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Everything posted by Calax

  1. ... Rock band does have extra characters, they just want the players to feel like it's THEM in the game rather than some dink who's already been there and done that. WT has some better mechanics for the actual instruments, but RB2 has better multiplayer options (IMO). Also the track list comes down to personal preference rather than anything else. But Harmonix generally has a better record of picking a mixture of classics and new stuff that'll keep things interesting.
  2. Problem with WoW is that they won't be able to resell your game because the account you create with the game will be linked to the game you purchased by the serial number of the game. It's a trick they did to make people buy new games. As to Lich King and BC? Well, you'll still have to get the updates for those ANYWAY because the lowe level characters will still have to deal with the newer content (inscription, jewelcrafting etc) from the expansions. Also if you install them right off the bat you save yourself several HOURS of updating.
  3. also the capital cities will be murder.
  4. WoW, is an Mutliplayer... all MMO's are Multiplayer, (hence the term, massive mutliplayer Online). Dial up does allow you to play the game, but the problem comes when you hit the end game content because most of that has particle effects and other visually intensive stiuations that will make your gpu start cussing, and that in tern means that more data is being shoved through your internet to tell it what to do.
  5. Rock band is my personal favorite. But Guitar Hero has a few things that make certain positions much funner to play but doesn't have the same polish. Like having bass notes that don't require you to hold down the fret. Also the GH drum kit is a little funner, but the music is better on Rock Band IMO. *shrugs* but Right now methinks that the Rock Band franchise is more powerful than Guitar Hero.
  6. Going to throw in my perennials that I always put into these threads (well the one anyway) Zone of the Enders 2: the Second Runner (or Anubis depending on your region) One of the few games to get Mecha combat right. Took the good bits from the first one (which sold a TON because of the MGS2 demo that was included...) and improved upon them and removed the stupid bits. and then Myth: The Fallen Lords and Myth: Soulblighter. These were RTS's that were somewhat revolutionary, designed by Bungie they set it up so that units were limited (only got a set number for each level) and carried over. Veterancy meant something and the difficulty could be murderous sometimes. Basic story is that every epoch is punctuated by a razing of the empires by a dark force. Your little group runs around fending off the lords of the enemy (the Fallen Lords, Watcher, the Deciever, Shiver, Soulblighter, Balor, and a few more I believe) and defeating them (duh!) The second one picks the thread back up with Soublighter trying to force the cycle through early, which allows the players to try and break it. Besides, who couldn't love the dwarves that threw molotov ****tails and the fact that terrain meant something (throwing up hill usually meant you're troupe was going to die due to the molly coming back). Multiplayer actually had a "body count" mode where you picked an army set up and then went to war with your friends. The person who lost the most was the loser... or it may be "killed the most" but still... ahhh memories... watching a limb fly from my fight (on the west side of the map) onto my friends screen (on the far east side of the map) from the explosion of a molotov... Loosely based on the Black Company books.
  7. I personally didn't really like Y: the last man. It started out well but then I just didn't see the movement of the story. Sandman is a bit of a wacky trip into myths and legends. it does have some connections at the beginning to the real world, but then DC enforced a split between Vertigo and their main line. Sandman is something that should be tasted. Another one you might like would be Lucifer from Michael Carey, it's a spin off from Sandman, after Lucifer closes hell and loses his wings.
  8. *has seen the french kick the crap out of germany until they were at my russian borders* I'm not kidding... it was in HoI2 (admittedly I was playing on the noob setting, but STILL!)
  9. ummm WTF mate? http://www.blucigs.com/index.php?ref=543&a...te_banner_id=24
  10. Didn't we have something similar to this a year or so ago? I think the archives have deleted it, but *shruggles*
  11. Just gonna point out that generally if you find a topic/subject you don't like on a message board you stay out of it and let those who desire to contribute, contribute rather than run in, smear the walls with garbage and leave giggling.
  12. beat Condemned 2 and Call of Duty: World at War. World at war was actually pretty good, but I think that it could have used with some different level design. Slightly more streamlined and that they didn't give you deployable MG's every level after the halfway point.
  13. Well, turns out my CPU was under warranty! YAY! but I'm still out my computer for another week or so while they get it fixed/replaced (probably the latter (with something better I might add) because my current one is no longer in production).
  14. Nope. It's Big Rigs > WoW. desert bus > all
  15. Calax


    Heinlein sorry
  16. Calax


    or something from Henlin given he's got the friggin award named after him.
  17. Calax

    Axis in WWII

    OK, so, the general consensus is that the germans probably couldn't win without hitting the middle east at all.
  18. Having played most of those games I gotta say, I agree with what they're saying. admittedly I might choose CivII over IV. admittedly their grading scale seemed to value quality AND changing of the paradigm. Rather than just quality. I did like mech 2 and tie fighter being high on the list, people often forget mech 2, and tiefighter is more often unappreciated.
  19. The four most important stats for a ret paladin are hit > strength > expertise > crit. We
  20. Simply put, could they have won? I mean from the feelings I get from the documentaries and history books that I've seen is that the Axis were doomed from the start because they didn't have the resources to fight the war from the beginning. They were overoptomistic about their works and even if they had "won" they would have ended up with out a sustainable government that could support them after the war and would have led to a revolution within a few years. Anyway, it was just something that was on my mind.
  21. The four most important stats for a ret paladin are hit > strength > expertise > crit. We
  22. I loved it, but it was kinda small >.>
  23. the answer is simple maria, spiked cobalt doesn't have stamina on it, while the regular stuff does. ... One, that's not an answer. Two, I am aware that spiked cobalt doesn't have stamina. Hence my saying that 'I switched out my cobalt armor for spiked cobalt armor, thinking that the boost to crit and hit would be worth the drop in stamina. ' well... in terms of survival stamina beats out any dps increase you get. Particularly with the amount of stamina you get in northrend.
  24. the answer is simple maria, spiked cobalt doesn't have stamina on it, while the regular stuff does.
  25. They died. I sense a great disturbance in the force, like dozens of crazed fans all screaming out at once. eh... more like the two forums were thrown together in an unholy marriage.
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