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Everything posted by Calax

  1. No, that's the Chinese herb they stick in tea to relieve menstrual cramps. The correct term is 'dangly bits.' Isn't that a pokemon?
  2. people percieve US jails as soft because we hear tales about how they get 3 square meals, TV's, privacy, etc and it gets to sound more like we're running a hotel of sorts for those who commit crimes rather than an actual prison. Is it really like that? Partially, I'd prefer to be in prison than homeless, but I wouldn't prefer it to what I've got now. probably the only place people are liking right now is a prison in Arizona where the prison system official uses old surplus army tents to increase capacity, and took away things like cigs and coffee, and the guys only eat balogna sandwiches etc. Oh and they've gotta ware pink underwear, they brought back the chain gang and prison stripes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Arpaio#Tent_City read most of that about his way of working the prison system.
  3. GL has been awesome for a while, Geoff Johns has been on them since '06. Sinestro Corps war is AWESOME!
  4. The thing for me is that L4D2 doesn't FEEL like a sequel... It feels more like they're saying "It's a SEQUEL! WITH EVERYTHING changed around and ONE new feature! YAY!" I think alan is at one end of the spectrum, but Valve has decided to go to the other end and play the EA strategy (with their sports titles at least). But the problem is that the EA strategy requires that there be some reason for people to play the new version rather than the old one (in the sports titles people can keep their stats and teams updated to what's currently happening, where as in left 4 dead it's simply "Look new people and maps!") We were told by valve that there would be things like new maps and content released for a while, and they haven't fulfilled that promise. Instead they're packaging it up as a new game for full price. Hell compare this to Lost and Damned for GTA, the first was a full price game, the lost and damned was 15. Thing was that lost and damned had at least as much content as the main game. At best Left 4 Dead 2 is an expansion pack, not a full game, pricing at as such would cause a lot of grumbling to stop.
  5. Up... VERY good cute movie
  6. *shrugs* I'm somewhat in support of the death penalty but understand why there are moral objections. But what I don't like is the fact that some people seem to want our society to be blinded.
  7. Surely he's in Cali, tho. Don't they settle things by pushing a shark through the letter box? Nah, we settle our differences by using sword...fish to duel to the death.
  8. Killzone is like Halo in that it's only really held up by the multiplayer than the single player.
  9. Well the steam group is up to 8k fans. The biggest difference between this and your average Internet bitchoff is that in order to join the group you must have paid Valve SOME sort of cash to have the game for the account to be activated.
  10. I still haven't gotten it... but then I'm mainly raiding as heroics tend to get pricey for me due to my gear level and the Pug idiots (we're taking on Mimiron on sunday BTW)
  11. It's Windows attempt to get in on the DRM race. It mixes DRM with the Steam scheme in that it's got an overlay of the game that you can futz around like the steam chatting and friends system. Not very well put together.
  12. dude... he was PROUD that he had four kids by four women in one year (twice!)
  13. I'm kinda in the boat with DN. D don't know why but it feels more like we're getting what we used to call an Expansion pack (and is now DLC) as a full retail game. I admit it's early to tell, but it looks like they're gonna charge us a full games price for what is essentially a mod in the existing engine. Don't get me wrong, L4D is a great game and everything, it's just if the game is similar size to the original (which they've said it's bigger, but you never truly know) I will be very frustrated. L4D was great because it was simple concept done very well, the only problem is that they didn't put together enough maps so that you always were finding something new. I actually stopped playing because it got to the point where I could figure out where and when hordes would trigger, and could call the AI director pretty spot on.
  14. well Sim3's drm scheme is that in order to get all the effects you have to DL the info from them, and thus it's not all contained on the disk given to you.
  15. uh huh, but the average woman only has one egg per month and then after fertilization requires a full year to get back into condition to have another (at minimum)
  16. Calax

    Prop 8

    I didn't see any of the prop 8 adds on tv (don't watch local stations) I only heard ones on the radio and saw the "protect the family" signs pro prop 8 people posted.
  17. I had a different experiance, the problem is that the first half the game is pretty much as you stated, but once you get into the latter part things get more interesting (summoning lightning from the sky to take out an AA gun is AWESOME!)
  18. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/...y-11-women.html http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/05/27/d...r_n_208393.html Holy **** How can one guy have THAT MANY kids!?
  19. Calax

    Prop 8

    Actually, you should not be allowed to marry, say, an animal or an inanimate object as neither of those things could give their consent and thus it could be considered a form of cruelty and abuse
  20. The homeworld universe recently got returned from Vivendi last year (I think) so any game from there will probably be another year into the future. As to Warcraft v Warhammer: Originally Warcraft was a Warhammer licensed product, but the deal went bad and thus they name was changed. But the Orcs and Humans game still bares A LOT of similarities to Warhammer (as does Warcraft 2, but then they start to diverge into their own world) I'm both eager and apprehensive for this. Eager because it can be an AWESOME game, apprehensive because it could so easily go totally wrong.
  21. From what I know, Galaxies doesn't let you do that unless I'm misktaking, same thing with online play on Battlefront. I'm just going based off the two mmo's I've played, WoW and City of, both have things against harassment, Galaxies does too IIRC but I don't know how to access it. Anyway, I don't hold out hope for Kotor 3
  22. Well, I don't participate in any pay-to-play online games - I still want to buy the product rather than rent it, so any MMO is automatically bad for me. If it were that the MMO was made to please those who like such games, but would not impact the releases of the single-player games than I would not really care, but if the MMO displaces the single-player games, that makes it bad in my mind. I... I... have been slipping lately... lately, I find myself tempted to ... mind control... lure... deceive... and intimidate people for my own benefit... I can understand the pay to play philosophy and why you disagree with it, but regardless saying the game itself will be bad because it is multiplayer rather than single is hard to back up. I think what he's saying is that he doesn't like the fact that it feels like single player games are being left behind in favor of multiplayer games.
  23. Stop being so dramatic. It may be an insult to the lovers of the first one (can't tell really, the first TR I've played was TR3), but Anniversary was significantly better than both Legend and Underworld, which makes it a pretty fine game. *laughs* for some reason this whole discussion reminds me of the PC gamer mag I've got somewhere in my closet that's got Tomb Raider 2 as the cover story... and the only thing I remember from reading the article is that the devs were proud of being able to get her ponytail to move "realistically". Still Playing infamous and actually beating myself up because I decided to play it emotional on ONE choice against my instincts and made the "wrong" choice... stupid me. The game, later on, suffers from diminishing returns on it's attacks, while the first guys will go down in three shots of lightening the Dustmen will take 7-10 unless you headshot, then the final group (the "first sons") appear and take anywhere from 15-30 shots to put down... and these are just hte line guys, not minibosses or anything. And of course while all this is happening you're getting newer and more powerful powers. On the miniboss front things get freaking rediculous, the first guys have a single miniboss (called a conduit) that fires a shockwave at you, can teleport, and has a standard gun. The Dustmen have two bosses, one that's got a rocket launcher and can spawn little adds that'll try to melee you but go down in one hit, and the other is a massive golem made out of scrap and trash that for blanace reasons you will NEVER face more than two at a time because they're so hard to put down. The second one is IMHO harder than the conduits of the third group (at least the ones I've met) because the conduits in the third group are required to be in melee and have as much HP as these nutters, but the dustmen ones have machine guns, melee, can fling heavy chunks of debris at you, and take a BUT LOAD of lightening to put down. Honestly this game rocks, even if it can be difficult. Of course I'm playing on Hard (in the first few levels the game rates you and chooses a difficulty based on how well you did those levels), and sometimes it can be demonic in terms of how hard it's kicking your behind.
  24. That was an awesome description of his part in Reign of Fire. The only thing better is what happens during the final fight. *remembers the epic leap from trailers* *remembers the HUGE let down that you see in the movie itself*
  25. Calax

    Prop 8

    Indeed (assuming you mean directly decide). It bemuses me why this is allowed in California. I don't believe it is in other US states is it? Because the California Constitution was designed that way... it's probably one of the easiest to change in the states For the same reason they were pushing through prop 8 is the reason this would never happen. It's backed primarily by religious fundies who think that gays are abominations and should burn in hell. They wouldn't let us "devalue" their marriage because it's a sacred thing and should be back to the fullest extent of the law! ... Basically they're the guys who, in a "perfect" world, would have us teach the bible in history class.
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