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Everything posted by Calax

  1. Calax

    Prop 8

    the whole unrest thing is because people seem to be looking at the prop and saying "OH CRAP what did I just do?"... at least where I'm standing. Also it doesn't help that the campaigners for prop 8 lied in their campaign to get it through.
  2. Calax

    Prop 8

    meh, I think if they take this to the SCOTUS they have a good chance of shooting it down. But politically I think the concervatives have just killed their power base with this because they overstepped.
  3. yeah, with the "invisibility" I usually would get up behind somebody only to have my invis drop and me get turned into swiss cheese. And for those who got out before the alien ship? Be thankful you did. After the ship is a section where you have to lead your boss from hotspot to hotspot in order to keep him alive with his alien weapon. But in the end you do get to use a tactical nuclear cannon on a space ship.
  4. I'm thinking about picking that up...I was hoping it would be like Crackdown. It is to an extent. But it's also deeper and less tounge in cheek than crackdown from what I've seen.
  5. Actually it's more of a "Gotta pay the people who make all that content we put out, PLUS the expansions, PLUS the bug fixes..." Literally you have an entire development team dedicated to fixing bugs for the build CONSTANTLY. Basically Blizzard is running WoW as three seperate games: Current content, future content patches, Expansion content. If we were in a world you want, we'd pay for each and every content patch (say 10 bucks for a patch?) PLUS another 50 bucks for an Xpac, PLUS we'd have to deal with any and all imbalances and bugs we find. Same with the Wii and DS systems.. should it's price be dropped because they have profits? Gamers are people who play games. I've found that with WoW I actually am able to CUT costs rather than expand them because I buy less other games that have worse support and varying degrees of quality. The whole "monthly fee" malarky is old, and beaten to the point where you can't tell it used to be... anything. You probably pay more per month to buy a new game to keep you distracted until the NEXT game comes out. All in all you have to justify it yourself, but one thing you should stop doing is using generalizations and stereotypes to make your point. You obviously don't understand the economic or community models for WoW, much less MMO's in general. I guess you'd just like an MMO that came out and had one island... and in order to get to the other islands you had to pay a 1$ fee every time you crossed the border... in real money.
  6. inFamous It's like Assassins Creed on speed with superpowers.... this is AWESOME!
  7. Night at the museum 2 Slow start, but overall a good film. Some of the cast seemed a bit unnecessary and there were a few gaping holes in the end (How were they supposed to resurrect a gaping hole in a stained glass window in 1 hour!?) but still very funny and intelligent.
  8. you're always chasing the dragon, never catching it eh?
  9. it deprived me of some fun distraction. And Bok, what happened to your avatar!?
  10. Bladestorm:hundred years war I went in expecting Dynasty Warriors but with the hundred years war flavor. Instead I got a VERY different experiance where you run around with a squad rather than a single guy. Different and more tactical than Dynasty Warriors, but overall it didn't feel.... right to me. Probably because all the attack styles and animations were obviously from a East Asian mindset (they're very agile with broadswords etc) and they seem to think that everyone talked like americans but used the word "Doth" too much.
  11. as the apparent lord of WoW around these parts, I feel it is my duty to say that if you play WoW in favor of most other games, you'll probably find that you save more money than you spend because usually you'll spend upwards of 50$ a month on games that you have a single run through.
  12. I've heard differing things about Call of Juarez... one of them is that it's bizzare (for example, you actually GIVE a sermon in a church)
  13. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...47300&sid=1 hmmmmm
  14. That guy was just an idiot, I've caught him doing it to other people as well, at least 15 times, all on purpose, what a dummy. Homosexuality, Asexuality, Heterosexuality, and Zoosexuality is something you'd wanna keep away from the public, Pansexuality, Polysexuality, Bisexuality, you could feel free to share that with the public if you've got the guts. Here's the thing though, in gaming culture and society today being Homo or bi is generally considered something that isn't a virtue. The biggest thing about multiplayer is the "internet ****wad theory", people are going to be at their worst because they don't have major repercussions. In something like WoW or other MMO's you just gotta find a group that is friendly and ignore anyone else. In WoW at least most of what you mentioned literally cannot happen due to game mechanics. Probably, but if they did it only once, then they probably would let it go unless it was of a really high offense. usually harassment will earn a 24 hour ban the first time, if it keeps growing the ban time will get longer (3 days, a week, then permanent), and if somebody is harassing you, you HAVE to report it otherwise he can keep right on doing it. Also if they're harassing you they've probably already got a few black marks on the record.
  15. Bethsoft is creating a GOTY version of Fallout 3 that will contain all five of the DLC content for 360 AND ps3 systems! I'm happy because this'll mean I'll be able to pick it up and have myself in my sights :D
  16. so does that mean we should also kill the executioners? and then kill the executioners of the executioners? Because that's what you're saying. Oh and we should kill every combat trooper in a war because they killed someone.
  17. I agree dude. **** MMO's (even though this is about the 18th time I've said this. .... why the hatin? Because theres always some bastards online waiting to do some stupid thing, like what happened to me when I was playing Star Wars: Galaxies, now here's the story on what happened: Once I was playing as a really monster like human, tall and tough, and then one day in the cantina, I ran into a bunch of short tubby little fellow online players, next I knew they were jumping around me and saying "**** YOU!!" and swinging their little battle axes at me acting like a bunch of pricks who were raised by a pack of wolves, it might be a lot better if I just yell every cuss word I know right behind their little wretched asses and burn their head with a blow toy. That is the major reason why I gave up on MMO and multiplayer and online play, because there's always some bastards out there looking for some trouble. I did shoot those mother****ers in the head and they died, but they did it again and again, so I had to move to Naboo just to get away from those idiots. so you have Multiplayer, not the MMO experience. I have had MMO experience, Star Wars: Galaxies is MMORPG, and I've had something similar happen to me when I played multiplayer or online play, like in Battlefront II I played online some bastard shot me down even though I was on their side, and on Battlefront I, when I was riding on an LAAT on Geonosis, some a-hole crashed into the Spire and destroying the ship in the process, on purpose to kill me. And on this one MMO game called Bots, some mother****er killed me then said "Suck my ****ing ****!!". And also on some other MMO game called LEGO: Roblox, some dingbat gathered 100+ fellow online players and circled me and I counldn't move on inch, then they catapulted me with balls, then said "Your homosexual.", the fact is that I'm Bisexual, so they're liars, after that I had to find them and kill them with a bomb then say "You guys are a bunch of ****ing jerks you homosexual maniacs!!" just to show them that I hate having jokes played on me, even if there not supposed to be insults. THAT is why I gave up on MMO's, multiplayer mode, and online play. Ok, a couple of things... In MMO's you can report somebody for abuse or harrassment and their account with all the gear or equipment will get banned for an amount of time (depending on the severety and number of offenses). As to the FPS circuit, for the most part you gotta roll with the servers. I don't know about Battlefront but usually on C-strike COD4 and other FPS servers have guidelines for social interaction. The LAAT thing sounds like the guy just couldn't drive. You need to find a server that you like and then stick to it like glue. Also as insensitive as this may sound, you could also try NOT being extremely public about your sexual orientation. In most MMO's what those guys did to you would be a bannable offense, but then most people who are gay or bisexual don't run around wearing it on their sleeve unless they were in a guild that was open about it. As many problems as there are with tards in MMO's the biggest thing to remember is that you can simply shut them out (particularly in a game like WoW) by ignoring Trade and General chats, and finding a good guild. As to the person killing you then saying "suck my-" that's PERFECTLY normal for an online experience. If you declare "I'm not gonna do X, Y, or Z because that one dude was an ass!" then you're gonna find that you've got a VERY boring life ahead of you.
  18. well... I just hope I'm not the random NPC that runs out of a burning building saying "Save... my...." and dies.
  19. ... Why did my mind just pop up with Star Wars:The Michael Moore Cut?
  20. I've heard it stated somewhere that the reason they didn't put any females in was because they didn't have enough time to design and differentiate the females enough that they'd be able to have as much divercity amongst the random pids you ran into.
  21. I just hope I'm the major plot NPC in Vegas... or King of Vegas take your pick.
  22. Well, finished school and got a GPA better than I've had since 3rd grade.
  23. but were they interesting well-developed characters?
  24. I agree dude. **** MMO's (even though this is about the 18th time I've said this. .... why the hatin? Because theres always some bastards online waiting to do some stupid thing, like what happened to me when I was playing Star Wars: Galaxies, now here's the story on what happened: Once I was playing as a really monster like human, tall and tough, and then one day in the cantina, I ran into a bunch of short tubby little fellow online players, next I knew they were jumping around me and saying "**** YOU!!" and swinging their little battle axes at me acting like a bunch of pricks who were raised by a pack of wolves, it might be a lot better if I just yell every cuss word I know right behind their little wretched asses and burn their head with a blow toy. That is the major reason why I gave up on MMO and multiplayer and online play, because there's always some bastards out there looking for some trouble. I did shoot those mother****ers in the head and they died, but they did it again and again, so I had to move to Naboo just to get away from those idiots. so you have Multiplayer, not the MMO experience.
  25. well...
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