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Everything posted by Calax

  1. at least all the architypes were taken out in full, In K2 you had architypes with only have of the type working... If you can understand that you get a brownie @Dawuss: Candy doesn't give you anything for collecting them so theres really no point.
  2. Phile your forgetting that TECHNICALLY the entire KOTOR line and Comics are all prequils. If you did have an RPG where you wern't a Jedi you would have to do it at either the hight of the empire or shortly thereafter.
  3. Vogga wasn't such a bad guy he was just a little bit of a scammer (who isn't?) What I wonder is how G0T0 had a cloaking device when the Emperor couldn't get them to work correctly...
  4. I feel it must be pointed out that Ulic and Exar were putting together armies that had at no time been considered the best and the brightest of the republic army. Revans army was just that, the Best and the brightest of the republic. He took elite units and converted them while Ulic built his army from scratch in the Empress Teta system and was able to defeat Mandalore in personal combat getting the mandalorians to fight for him. Exar just converted a bunch of jedi who went after their masters. From the public's perspective I would think that the Sith war looked more like an invasion from afar while Revan's war was a bunch of good guy's turning on them. so technically Civil war would apply. I was pointing out in my previous statement that TO ME the Jedi Civil War felt more or less like a brush war rather than a full blown military conflict. You didn't see much of armies clashing and battles running rampant over systems at the time. You didn't even see any real fighting between troopers. Only on ships. No planetwide invasions, no Combat of anysort on the ground. Sure you heard about bombarments but that was only twice.
  5. I suppose it will be like this? ENDER: YAY I finially got past that level! Nurse: Ummmm do you want to see your son/daughter? Ender: HMMM? oh wait let me kill this guy and put it on pause Nurse: ...
  6. I have that many if I install everything and get rid of all my stuff. and find all my really old games that are finicky about working on this machine.
  7. HK:"Exclamation: I feel like I'm looking at myself in 4000 years..." VADER:"Sorry, I'm half Human" HK:"Suprised Comment: My word! DIE MEATBAG! YOU HAVE SPOILED MY VISION OF THE FUTURE OF NON ORGANIC LIFE!" Vader: "NOW YOU SHALL PAY FOR YOUR TREACHERY!"
  8. Usually wars are either named after a significant event (The Clone Wars), It's participants (World Wars 1 and 2, and the Jedi Civil war) or if it's irregular in terms of length or what happens it will usually take on the name of the year or the number of years in the war (War of 1812, 100 years war). The major hangup for this is that different states call different wars different things. For example the second World War was refferred to by the Soviets as the "Great Patriotic War". The American Civil War could be called the "Southern Rebellion" by the observers (entirly speculation). The thing about KOTOR is that the writers seemed to be flying by the seat of their pants with no care for continuity, so in K1 we see the conflict that they were fighting as the "Sith War" because they were fighting Sith. meanwhile the war that is famous for being the "Sith war" gets relegated to the "War of Exar Kun" when Exar's war was much greater in terms of magnatute and in terms of participants. The war now reffered to as the Jedi Civil War seemed to have no major unit actions beyond ship battles. You never saw large numbers of warriors going at it and I didn't get a sense that this was bigger than the jedi because the soldiers never actually fought each other except on the Endar Spire. I would guess that that would be the main reason to use Jedi Civil War as the official title because there was not actual ground combat seen between the Republic and Sith. It was all done by Jedi. To Me when the starforge was broken it was as if Vandar had gone to sympathetic Fleet admrial who took only the ships under her command to wipe out the starforge rather than to pull the entire fleet. If you look at the # of ships that arrive it's rather small for a galaxy spanning government to be able to pull together. Even if its only short notice usually fleets have 10+ heavy capital ships attached to them with smaller ships possibly even doubleing the heavy's numbers. At the Star forge there we maybe 4 of the largest class of capital ships while the smaller ones had a about 10 to 15. Based on that I'm going to assume it was only a troupe that was commanded by Admrial Dodonna who responded to the request of Vandar not every available ship.
  9. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Cue the 8bit dnd. "I CAST MAGIC MISSLE" I think two scimitars beats a sword and shield.
  10. Is that for our game or OBS-5?
  11. For all your influence needs see gamefaqs influence guide.
  12. And Sith War was already taken
  13. YAY I GET TO SEE ALL THE PRETTY COMICS (Drool Drool slurp Drool)
  14. Nah I prefer for those last four lines Exile: Hey, Rand. Atton: huh? Exile: Feeling Randy there? Atton: (nose bleed and a faint)
  15. This can happen. I've done it. It's funny because I said entirly the wrong things on my first run through and she attacked my a final time forcing me to wipe her off the face of the galaxy. I did the same thing to juhani when I was doing my first run. SO I had a open spot that I didn't know how to fill in my party the entire game.
  16. I would think some of these would be fun Not for the children
  17. Well at least Eldar doesn't take it on himself like Authority does somtimes to edit your post... Authority: Ive never edited a post in my life. "
  18. well I could always put up a pic of Amanda Tapping for those stargate fanboy's who like short haired blonds
  19. I play with the opposites. Guardian/Lord/Master. I usually go DS because it allows me to barbeque without much FP needed and then If i'm going up against a single opponent (the feaking comes to mind) and keep them off balance so they never get in a shot.
  20. Yeah spammnig force crush does have a way of stopping all of your opponents actions until their dead. (they have to pick themselves up off the ground.)
  21. Theres the obvious "I have a bad feeling about this."
  22. Biggest fault of the EP 3 game was the "witty banter" tossed back and forth between the characters. Also the fact that the only thing you had to do in the entire game was block until they left you and opening. They also changed some things like Windu falling from Palpitines window and Anakin fighting him all over the palace complex. Or Obi trying to fight a republic aussalt carrier.
  23. Maybe, Maybe not. You never can tell for some people.
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