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Everything posted by Calax

  1. I hope the Vault and supporting characters come back for the ending of the game. (you marry Amata or somthin depending on your actions)
  2. if revan somehow prolonged his life for 300 years I will not be pleased.
  3. I think Rockstar is learning somthing from their GTA 4 experiance. People liked GTA IV but they preferred it when we didn't have people calling us every few minutes to go eat food or watch strippers or stuff. The fact you had to micromanage your relationships while realistic wasn't fun, you just wandered out and talked to them for 2 minutes then ran back. Like Yahtzee says GTA IV can't decide on a tone, one minute it's really serious with the death of Vlad, the next Brucie is doing his stupidly funny over the top steroid induced psychosis.
  4. I tried to play through for a second time last week. I didn't even get through the underground railroad section before I gave up. It was just so boring that I couldn't even force myself to continue. Boring cutscenes. Really ****ing boring cutscenes. But the game is starting to pick up when you get the Gravity Gun. Ravenholm is nice and Dog is the only interesting character so far. But it REALLY hasn't aged well. Its really fun when you get the grav gun as your only weapon.
  5. I'm running around in the air and space museum trying to get a radio transmitter and doing my best to stay alive. I've run out of Stims and general food and have to rely on beer to keep me from being overencumbered. (beer gives you +1 Str and end and -1 int) I've been using the fatman WAYYYY to much.
  6. i have noticed that I can usually blow a raiders head away in one shot with VATS where as I tend to take forever with regular shooting.
  7. well Half life two hasn't aged that well.. it was fun back in the day I swear!
  8. To quote Happy Gilmore: "The price is WRONG, bitch!" You'll find all of that in abundance in the FIRST town alone. oh right... the water happy guy I forgot him!
  9. Yes I think we "need" Richard Dean Anderson!
  10. Sounds like a modded Oblivion combat with added VATs system. What about skill lists? Simplified like all other Bethesda games ever since Daggerfall? I donno. I haven't really played any of the Elder scrolls games other than oblivion (and that for five minutes) but theres alot of skills, everything from medicine to tech to demolitions to barter.
  11. It'd be interesting if they did it like MGS Knockout Tranqed and asleep Dead Knockout happened after most melee moves and they would wake up pretty quick. Tranqs put the person way out of it but they would get woken up by either a pals foot going through their face, or you spraying coolant in their face. and then theres lethality.
  12. so we'd get stuff like the KF7 Soviet and the Klobb again? (and the RCP90!)
  13. watched bleach 192 "Nel's Secret, a big breasted beauty joins the battle!" ... where do they come up with these names!?
  14. >.> at least half those are wrong. I've heard people cuss. at least one woman in each town... thing is a hooker or close to it. and I'm pretty sure that theres some medication you take for Rad poisoning. Dark humor I haven't run into, and the Oblivion with guns combat is... half accurate? the melee combat is similar but there are no spells or any of that fantasy stuff. and the gun combat is significantly different from bows in oblivion IIRC.
  15. Wasn't a US pilot the guy who shot at a british column back in desert storm? with a freaking Cobra no less. Also Americans have a tendancy to fire at anything remotly connected to the military. See: Highway of Death from Desert Storm. A mile long string of (albeit stolen) civilian cars that were absolutly hammered by American air power. very few actually died in the highway of death, it just looked terrible with gutted cars and trucks strung for a mile or so along highway 80 from Kuwait to Basra. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highway_of_death
  16. I thought mods were supposed to be better than that!
  17. I has fatboy.... >.> its interesting theres usually only about 1 or 2 quests in a town (at least this early) and I'm having trouble because I've got limited life no stimpacks and little meat. I've got enough ammo to last me a LITTLE while but I have to rely on VATS exclusivly in fights (when you VATS you don't take damage while firing the shot). Bloody Mess is AMAZING (when you crit and kill the body just comes apart in a spray of blood) and the laser weapons will when crit killing turn your opponent to ash literally. all the loot is still there but no body except that pile of ashes.
  18. I did like that during one of the whiteouts you hear dad giving you "the talk"
  19. Are you kidding? Nope.
  20. My post does no such thing, and claiming I don't know "how the specialized press works" is pointless condescension. I'm not arguing for games journalists, claiming that there isn't a "give-and-take working relationship between journalists and companies", I'm arguing against those who dismiss any and all reviewers who give a top score and accusing them of being sellouts, based only on their own biased opinions. "I don't agree with game X getting a top score, refuse to believe the reviewer is giving an honest opinion, therefore they must be a sellout." Oh, and I didn't need to be careful not to quote your post directly because mine wasn't a direct response to yours. It's one thing to be aware of corruption in any type of business, it's another matter entirely to accuse anyone who operates a particular way of being corrupt when you have absolutely no evidence. arguing with yourself?
  21. I played a bit. I'm a little daunted by the sheer size of things (I also found I was better with melee than with guns). I've got it on XB360. I like the character creation. It's giving the standard creation more depth than before. I also found a bobblehead already! for those who don't know, you find bobbleheads lying around in the world and pick them up, they give you an AUTOMATIC skill bonus to one of your skills. and for my vault career I was (dun dun dunnnnn) a pip boy programmer!
  22. Yeah, it'd be nice if all sovereign nations behaved and treated each other with respect and follow the teachings of Bill and Ted. That's not how the world works, and the Syrian government certainly does not respect the sovereignty of other states. I don't have all the facts or intelligence of what exactly happened, and I'm certainly no fan of Dubya Bush, and though as unfortunate it is to have the deaths of non-combatants and civilians, as well as other collateral damage, it is the prerogative of the US government to go after a legitimate terrorist target when the intelligence is accurate, and steps are taken that will reduce the amount of unnecessary deaths. and if this were in say..... Germany or Russia we'd still throw them the finger about asking permission? I thought america was supposed to be "enlightened" about international politics.
  23. Halo3 was GOOD!? I call it a 7 at best.
  24. I know who he is... it's just hes wandering around town all the time and I can never figure out where he is...
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