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Everything posted by Calax

  1. I believe that one team (a team is the group within the company that makes the game) is always working on WoW's current release. Blizzard however usually has 2 teams on WoW, one on the Game to fix bugs and release Content (the Zul'Aman and Shattered Sun offensive patch for example) while another one works full time on the expansion. to blindly state that the storyline of K2 didn't have a significant impact on the Jedi, Sith, or Republic in any way is... blind. K2 completely wiped out every single Jedi and Sith in the known realms. Also all the tools used to teach jedi were lost in either the preceding wars or in the looting that occured after the Order fell. Luke's Order only started picking up momentum to match that of the old Order RIGHT before the Vong invasion. And the Order that Windu and Yoda were a part of in no way matched the might of the Order pre-sith war. If I read what bioware wants correctly, they want armies to be clashing on planets and the armies will have a fairly good number of Jedi with them. Rather than just one jedi leading the entire force, it'd be more like Geonosis where an army was leading each detachment on the planet. And in a galaxy wide civil war thats alot of Jedi that need to be trained, equipped and taught how to fight. Doubtful, like I said in my previous paragraph Bioware wants the Jedi order to be a POWERFUL force to be reckoned with. Not numbering in the hundreds but numbering upwards of 5000. You can't train that many jedi in 40 years, it's practically impossible, and if you keep decimating the galaxy with wars and straining their recourses, the Republic would eventually be overthrown because they keep drawing recourses away from the planets and funneling them into rebuilding the constantly being destroyed navy. LA probably wouldn't introduce a Kotor3 until the MMO cash cow has died, been beaten, squeezed and milked inside out. If they Did introduce a K3 during the MMO or prior to the MMO they'd have to have the team working on K3 either work closely with or be a part of Biowares MMO team. Simply because everything in the game would have to easily dovetail with the MMO to prevent conflicts of what happened. If there was a conflict the MMO would ultimatly be seen as 'cannon' because it draws more money.
  2. on a side note: the woman who caused a girl to suicide via myspace had her crime reduced to a misdemenor, her husband is still looking at a felony.
  3. Twin Snakes is a combination of the first two solid games iirc, and for the first one (from the PS1) they added in physics bending cutscenes where snake borrows from Dante and rides a freaking missile. they redid the voice acting so it sounds different from the ps1 version (most fans prefer the ps1 version because it has among other things accents to the russian and english support characters) :shrugs:
  4. Actually there were two attempts on ford, both by women the second one was a former army nurse who was also working as an FBI informant when she made the attempt. Reading through the various assassination attempts on presidents is interesting For example: Andrew Jackson BEAT his own assassin with a cane. Teddy Rosevelt was shot, saved by a 100 page twice folded speech, and he gave that speech with the bullet still in his body A pilot of a single engine Cessna tried to kill Clinton by ramming the white house (he missed and hit the lawn) and the clintons weren't home. GW has a total of 4 possible, two confirmed attempts on his life.
  5. K3 won't be developed at least not until the MMO is completly played out. And heres why Yes the TOR will be taking place 300 years after the Kotor games, but on a galactic scale 300 years is probably just enough time to rebuild after 2 devestating wars in which the Jedi Order was wiped out, the jedi repository of knowledge was wiped out when a dark jedi detonated a cluster of stars near by. Mandalorian and Sith forces attacked corescant, an entire species was wiped off the face of Yavin four. Now the Jedi Order in particular is the problem because 10 generations is enough that you could have a population that is capable of contributing in a sizable way in a war effort, before that? not so much. Add to that the fact that games practically HAVE to have a conflict that is on the galactic scale or has galactic implications, and you get a republic that couldn't hold off a swarm of mosquitos much less an army of Sith. those 10 generations practically have to be used to return the galaxy to "normalcy" otherwise you're forcing the Sith to either be over powered when invading and are stopped only by a deus ex machina that has to have a "only works once" tag attached to it, otherwise you couldn't set up for the conflict in the MMO.
  6. well if you liked and could get into the previous ones 4 is good. however if you didn't then don't get it. It is a cutscene fest, my first playthrough was closing in on 15 hrs (I think) my second one was closer to 7. (skipping cutscenes and knowing where everything is, mainly cutscenes). There is one entire act devoted to nostalgia if you really want.
  7. Yeah, but the bullet bounced off. Ford then tackled the guy and beat him with the presidential seal. My other joke was: Yeah, but it hit him in the head. Fortunately, Ford didn't need his brain to be president. actually no, it went like this
  8. Running on 29 hrs without sleep.... first manic period I've ever had. :sigh: either staying up for hours on end or sleeping for more than 10. pick one.
  9. Call of duty is really atmospheric. and if we want to delve into the RTS genre C&C3 had a feeling of tenseness to it, Red Alert 3 not so much.
  10. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/...government.html and so it begins.
  11. Did you go through the Tundra or the Fjord, I went tundra but heard that the Fjord was better. Dragonblight has some FANTASTIC set pieces (seeing two of the Warcraft 3 scenes done in WoW's engine was AMAZING, as was the battle of Wrathgate (which looks like the gate to mordor from the Peter Jackson movies)) You guys are confusing me, doesnt the zepplin drop you off at the Fjord? How did you not do the Fjord first? Also, Ive done around 80 of the 150 quests in Dragonblight but havent seen any cutscenes, is that an Alliance quest chain? Anywho, currently level 73.5 and having a blast. Unbelievably, my epic gear has stood up so far wrt being replaced and Ive only traded out a trinket for another trinket that blasts your selected target with a lighting bolt after you "store up" four critical hits. Pretty cool and procs like crazy. Hordy... Like Aristes said, the boat from menethil leads to the Fjord. Also the Zepp from Orgrimar leads to the tundra. Honestly the only fun part that I found about Orgrimmar was D.H.E.T.A. and Coldarra, everything else was forgettable. But Dragonblight? watching Bolvar Fordragon take on the Lich king and then watching Arthas first pick up Frostmourn and see the image of his reaction to his fathers orders from warcraft three rendered in WoW's engine was awesome. I just wish I could pick up arthas's old hammer.
  12. Undercover Just came out, the "story" is garbage, but it's got an open world element to it that people kinda liked Burnout is always good And if you have a ps3 Motorstorm is FUN!
  13. I wonder how that would work with the rest of the neonazi movement... after all the very thing that they are racist towards joining them? that'd just make the whole thing pointless to me.
  14. I have learned through Red Alert 3 that forced coop is a BAD thing when you play an RTS.
  15. :raises hand: I've got a mixture of clinical depression (not actually so sure about this) and bipolar. under the wrong cricumstances it get REALLY bad (during the ejection from the navy I was hospitalized as a danger to my self and others by the navy psychiatrist after some... things were said between me and my father over the phone.) I'm trying to find the right meds for my depression/bipolar, the ones I"m on now make me sleep (or REALLY REALLY want to) for anywhere between 12 and 15 hours.
  16. Did you go through the Tundra or the Fjord, I went tundra but heard that the Fjord was better. Dragonblight has some FANTASTIC set pieces (seeing two of the Warcraft 3 scenes done in WoW's engine was AMAZING, as was the battle of Wrathgate (which looks like the gate to mordor from the Peter Jackson movies))
  17. spent the last part of the day watching the Dr. Who about pompeii and the Ghram Norton show (guest: robin williams) I was happy
  18. If its a "mirror" than humanity is a bunch of sick twisted people. After all they are the reason why internet fads like Rickrolling and some other... less mentionable fads get started. It might be a mirror if we could go through life without consequence. If we were able to allow ourselves to be completely hedonistic. Thats why people do stupid stuff like egg on a suicidal, because they don't think anything will come of it. Thats also why we have HUGE child pornogophy rings that operate completly through the anonymity of the internet, because as much as law enforcement tries, they can't keep an eye on all the data that gets generated and used and thus, there is little consequence to say, pirating a movie or game or music, or downloading images deemed illegal, or egging somebody on (though the police might actually be able to take action in something THAT drastic). the internet is like that burrogh of the city that police DO NOT go into because gangs are so powerful that the police would either get a negative reaction or worse, however instead of gangs running the show you get the worst side of humanity running the show and as we all know from various news reports the darkside of humanity knows NO bounds.
  19. Rest of story here:http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/MindMoodN...6126&page=1 More: http://apnews.myway.com/article/20081122/D94JV9P80.html As sad as this is, the people you blog with are pretty much strangers to you. Most of the stuff you read on forums is BS of one kind or another. If one of you guys started talking about suicide I'd have a hard time taking it seriously especially if that person was given to that kind of melodrama on a regular basis. Speaking for myself I think I'd be mildly supportive of such a person while ignoring them for the most part. Most of that shtick is a ploy for attention after all. Why reward it? But actually egging them on is a whole horse of another color. One other aspect comes to mind. A few months back we were all opining on a case where a particularly cruel myspace prank led to a teen girl committing suicide. Most of you saw some criminal culpability in the perpetrators of the hoax. How about in this case? Criminal Culpability is difficult to attach to anything thats online. I think the guys at pennyarcade have said that the internet is the land of jackholes because there is no culpability. you can be anyone you want or anything you want. I'm thinking that if you really asked the people who said "do it!" you'd find that they were just pushing him, they didn't actually think he'd do it. Add to that the fact that he'd faked it once before and you have a recipie for disbelief and people making fun of him (which isn't exactly the best thing to do to a suicidal). I will say that an acute mental ward is not a plesant place to be.
  20. WoW. Dragonblight is REALLY well done (it even has a lore cutscene) and I've also invaded the Undercity with the king of stormwind.
  21. Bolt. Ok, not as funny as it could have easily been and some of the jokes went on wayyy to long.
  22. yes, but we can also delete our comments, so you dont' see half of our posts. .... wow you still are around? I thought they had replaced you!
  23. I agree, there are still a plethora of possibilities. People think because Old Republic is int he title that it has everything and anything to do with the KOTOR games,w hen in reality, quite some time has passed. If you decimate the galaxy and intend to have the players repopulate it with jedi you have to have a peaceful time between the point of decimation and the start of the game. This is why World of Warcraft had to advance 4 years from the end of the frozen throne, in order to allow the relations between Horde and Alliance to believably deteriorate to the point where PVP was viable. As to the MMO I'm guessing at least some of the quests you will be given will be based around trying to figure out what on earth happened to Revan (not necessarily the Exile as the Exile's impact on the galaxy as a whole was relativly minor and he's probably been forgotten except in a few places, Like Telos.) as Revan was a heroic figure during his lifetime. I'm a little on edge about Bioware making an MMO because while MMO's are a good way to convey a story, you can't make the story too important as most players will simply gloss over it and say "I need lvlz faster! GIMME QUEST!" rather than read quest text. I donno, I think that the inital game will either be ok or a complete dud, and depending on their player base they might actually get MUCH MUCH better at the game. what I mean by that is that they release the game with a newer combat system and agro table and all of that, assuming the game has enough staying power, I'm guessing that as they get more experienced in programming and designing MMO's the new content will keep getting better and better (which is exactly what happened in City of Heroes, albeit the origional development team is no longer working on that game specifically, they've all been promoted out and NCsoft is taking care of new updates and the like.
  24. wow.. you didn't care about the golden age. The biggest problem with the books prior to NJO was that the different authors would change characters radically for their one story and then the next author would do somthing completly different. Probably the most obvious example of the character change was in truce at bakura where Luke became a christ figure. Then in Heir to the Empire he more closely resembles the movies. Personally I think the worst idea for the EU was either the Vong (and the speed at which they became normal from implacable threat) and everything associated with them, or the Maw Installation and the Sun Crusher. Why? Kevin J Anderson had a superweapon-palooza happen because he thought up the idea for a secret installation buried in a black hole cluster.
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