Battle Angel would be interesting as a western RPG. It'd probably have to be an "action/RPG" rather than your traditional RPG because of the Panzer Kunst Elements. I'd probably try to avoid actually having Alita as the main character and instead have one of her 12 duplicates as the main character who's trying to get out of Alitas shadow.
Or just go back and have it be a prequel with the resourse wars between mars jupiter and saturn.
yeah... I had that problem so I had to VATS, run, VATS, Run, and so on and so forth. I could take down about 3 before they caught me... that is until I got frustrated and Fatmaned my way to success.
well the inventory answer is shown in Knights of the old republic. you didn't pick up your opponents weapons... just some random lint they had thrown in their pockets.
Yes... all moderators are shrews...
And Fallout three is a good game. don't knock it without actually saying somthing about why you don't like it. it's bad form.
it's not brown. it's gunmetal grey and Dogsh** brown.
Yhatzee does have his foibles. I find it interesting that he curses one game for not having enough story or for having a story made of cardboard cutouts, and then curses another game for having too much story or being do slow. He seems to think the story is a balancing act, and while to a degree it is it feels like he's got a little to sensative of a board.. or weight or somthing. I'm pretty sure that if he burrowed into it He would have loved mass effect and maybe Witcher. Heck he didn't even get past the first chapter of witcher (maybe got into the second chapter... if my "# of girls Geralt slept with" count is right) and he condemned it when the first chapter is just the way that they force the player to figure everything out. I do follow some of his points (like GTA IV feeling like it's not designed with the same over the top stupidly funny ideas in mind... I miss the humor of the other gtas) valid and others not so valid. Like in assassins creed your targets explaining that they aren't really bad guys... is that really a bad thing? I do like his reviews if only for the humor. I tend to find that I like alot of the things he hates (Lots of dialogue and backstory to a game) and hate some of the things he purports to love (the horror genre in general... I've never been the same since that illfated day where I caught "Are you afraid of the Dark?" on Nickelodeon when I was 10 and stayed up for three days strait fearing that a clown drooling blue stuff was going to eat me)
:sigh: I feel like i haven't done that much. I've yet to find many places that seem worth it and have been chasing dad all over the place... old codger gets around for seemingly not having any weapon skills.
I've also got a 1000 cap bounty on my head (learned about it after a pack of mercs tried to jump me... I blew them away with a mixture of my hunting rifle and my chinese AR). and I found Underworld!
I found the linclon memorial and the Jefferson memorial, Rivet town is ok but I need to do more exploring near the Vault 101 site and Megaton.
The national mall is ok... it's overwhelmed with supermutants up the wazzo and my first time there was traumatic to say the least (reloading dozens of times becuase I was running around with very low health was... unplesant. but I got about 6 supermutants before completing my objective)
I'm just wondering why there aren't that many kids running around. you'd think the biological imperative to reproduce would be pretty hefty after an apocolypse but meh.
of course with the number of rads that you get I'm just wondering if everyone is sterilized, (currently is passing the 400 mark because he hasn't been able to find his way back to a doctors house or anything while doing the main questline.)
frakking edit function. I'm finishing up Candidate for Goddess (anime) and am very frustrated because they don't seem to tie everything up. theres all this stuff about the main characters childhood and how he's extremly powerful, there are questions like "what are victim" and "who is tela" and others that are massive spoilers for anyone wanting to see it. It's excellently done except that it doesn't really have an ending....
from what the 460 pg guide says (it's fn' huge!) Repair is probably the most critical ability you have because it allows you to mcguyver weapons out of trash once you find plans ( the artbooks shows somthing like a sword attached to a gas pack to provide flames... thats right a flaming F'n sword)
And to think people complain about the English voices. Nel's voice is horrible.
did you meet the giant guy from the filler arc... his voice hurt my brain. I do like most of the origional voice cast more than the english stuff but meh.
on the EA note, they will be connecting their forum accts to your multiplay acct therefore if you get your bum banned in the land of message boarding you can't go and take your rage out on some unsuspecting newbie in an EA game because you will be locked out.