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Everything posted by Calax

  1. You do know that government agencies have websites where you can check that info, so that you can verify your stats before just posting willy nilly. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> but posting willy nilly is fun!
  2. Calax


    Recently he did the Batman: Year One miniseries, which is an origin story of batman and several of his opponents. Only problem is that he took characters and made them into what they never were (Catwoman for example was a prostitute in year one. She'd never stoop that low on the ladder to survive). He's also a kook in that he's the one writing Batman: Holy Terror where batman hunts down and captures Osama Bin Laden. In "Dark Knight Strikes Again" he took a story and turned it into a chaotic bucket of ideas that he tried to turn into some sembalance of a story but ended up with the reader feeling like they just read five seperate unrelated nonsequiters. He's also a born again Patriot.
  3. I think the US hit 500 million recently.
  4. Calax


    why oh why is frank miller deified? He's screwy and doesn't work with what exsists. Also I think the trailer looks like LOTR with greeks.
  5. yup... the SSD rules... I do hate IG88 with an IMMENCE passion tho... Had a masive fleet around Kuat, it included all of my heroes -3. Built the Death Star II. Ig88 after 2 seconds of the deathstar being operational blew up the star, the planet, and everything in the environs.
  6. man... everywhere else in the world seems to make School feel like it should be fun rather than living with your parents watching your back the entire time and going to school where your shoved from class to class by a very cliquish squad of students and the teachers don't like how they are forced to work and we don't even have enough money to buy computer paper (not kidding... I had a class that went through its entire YEARS worth of computer paper in about 3 weeks). I mean having somthing like your "high Schools" would be a big boost to kids because it'd meatn that they'd have a year or two where the could try to kick back rather than worry about the next math test. Of course having a backpack that weighs 15 lbs didn't help me in hs.
  7. Calax, are you posting under the influence again? What does this mean? ;huh: This was in response to Di's "each nation is one big happy family" post Why should the government of 400 million people listen to one person? If you have something that relevant, you can organise a political rally and lobby your local member: then he can use that groundswell to lobby on your behalf (otherwise the member will be shouted down by the majority of other members). Part of Big Business's political clout is based in their employing (read: paying) a large amount of the constituency. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and the fact that everyone wants to pull out of iraq at this point but the current administration says no so they are staying means that even if theres a ground swell of support, unless it's what the leader wants it's not gonna happen.
  8. America is too big for me to think "Oh I'll just ask aunt ellen, who I never see, on the east coast to start wearing deoderant because a guy say's she's got a bad scent" Also with the way our government has become it's bloody impossible to see your congressman much less ask him to do somthing for you. Why? Because getting in contact with the congressman would require a small chunk of change, otherwise he'd just pass you off to an intern or aide who'd pay little or no attention to you as you ask for him to try somthing. Also, he wouldn't try somthing, like say asking that his states national guard be pulled back if most of the people he represents want it badly because he determines that it's political suicide. I don't think that our dear "lords" who run congress actually represent the people... they represent the money that's given to them so that they can keep that money flowing for the next election. and Di: Why do I owe my country somthing when I pay for 4/5's of that list with taxes, and one is semi intangable?
  9. I differentiate because the american revolution was a bunch of guys makign a power grab so they didn't have to pay of the brits for the French-Indian war. I mean in most history classes they don't really explain other than that we were trying to pull of a militant case of Tax Evasion. So I guess my problem is not with the soldiers, but it's more with the leadership. I'd still run like hell should the draft come for a war of agression.
  10. On a side note, Jedi Knight is actually a part of Dark Forces. Also Dark forces got a little nod from the petroglyph devs in General Mohc and his Dark Troopers and the Arc Hammer in EAW FOC.
  11. Yes, purely because the MILLIONS of free citizens who volunteered their lives in order that you might live in a free country. In their name, you owe the ideals for which they fought allegiance. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I didn't ask them to... I would have been quite happy under the "yoke of british oppression" or "Yoke of Canadian Oppression" thank you very much. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's not possible for you to say, and is pretty immature and na
  12. If it weren't for those dang buildings full of snipers... All done with the PPS-42 :joy:
  13. Yes, purely because the MILLIONS of free citizens who volunteered their lives in order that you might live in a free country. In their name, you owe the ideals for which they fought allegiance. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I didn't ask them to... I would have been quite happy under the "yoke of british oppression" or "Yoke of Canadian Oppression" thank you very much.
  14. because I made it up for Perfect dark so that I wouldn't keep running through psudonyms from books like wildfire.
  15. What? They do? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> its a massive generalization but it's true. It's noted that most of the south are die hard Republicans who want to do everything possible to eliminate Arabs... At least that's the feel I get. Most of the deep south is also deeply religious adding to the Genocidal desire.
  16. @cyric: Does that mean that most of the Southern United States now is completly corrupt and immoral because of their desire to see every bit of Arabic/Islamic society put to the torch/turned into a glass parking lot?
  17. Are you hinting at some dark, personal sexual politics ..? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I get that very same reaction every time I read Sand
  18. is that the legion symbol on his belt?
  19. oh man, thats a hentai game right? i played true love to death in high school. wish i could get that on some of the hand helds... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's the hentai game that's more of a heartwrenching tale RPG with nudity. I will NOT playthat game because it makes me so sad... (This is Kana... not True)
  20. the website I posted was sombody essentially taking his arguement and ripping it to shreads bit by bit.
  21. what they need is the stuff that made people like them in the first place (hence my previous list) Oh... Rebellion was the biggest time sink i've ever seen... it's a bad game because it tried to do EAW's space battles and failed miserably but it draws you in because it doesn't have a definitive turn. And things take a while (one guy might take a half hour to get to his destination.)
  22. I would have preferred if they updated Tie Fighter so that you can play it again. Mine list of five would be Dark Forces Rebel Aussalt 2 Tie Fighter Jedi Knight and probably Xwing. Of course this would probably be the classics series. also they should remove EAW from the list because that game was only liked because it's got good space battles.
  23. MMMMM eggy!
  24. well it turns out that on Nov. Third of this year he got convicted of several charges of tax evasion and faces up to 288 years in prison. and this is just flat out funny http://kent-hovind.com/
  25. a while ago I think it was Crimson posted this well I was running around on youtube and found .
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