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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Turn canada into Ethnikostan... Cram all those dissagreeable angry fighting ethnicities who want their own country in there and then fence it with lazers.
  2. I actually did that star wars one... you forgot "Not blowing everything up". I played a hunter game where we just tried to steal some medical supplies from a hospital and ended up blowing it sky high. Thus we all got the "wanted" flaw.
  3. I bet that the credit card companies will send you a credit card in your two year olds name if you asked for one... at least the ones that are sending them already
  4. I mean after all the trials of obiwan would be completely different :ph34r:
  5. bah.. the penguins are no match to my super powered kitties! Then we attack by rolling fat people down onto canada crushing cities before they finially fall of the north coast and float around in the north sea.
  6. Hades has a point. And I play COH COV, as I've stated several times.
  7. ummmm wow... just wow... and to thing that that's probably two geeky 13 year olds playing those night elves.
  8. well SWG people have started Immagrating to various other MMOs... I know the influx to COV has created a serious amount of fun for us because we actually have people again.
  9. Anakin considered Obi an enemy. His wife bringing Obi to him got him angry because it was tantamount to opening the front doors and letting the barbarians into the village. Thus the fight. But I never did understand why Obi didn't just push anakin in the lava. Or how anakin went up like dry grass.
  10. The changes include: removal of several professions and deletion of characters in those professions. First person aspect added. Profession trees added to the game (it used to be free form, be a mining commando who made spaceships if you had the right # of skills) and jedi are chooseable from the beginning. Oh and jedi suck at combat. I know this and I don't even play the game. :ermm
  11. Child it wasn't the clan that had any affect on your standing. It was your style. I got the poster with my gangrel the first time.
  12. ~Di, your saying that it's ok for the us military to attack civilian targets if the targets have some military value, right? Well look at it this way, the terrorists might be attacking the schools because the gym is being used as a staging area, they attacked a bridge to deny the army the ability to cross that bridge. Ultimatly what your side of the arguement is from what I can tell is that we are better because we publicly justify our attacks. At least that's what I got from it.
  13. It should also be pointed out that when we were destroying the "communications assets" they were civilian owned and run. Thus we killed civilians. To not condemn that and to condemn the targeting of civlians by the terrorists seems hypocritical to me.
  14. Shadow paladin has a wife? I thought he was young! and Mew is better than Mewtwo.
  15. Wow this went up faster than Anakin at the end of Revenge of the sith before Palpatine rescued him. Yes Bush is a christian. Yes it has an influence on the way he runs this country. Christians have been known to torture those who don't believe in their version of god (see the inquisition). No I don't like the war. No I don't think America should be trying to run the world. Yes I think the terrorists have a right to express themselves (no not condoning deaths here). However it would appear that with the way the war has been going Bush has catagorically denied the terrorists or his opponents the ability to talk to the public. Thus we generally see a one sided view (as it is difficult for the average american to recieve the TRUE bbc or Al Jazeera). And that one sided view has the Arabs as idiots who can't pull up their own pants to save their lives when american tanks roll through the city. But we lament the deaths of people at the hands of these terrorists. It should also be pointed out that you guys would probably start fighting like these terrorists (maybe not the same targets but similar style) if they attacked your country.. Dives into adamantium bunker and hides. Locking door behind him.
  16. Seirra should be pretty cheap for community. (I think the community colleges are at 24 bucks a credit now...) and if you get good grades in College you'll be able to ignore high school. Personally I'd move north to Portland, OR. They have good public transport and about 3 colleges within city limits. also low income housing is pretty easy to find. Lived there for six months and loved it so :shrugs:
  17. he officially left the board in a huff because he thought sombody made a racist remark and no mod did anything about it.
  18. gangrel you just brawl and only pull out the claws when you need to. Strenght and brawl will be your main attributes but get a little in persuasion and sneaking. More often than not if you just brawl your way to heaven you're going to spend more time recovering than fighting. Trust me once you get out of Santa Monica things the MUCH easier... Gangrel are the only ones capable of fighting a Warewolf strait up. In the game you can't (the warewolf is invincible) but thats the sort of character you want to make. A warewolf bloodsucker.
  19. BTW Xenogears is LONG... I think I've logged about 50 hrs in that and I STILL didn't beat it.
  20. I've always wondered how to knock both Uthar and Yuthura to their weakest...
  21. Naga Shadow didn't die on Korribon. Yes that is a picture of him that bastila posted, he's a cross breed between the origional inhabatants of korribon and a sect of jedi that had been tossed out by the order. That picture was just before the Great Hyperspace War.
  22. I figure if he bombs Al Jezzera then the liberals should be able to bomb Fox News of the face of the earth...
  23. and if anywhere this would go in the computer and videogames section of the Other games forum.
  24. XenoGears touches on the nature of creation I doubt they like that sort of thing. Actually Xenosaga goes one better. Is that one on the list ? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Xenosaga ep 1 got a higher "christian" score than Xenogears.
  25. Thats why I love gangrel you go bezerk and nothing can stop you
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