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Everything posted by Calax

  1. The Roleplaying servers are basically where you go if you don't like getting your head handed to you by a mob of players every time you leave a "safe" zone. Of course, the Tauren have problems because their leader dies every 10 hours XnX while people are waiting to get into Alterac Valley on the sever i visit at my friends.
  2. eh... you can grab the lost souls and the spider head demons with the gravity gun. use them to kill your opponenets, and I really don't think the artifact is very good because all it does is give you Max Payne BulletTime in a different style. It can be useful but the soul cube was better. Oh and you don't get a BFG.
  3. he was brown not green, and when did this veer away from vrook?
  4. this could just be a ship thats of the same model as the hawk. or it could just be that most of the passageways on that particular ship look like the Hawks'
  5. simple, Raid the instances and go PVPing my friends also worked on their alts so now they each have 2 60's and several others over 20 They need to make a 40k mmo.
  6. They would, Mattel is the house that barbie built. he could sue the "Bratz" dolls that come with thongs...
  7. why not have a minigame that's on a tatical level, like the Phoenix Reactor minigame in FF7. I bet they are going to use a different engine so that's fixed, but I would like to see a "Jedi Joe" rather than a UBERMASTER-OF-DOOM-DEATH-AND-DESTRUCTION-WHO-WILL-SAVE-THE-JEDI! If there's a war have somthing that actually makes it feel like its going on rather than everythings just falling apart.
  8. but Barbie is considered a part of our culture here in america. You attack it you get a bunch of grannies fighting back, and then every other Barbiephile jumps you too.
  9. boy did this get off topic...
  10. Boy, I'm starting to feel impotent computer wise just reading this.
  11. I'd go for it, I just need to actually read the rules :">
  12. what about when you get the sick guy to kill himself?
  13. I'm not sure if this is a jest or if this is fact. Mainly because it's Jack Thompson.... On computers and Education in the past two years the local highschool here (I went to it when this happened) decided that, because students were downloading Zsnes and a gazillion games on each computer (because they had nothing to do), they would change the computers from having their own hard drives to having "terminals" linked to a server that would be processing for about 20-25 "terminals" at any given time. needless to say this wansn't very efficant because if one server went down there would be a cascade failure and nobody could do any work, even though the were entire classes base around the computers and all the Attendance and such was done by computer. so basically all the "terminals" did was add more work to the teachers load and cause a lot of grumbling by the students. What did they do with all the old PC's? they simply tossed them in the garbage. I got two free speakers from the Librarian...
  14. eh my family (excepting my brother) has no clue what a "Board" is or even what a "forum" is, I should be safe.
  15. so... she's going to have breakfast, make a house, and pop out a kid? or is she going to eat the kid in the new house?
  16. I have barely enough gas to get to Community College and back every week. Much less run to meet you, besides where would we meet? Granite Bay or Rocklin?
  17. Home is Sacremento... ok it's about 25 miles outside sacremento in a little suburb called El Dorado Hills. one of the clubs up here had the masters tournament several years ago.
  18. It lookes like the chinese have tried to redubb somthing that was origionally in english again
  19. No s*it, and what was it Andur was again? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh Oh OH ! I know... it was.... a Bounty Hunter! no.... Droid mechanic, Jem Cutter, DuffLover... (seriously he seemed more like a bounty hunter with a glowing stick than a Jedi. I mean who carries around a bunch of crystals just to show them off to his master? and who uses a droid as a pilot?
  20. that I be... I am also haunted by dreamses and like to send in troopses.
  21. first: YAY MY TERM IS BEING USED! And Second, I'm agreeing with the Dakari (Yes meta you were right) on the last page on those ideas finially third: somtimes even a jedi joe can be in an epic as the central role. If he were to get caught between the republic and the jedi and he has to unravel whos evil who's not it could still be a fairly good story. I am just getting tired of the "Your Special" explanation of why you have to to the particular quest.
  22. Dark side is actually easier because with the darkside powers you don't run out of FP that fast and you get to kill single people much easier than you would as a LS because of Force Crush
  23. actually my opinion wasn't taken strait from the comics I took part of it from the Guide to characters, Back of the Dark Empire Issues, and various other sources. I admit that the the comics are horribly written in comparison to the Jedi Academy trilogy (yes they are written by the same man) but just because I take my information PRIMARILY from the comics doesn't mean that I'm entirly wrong. :Calax:
  24. eh my cats are as mellow as can be and always begging for attn. Julian you sound like the Athletic girl from Azumanga Dioh.
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