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Everything posted by WILL THE ALMIGHTY

  1. Sounds pretty long. Hopefully there's a way to reduce that cooldown.
  2. Didn't even know there was a trophy for this, I just wanted to nail him with the golf club for fun!
  3. Played through Bioshock 2... Mehtastic. One can only see so much of Rapture's leaking slums before getting sick of it. The story definitely isn't any better, the levels are uninspired and all look the same, the story is just weird and the combat is somewhat better. Good thing I only rented it.
  4. Also can we block bullets with our fists?
  5. In 1987. It's called Wasteland. I'm thinking something that isn't 8-bit. Seems like the Stalker series would be a good fit... even then there's some weird paranormal stuff going on.
  6. That's all real fun, but when do we get a more realistic or at least less silly PA RPG?
  7. Put your money where your mouth is and not just your foot. We need examples! I appreciate what you're doing, but you really shouldn't feed the local troll. I think a good example of "dark" would be KotOR 2. Not necessarily a world where every single being is miserable, but where it's a bit more mature, or at least less black and white about certain choices.
  8. If I could be at school, at a Muse Concert in Montreal and SF at the same time I would. Otherwise I envy whoever gets to play.
  9. Maybe if they're making Mass Effect 3 they could fix all the horrible plot holes.
  10. It'd be simpler if it wasn't 203 years after the war. A shorter time period would make all of this more logical.
  11. Mordin and Legion are awesome, Garrus is much better this time around. The rest... meh.
  12. ... did anyone really expect the game to have good writing and story? Or at least as good as it promised?
  13. Got through the Disabled Collector Ship mission on Insanity. If anyone else needs help with it, this would be my advice. -Grunt and Garrus, Grunt must be loyal and have Fortification/Krogan Berserker maxed with both Krogan Vitality upgrades. Garrus should have Heavy Concussive shot, AP ammo is always useful. Try and get the most XP from sidequests and as many upgrades as you can before. -On the floating platforms, try to focus on the scions unless they're out of their attack range. So the first scion you should definitely kill first while the second one can wait a while. Keep your allies alive, they're useful distractions for Harbinger and the rest. If you have combat drones or something else to distract them, use it constantly. -For the Praetorian boss fight, either nuke him ASAP if you have the Cain, or shoot the minions (husks, drones) first so they stop respawing. After that, dodging the praeotrian laser should be easy, just stay far away from him or he'll insta-kill you. -Ignore the husk rush completely. Still, damn tough mission.
  14. The difference is in the speed at which the scanner goes. It's very useful.
  15. If there are no beard models for women in this game I will not buy it. Or at least make the woman attractive-ish.
  16. Pretty sure there are sniper rifles in the game... hopefully as assault rifles at least, maybe as special weapons like the rocket launcher.
  17. I think we can deal with spoilers about one mission.
  18. I dunno, I liked the first one and this is good news, but not very surprising.
  19. This sounds like a better deal for Linux, honestly.
  20. Ah, this is good news. Too bad those computers are so pricey though.
  21. If you really die a lot, or have a habit of standing around in the open, get Fortification or Geth Shield Boost. They soak up insane amounts of damage, even on harder difficulties. EDIT: Another tip, if your teammates die often, take Grunt and level up his Krogan Berseker passive bonus until you get to Krogan Pureblood, get both Krogan Vitality upgrades (found on both Tuchanka loyalty missions) and also level up his fortification ability. You might also want to ask him about upgrades and get his uber-shotgun. Don't bother leveling up his other powers. This gives him roughly 400 shields and nearly 800 health, which regenerates at 55 health per second. He is literally invincible.
  22. I didn't even know I had those ideas. Thank you, LoF.
  23. I can't say they do a very good job. You are no troll, you are an artist. This is why you still visit this place. Now Volourn on the other hand...
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