all numbers are arbitrary and can be changed)- First, rework the armor recovery times into something sane: 0% recovery penalty for robes and padded, keep plate at 50%, and put everything else on a curve from 10% (leather) to 40% (brigandine). Second, add a % ignore recovery time to Consitution, say at 3% per point. This wouldn't be a percentage reduction, but an absolute number that subtracts from the recovery percentage of armor. So, say a 14 Con character would ignore 12% recovery time, so they would suffer no recovery penalty from the revised number for leather, and drop Plate recovery penalty to 38%. This would encourage some armor on everyone, more use of medium armors, and as a bonus, find a use for Con. Rather than the defacto dragon age style system of 'wizards only wear this and fighters only wear that.' Which is what the current system effectively amounts to while trying to pretend it doesn't by filling in the middle with junk.
  6. That. You're incrementing bonuses, (sometimes randomly associated paired bonuses) in a 6 item database, nothing more.
  7. Class concept is 'Rangers were a thing in d&d, so we have to have one. Box checked, moving on.'
  8. That isn't what he means. Wasteland has gotten multiple 1+ gigabyte patches (with at least one more to come) to make the game functional post release. Hopefully PoE will only need relatively minor bug fixes. But supposedly the first expansion will rework some things, like the stealth system.
  9. You don't really need to spec in a specific weapon class with rogues. It only gives you +6 Acc. With Reckless Assault (modal)ability you get +8 acc and x1.2 dmg. Id put that point into something like two weapon fighting. Hmm. I'd rather stack the rogue's damage multipliers on a two handed weapon. (Sneak attack + reckless + blind or cripple strikes + ???) And increased accuracy does help the rogue keep off the miss chances altogether and push up the crit chance. Not entirely sure it is worth it to take the weapon talent, but I suspect the rogue isn't lacking for talent choices...
  10. Or probably Noble for maces. For the record, I really dislike the way these groups work. Rarely do I want any two in a single group, and the group names are... eh.
  11. Meh. Soul Manipulation stories always make me roll my eyes and snicker, and feral is just what I naturally expect as the default state of anything under 16. context and delivery make all the difference. OK, that scene always just makes me laugh out loud. For this, I'm more concerned it is going to follow the trail blazed by BG2 and Irenicus, with ridiculous nonsense inexplicably involving large jars and no coherence with the setting or solving the problem at hand.
  12. Meh. Soul Manipulation stories always make me roll my eyes and snicker, and feral is just what I naturally expect as the default state of anything under 16.
  13. Actually, I'd consider that a failure. D:OS had a fair amount of people talking it up before release, who then mysteriously vanished when it came out, as did the vast majority of the player-base. Obsidian has a lot more attention than D;OS ever did for having the salty leavings sequels for two of the big 'RPG' franchises left to the market (for a given value of RPG, but both Bio and Beth have a lot of fanatics). If they can't get more market attention for their own title than a nearly bankrupt Belgian studio, they've screwed the pooch.
  14. Because all games are contractually required to make at least one recommendation that makes no sense at all.
  15. Except... it was never an obstacle in the old games. Ever. If you didn't have 100,000+ gp when you finished BG1, you did it wrong. You can actually skip picking up actual gold, as long as you pick up and sell magic items, your cash stockpile vs. what you can buy is effectively meaningless. Take whatever you like.
  16. Regret is the only function pre-order serves. It isn't like digital copies can 'run out.'
  17. Sure. Obsidian can make an excellent and non-buggy game. It is entirely their ball to drop.
  18. So let me get this straight... I read on the wiki http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Dexterity that "In combat, it affects the character's Action Speed with all attacks" but it has no influence on the speed with which you can fire your pistol? What is the reasoning behind that? Is it just a firearm thing or does attack speed only influence melee weapons? *confused* If I understand it right, the main things that slows down guns is the reload speed, which dex doesn't affect. So it isn't that dex has _zero_ effect (it affects the attack animation, IIRC). Its just that the minor speed boost on the attack itself is insignificant compared to the reload speed.
  19. It wouldn't. Very much the wrong type of game.
  20. Backers are terrible people to ask. They're already invested in the game being good... regardless of whether it actually is or not. Wait til it comes out and listen to people who don't have an oar in the water, and, more importantly, watch some of the gameplay yourself.
  21. Not true. You can easily get the money without doing any side quests. Steal from a lot of people, Kill that gang of jerks in the sewer under the temple, loot all the fools who attack you in athkatla while transitioning between areas, and recruit people; take their stuff and sell it. Once done you will have enough gold to move on to chapter 3. Indeed. It is really easy to get the gold you need with minimal effort. It is also a mistake, since you'll have to deal with the underdark at around level 10 or 11, and have few weapons capable of dealing with foes down there, but you can easily get 15k from the coronet, the slavers, and the sewers below them.
  22. honestly, I don't get the map thing. Could it have been more diverse? Yeah. But compared to the story elements (which blow 1 and 3 away), I rslly don't care. Rahelron- as far as story goes, I think the Mage vs Templar should have been the center. It's the only coherent, continuous plot line for the setting, and inquisition just... Drops it. You pick one side to rescue (which is absurd In itself), and then... Well that is pretty much it. Some background issues float about in the text and you can kill a few stray mobs if you like, but mostly you need some bodies to seal the hole, either side works and...whatever. It should really have more focus (and be central to the game). Corphyfish, the wardens and even orlaiis were the real waste of time Of course part of the problem is they can't write themselves out of the corner they stuck themselves in. Based on everything that happens over the course of the three games, it is painfully apparent that mages really do need to be controlled or exterminated, the only real counter argument that the game even attempts to make is that freedom is worth the destruction and subjugation of all life, which is flatly absurd.
  23. There is a difference between "obsessing," and switching to a suit of armor that's better against cold If you knows you're going into a cave full of Ice SpidersTM. Is that the cave with the sign at the entrance - beware of Ice spiders? How many suits of armor should your average adventurer carry "just in case"? Oh dear. It's against RP to scout now too? Quiet feet, sneaky feet. Yep, looks like ice spiders in this cave made of ice. What should we do, boss?
  24. To be serious for a moment I don't get a "paladin" vibe when I look at this helmet. I do. That's totally the helmet of someone who will set you on fire for believing 'wrong.'
  25. Of course you don't. You don't have to obsessed to be knowledgable, nor do you need encyclopedic knowledge of every last creature to know what works best in the general case or what not to use in specific cases. Do you go put on plate mail to walk around golf courses in a lightning storm? No? You must be obsessed.
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