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Everything posted by Calax

  1. between them I got Eagle Hawk Pig Cow Puma Frog Scorpion and I think that was all I got between my plathroughs.
  2. wierd part is that apparently when your tracking naomi, when you find her hankie if you look around you find a bra. and the boss had an excuse to be braless, that suit she wore looked like it would give some support. Naomi just seemed to be trying to corrupt sunny
  3. ya know, I didn't realize that you could kill the B&B corp with regular weapons then tranq her on the second part of the fight until AFTER I killed Mantis. I'm just going to say that Raging Raven is hard as all HELL when trying to tranq your way through her armor. (goes to stock up on Stingers) Also they shouldn't have named it guns of the patriots, it should be Metal Gear Solid 4: It's all Naomi's fault! Why doesn't naomi EVER wear a bra?
  4. I saw what you did with that last part! I was annoyed at the marriage... it was forced and kinda stupid overall.
  5. Va Factoids! Quinton Flynn (who does Raiden) also voices Reno (of FFVII fame) and Axel... and Kon of Bleach. Jennifer Hale (who we all know and love as Bastila of Kotor) Did. Emma Emmerich, Naomi, and Little John (MGS4)
  6. only after you get the rich achievement! (LOVE the HMW weapons.)
  7. actually they're fantastic at certain types of stories and seem scared of jumping out from the comfort (and $$$) zone.
  8. I think my least favorite part about the new CQC system is the fact you need to hit L3 in order to start using it with grabs and such (Vamp took forever because I kept throwing him rather than holding him) >.> I too have beaten the game. I clocked in about an hour behind Tale but got the same ranking. were all the other animals rankings in that last screen? (got pig, puma, cow, I think dog and.... I donno. If I saw the screen again I could point them out). I donno why but I ended liking the talker during the debriefing more than snake. I also didn't like how they played up the "Old" bit. It felt way overdone. I donno, I wish they had either kept snake young (him randomly hitting his back in when your trying to sneak around is annoying!) or had you swap characters to either another operative (Heck Meryl would have been better) after act three (which felt like the end of snake's usefulness). Also the fact the guy looks like he's in his seventies but able to work like Naked Snake or the Boss from MGS3 bugs me. Tranquing the bosses was fun (yeah... I tranqued ALL the B&B corp from the beginning of the fight to the end, Hardest was RAGE!) I did laugh at the Mantis "hardware" joke. Thats all I'm gonna say for now. otherwise I'll start doing more than hinting at spoilers... again. Edit: this occurred to me. I miss Adamska's personality. I liked his flamboyance and STYLE! over Liquids "RAWR BROTHER GENETICS RAWR WAR!" vibe.
  9. I would have finished chapter four last night if I hadn't taken an hour to figure out how to grab and hold in cqc on vamp ... God the melee controls got SCREWED!
  10. well... theres the charismatic fight then he comes back to haunt you... or rather his body does.
  11. I feel sorry for the person who isn't charismatic enough to avoid one of the saren fights...
  12. steve, Pick One type of weapon (my soldier was all about ARs) and love that type, don't put skill into like any other weapon. Also Immunity and the shield boost are your friends. However somthing to realize is that when your a soldier your life is going to do alot of the absorbtion later on as your shields get hit by higher level enemies spittle and they die. I personally preferred my Infiltrator/Commando over my Soldier because I got the decrypt skills as well as Sniper Rifles (which are one shot one kill with the X series of weapons)
  13. Holy! Got to deep into act three tonight. Umm two things one includes massive spoilers but I just gotta mention it to get it out of my system, the other is that Sunny is the greatest character in the series. ok spoilers... Don't read this it spoils one of the greatest secrets of the series. I'm not kidding! Also I hate how they kinda tossed out the reason vamp is immortal in a throw away line.
  14. meh, you could always have a mass effect esque character creation (well, a derivative anyway) Basically when you start a new game you create your character, then on another screen you have a FAR less in depth character creation for Revan and Exile (I'm thinking your character gets a mass effect esque face builder and so on, while revan and exile get the eight "stock" faces from the previous games). and that's it, in the first two "levels" of the game you interact with Revan and Exile, these interactions define the Light/Dark alignment. Interactions being you're given a job, por Exemple take care of an officer who's work is sub-par, you can deal with him any way you wish (kill, punish or give a pep talk) and depending on what you did, Revan/Exile will react like you did it the right way. so if you kill the guy your mentor is dark, you pep talked he's light, and if you just punished him he's grey with shades of light. While this would lead to fanboy rage in cases I think that it'd be one of the only ways you could fit Revan and Exile into a game without either controlling them or making their part a non speaking bit part. :shrugs: of course I'm probably not coherent at this point because I'm so tired.
  15. ... Ever tried anime? Generally the more actiony stuff that they have has a rather large plot arc, Bleach is on the cusp of the first filler arc in america but embroiled in it's second one on the other side of the pacific. Other than that, go back and watch old Justice League episodes. Other than that I got nothing. or if your willing to either netflix or shell out a heap of money, Stargate DVD's.
  16. Huh, Just ran through the wiki for MGS4 and appearently Liquid Ocelot in japan is voiced by the guy who did Liquid snake, Meanwhile the american version has the origional Ocelot Voice. This was because the Ocelot Voice actor died in 06. Also Jenny Hale is Naomi... forgotten that fact.
  17. no zero punctuation either but that's beside the point Bleach: YAY!!!!! THE MODSOULS ARE BACK! (the three that only showed up for the bount arc?)
  18. Yay! I gots it! I played for two hours, got through the opening then got to meet Drebin! New feature: Guns used by PMC's are Id Locked (this was used in previous metal gears to say "sorry you can only use what you find in boxes conveniently strewn about the facility/jungle). Except that this time, you get drebin! Drebin is a Black market arms merchant who can remove the ID locks from your guns and sell you guns. any gun you pick up thats a duplicate is instantly sold to him, there isn't dollars or yen or what have you, just credit that you can cash in for guns and services. I must say, it's REALLY HARD to go from MGS3's control scheme (square and circle being attack and CQC buttons respectivly) to MGS4's (ready your knife with L1 and use R1 to attack with it or R2 to zap someone with it).
  19. I went to PT... did some workout... then ran home and cried because I have no friends
  20. *looks at the clock* *taps foot* *wishes he was working midnight launch*
  21. found a Used Ps3 at work... Bought it. 40 gig that and Uncharted, and a duel shock controller for about 412. MGS4 tomarrow night.
  22. and white characters don't sound right when voiced by a black person (see Xmen Legends Magma)
  23. you have NO idea how boring it was for me to get Krogan and Turian Ally...
  24. points to previous post.
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